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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#14700  by Citizen Naqmir - 7/21/2004 6:24:36 PM

14700!! Sorry couldnt resist.
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#14701  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/21/2004 6:41:42 PM

Who's number 10. I'm number 10. Oh yah baby. Top ten Player. I'm so hot, the earth revolves around me.

Bravo ED!

#14702  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/21/2004 6:52:51 PM

Yea ED!

#14703  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/21/2004 7:12:52 PM

Thank you gentleman. Just opened an ice gold bottle of Sleeman's Honey brown Lager to celebrate A premium brew for premium player.

#14704  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/21/2004 7:28:51 PM

Who's number 10. I'm number 10. Oh yah baby. Top ten Player. I'm so hot, the earth revolves around me. Party time.

Time for a new goal for ED - #5

#14705  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/21/2004 7:43:11 PM

With the party just beginning over at the cript where ED and other Guardians are celebratinb the movement of ED into the top 10 , Weyr is concerned about damoose snacking on those Guardians who party too much and pass out. There must be a way to protect them until they come around and can defend themselves. Weyr calls his top researchers and explaines the problems. In literally minutes, they come up with a product that they had been working on for other reasons - a take off on the old NASA foil that you wrap up in to keep you warm in the cold. Well, this is a patent pending spun Yor Armor thread and woven into an extreamly light blanket. When wrapped in the blanket, the undead will not be able to chew through the Yor Armor (you all know, of course, that mooses have terrible teath and can only chew soft things like grass and occaisionaly bark from the tree). Weyr thanks his R&D staff and takes sevearl blankets with him to the crypt.

#14706  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/21/2004 7:43:26 PM

mumbel mumbel
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#14707  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/21/2004 8:11:55 PM

BTW: Anyone need a laugh? Go to Link and watch "This Land" by George Bush and John Kerry

#14708  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/21/2004 8:28:59 PM

Who's number 10. I'm number 10. Oh yah baby. Top ten Player. I'm so hot, the earth revolves around me. Party time.

Ough YEAH EDieeee !! I would open a bottle of Cristal Champagne for that!

@ Theoden, its SOOOOOOOOOO nice to see you back! I missed you alot!

@ LW: you got my vote for Lord Knight, aswell!

#14709  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 7/21/2004 8:43:30 PM

I hate dialup!!

I finally finished reinstalling Altarian Prophecy! Hmmm...maybe I can reinstall The Political Machine in about 12 hours.

Oh, well...I'm too cheap to get anything better so I guess I'll just have to live with it!

So tell me, what's new? I've noticed SDC is completely new and there's several games there now I've never seen before. I also noticed the Top 25 is getting to be a Guardian committee! I haven't been to the Senate Halls...are we still using it or did we move to the new Diplomat thingy?

BAH! I've lost all my links as well...can somebody post the links to:

The Alternate Metaverse
The Statbot
The Diplomats' Website
The Senate Halls
Anything else that I might enjoy

#14710  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 7/21/2004 8:44:28 PM

Oh yeah...and what's the gossip going around lately? I hate to be the last to know...

#14711  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/21/2004 9:03:30 PM

The Statbot Link

Ok, Attila got them before i could finish
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#14712  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/21/2004 9:03:33 PM Link thats Senate Halls Link altmeta Link Diplos web Link thats a statbot

#14713  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/21/2004 9:06:16 PM

and what's the gossip going around lately?

there have been diturbance in the force of the Metaverse: like evil guys getting pure good smilies(me myself, Naqmir, Kazz not sure who else)

Also as you can see there are 5 new Senators or Knights!

Anything else?

#14714  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/21/2004 9:17:08 PM

Well the American’s elected this George W Bush guy president. He thinks where there oil there must be weapons of mass destruction. No wait that’s a different reality.

We have been a little lost without you. So we have not been able to move forward as we would wish. We have decided that you need your own personal number 1 to help move things along. Meet Littlewotts our new Lord Knight and your new right hand. Also awaiting your affirmation our 5 new Guardian Knight.

Attila, GH, Weyr, Naqmir and myself. Your royal blessing would make it all official.

We our planning on moving over to the new Senate halls but this has been stalled because we lacked the ability to make decisions in your absence. No chain of command if you will.

