Theoden, sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I've been busy.
Account activated at Embassy, with Honarary Status bestowed.
As for the new forum, if you want to move over there, myself and Slothrop can probably have it ready within 48 hours at the latest, assuming he has no problem, but I do not think there is.
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Boom! or more like bang! with only about 3K. Must quit playing more than 2 games a day, it is too discouraging |
And I was going to complain about my 6.5k...
#14800 by Citizen Greldon - 7/23/2004 4:43:46 PM
I'll take this top of page!
Now I'm off to Greldonize some Yor! |
#14774 by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 7/23/2004 3:21:17 PM
Hello Guardians...
For Honor and Justice and Cheese Enchiladas |
It looks like things are getting back to normal
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Anyone know how to tell what political party the AI chose? This last game, I tried out Sinners and Saints and Research, Inc. The AI was rather subdued, but had 3 TG before '80. Could they have taken the Research Party?
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Extremely unlikely. More likely they were bribing many AIs to be flushed with cash, and rushed built.
Research Inc. is all but guaranteed to keep AIs away, save minors.
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Hey VoT! Thanks! By the way, is that a new shield? Spiffy!
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by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/23/2004 9:08:29 PM
By the way saw your post about 35 PQ. What mods help you get that |
Well, it kind of hard to say. I have almost all the mods installed, but I hardly play long enough now to make use of them, i.e. I end the game in alliance soon after 2090. when I played 3 to 4 hours per game, then they all came into play. but some that come to mind are the following that affect PQ (remember, it is not the individual planet PQ that causes an anomolus score, but the Planet Quality metric in the status page):
Culture Capital
Religious Capital
Economic Mogul
Life Seeding
Omega Tech
Dyson Spere
Omergo Center
Subarmar Envionmental Manipulation
Nano Environmental Manipulation
Research Inc. Political Party
Crystal shield
Planetary Paratron Shield
Enhanced Environmental Control
enhanced Terraforming
Aqua improvement
Aero Improvement
and ofcourse the ones in the unmoded game
All these add to PQ, some to specific planets, some to all of them. They all hike the Planet Quality metric which, as I mentioned, I have seen as high as 35. If it goes over 40 you get an anonmouls score. And I have had several of those.
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Hello everyone! Sorry about not being around much today, I had a really onoe. I'm off to take it out on some Yor and then I'll be back. And I must add that it's great to see 2 pages of posts for me to catch up on when I dropped in. More like it used to be.
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I'm using the Cultural and Religious Capitals, and theResearch Inc Political Party. I would also recommend the Omega Pack and Halut pack from Icho Tolot.
All together now...HOIST and TILT, aaaahhhh!!!! |
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Click the 'Library' button near the top of the page.
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can I put these SAME mods in my AP mods folder and will they work the same? |
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I'd like to add one other mod to my list: The mini-colony ship. It works great as it's faster than the standard unit, and the AI doesn't use it. With it's maximux capacity of 1000 Mil, it's easier to get people on it when colonizing lower PQ planets in the late game.
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