Glad you found us Chipperoo!! As for the private forum, we're about to move to a new forum (unless all the quiet members show up and vote no...) so go ahead and get registered at the Embassy. We will have a new private fopum there. 
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ED, Greldon, Terl, accounts activated.
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But I do think that littlewotts would be a good PM. |
What does littlewotts think?
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What does littlewotts think? |
littlewotts is very humbled.
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I don't know if I even get any say as an honorary, but I think that LW would be great out of those who are willing to get it. Not to say that any of you wouldn't do fine, but you do seem to have the lead in it so far.
Just my 2 BCs.
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I would be honored to be our first Lord Knight, only if no one else wants the position.
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...A lone sentry sits staring at the endless series of information pouring into the Guardians Control Center. His 12 hour shift almost up, he rubs his eyes tiredly as he glances at the chronometer. He shifts in his chair, wishing only to settle into his bunk for a well-deserved rest.
It is then, and only then, that he notices a small blip on the comm station. Very faint and hardly noticeable. He struggles to hone in the signal. Finally, a short message begins in his headset...
"...attacked by Yor...ship support...failing...your Emperor..."
Shocked, the sentry immediately summons the officer of the day and reports his discovery. Soon, the hall is filled with curious officers and personnel, hoping to hear something from their Emperor who has been gone for three weeks, without so much as a goodbye.
Suddenly, the viewscreen erupts in an image of a beaten and injured Theoden of Rohan. His face scarred and bruised, his left shoulder jutting out at a peculiar angle.
"Galactic Guardians, I was attacked by a Yor cruiser on July 1st and my Avatar was seriously disabled. After a furious battle with them, I finally fell to their relentless attacks. Taking me back to their ship, they tortured me and kept me at the brink of death for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, an unknown ship attacked the Yor vessel and managed to rescue me. They wore strange space suits and could not be identified but they left me unharmed and dropped me off on a barely salvageable ship, which I have struggled to repair enough to contact you.
Never fear, brave warriors, your Emperor is returning!"
With that, the assembled crowd erupted in applause and cheering.
He had returned!
Hello everyone!
I had a devastating hard drive crash and have been unable to fix it until just now. I don't have any SD games (or anything else for that matter) so I'm busy downloading stuff. Along with the crash, I've also had a terrible two weeks at work and have been unable to even get near a computer to contact any of you. I'm very sorry I haven't been around for so long, but I'm back now and it looks like I've got quite a bit to catch up on!
Well, Stardock Central just finished downloading so I'm going to install it and start downloading Altarian Prophecy. While that bad boy is going, I'm going to mow the lawn so I'll talk to all of you later.
Theoden of Rohan is back and the Yor are in serious trouble.
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Theoden of Rohan is back and the Yor are in serious trouble. |
Three cheers for the Emperor!!!
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I will support you as Lord Knight. You can set up a poll if you want, but I believe that makes a majority of the Conclave that have already voiced their support.
All Hail Lord Knight littlewotts!

For Honor and Justice!
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And of course, our Emperor returns just as I post that last message!
Murfey was a Yor!
[Message Edited]
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Hey there's a little blurb about Brad (Frogboy) and glaciv/ over at Link
That's the site i first heard about galciv on, and Tyco's review made me grab the demo.
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And of course, our Emperor returns just as I post that last message! |
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Ah, Theoden returns. Glad to see you!
Of course, the timing is impeccable.
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Welcome home, Theoden! 
Yes, there is much to catch up on. I hope none of it displeases you unduely...
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I was wondering why the Yor all had those gruesome metallic grins.
Welcome back Emperor Theoden of Rohan!!
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Who's number 10. I'm number 10. Oh yah baby. Top ten Player. I'm so hot, the earth revolves around me. Party time. |
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