And the best news if you have not noticed, Greldon is appearing daily on a limited basis borrowing his son in laws Internet connection for short periods.

#14715  by Citizen Greldon - 7/21/2004 9:17:13 PM

Welcome back, Theoden! Dial-up does indeed suck! I just appointed five new Knights....hope I wasn't out of line.

@ Terl: Life really sucks right now, except when I can escape for a time to Greldonize some Yor. This fantasy world actually helps me keep a grip on reality...weird isn't it.

WTG ED!!! The first page is getting a particularly singular appearance.

#14716  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/21/2004 9:19:58 PM

WTG ED!!! The first page is getting a particularly singular appearance

To resist is futile. Guardians rule.

#14717  by Citizen Greldon - 7/21/2004 9:26:27 PM

Good night all.....gotta go....see you tomorrow.

For Honor and Justice!

#14718  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 7/21/2004 9:30:32 PM

Congrats to ED reaching 10th place!

I see a treasure-laden pirate ship on your horizon!

#14719  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/21/2004 10:09:56 PM

I see a treasure-laden pirate ship on your horizon!

Aye Moser. Her sails look to be at half mass and she be cutting a deep path, laden she is with pirates gold.

#14720  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/21/2004 10:14:16 PM

BTW: Anyone need a laugh? Go to Link and watch "This Land" by George Bush and John Kerry

I got that earlier today too. Great stuff.

"Your a liberal sissie. Your a right-wing nutjob. Your a pinko commie. Your dumb as a doornob." Priceless.

#14721  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/21/2004 10:19:39 PM

And for the news. Theoden, we would be glad to set you up a area at the Embassy if you want. From what I hear, the Senate Halls are dead as a doornob. The forum is here: Link and feel free to register of course.

Life really sucks right now, except when I can escape for a time to Greldonize some Yor. This fantasy world actually helps me keep a grip on reality...weird isn't it.

That is sad to hear Greldon. But I find having something to escape to keeps you sane. Which is why I like blowing stuff up in computer games. You can get away with it.

#14722  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/21/2004 10:28:52 PM

So tell me, what's new? I've noticed SDC is completely new and there's several games there now I've never seen before.

Drengin has become totalgaming and the subscriptions have added some game from other companies. It has also been extendend and the price was raised. I am actually thinking about getting it now. Frogboy dropped a hint to galciv 2 betas in January as well.

I haven't been to the Senate Halls...are we still using it or did we move to the new Diplomat thingy?

We wanted to put that to a vote, so I asked for poll ability to do so. It's at the SH and it's looking like we are going to move to the shiny new forum. There are lots of cool features there. I have also taken the responsiblity of moving our posts from one forum to the other. There's lots of goodies at the SH we don't wanna lose.

#14723  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/21/2004 10:34:37 PM

One other thing, we are up to 44 members now, and Chipperoo has joined us at the SH. He'll need access to the Halls.

Whoops!!! 45 members, murgatroid has join the cause against the Yor!

For Honor and Justice!!!
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#14724  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/21/2004 10:56:43 PM

Hmmm, I think that you all covered most of it. Theoden, the discussions on the recent changes were scattered between here and the Guardian Halls. As has been said, 5 new Knights, and LW proclaimed "Lord Knights"

We seem to have lost bonscott to his disillusionment over "Black Friday" when we lost Loth. Also Major D to that and perhaps the GvE stuff. Mag has retired, but hopefully will be checking in at the Claw once in a while. Overall, the meta seems rather quiet except for the Diplomats and us, but some of the regulars are still around, and a couple of the "old ones" in GROSS have returned.

Sorry I missed the discussion this evening. I just had to finish up a game. Ugliest game I've had in recent memory. Drengin and Drath locking up the middle of the board. I was actually at cool/wary for most of the game with them both. Ready with TS when the Drengin graciously sold me their entire fleet, 2 trade goods and half a dozen techs for 1100bcs for life. Then the Fundies came along and took out the Drath for the win... Oh well, a 43k game netted about 27k, so I'll take it and move back to 33.

Oh, and whenever we get around to it, I wish to move the previous question on adding new honorary members. Also, if Theoden is restricted with dial-up only, we may want to consider the Webmaster appointment, unless lw wants to take it on as Lord Knight.

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