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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#14825  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/24/2004 10:15:06 AM

Boom! - muted of course with moose hide for the morning sleepers
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#14826  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/24/2004 11:53:25 AM

Chip, Myself and loopcub are in your time zone and LW never sleeps.
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#14827  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/24/2004 12:39:12 PM

Good morning/afternoon brother Guardians

#14828  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 12:49:42 PM

LW never sleeps.

The truth of that is disturbing.

And there's 2 BOOMS!! from me for today.

#14829  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/24/2004 1:05:51 PM

Can anyone tell me if AZ is mountain or pacific time? I'm working on a roster by time zone.

#14830  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 1:46:44 PM

Can anyone tell me if AZ is mountain or pacific time?


#14831  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/24/2004 1:47:39 PM

Weyr, what time zone are you in? I'm in the pacific and it seems like most everyone is posting in the afternoon.

We should post a list. As the Guardian Historian, I will take on this responsibility, so here it is.

The Glactic Guardian Roster by Time Zone
Note: *=Inactive ?=May be active, but not known to post

GMT/WUT (UTC) 4 members
Attila (GB)
* Dream Warrior (GB) (Honorary)
* Magnumaniac (GB)
* Primipilus Alexus (GB) (Honorary)

Eastern (UTC-5) 13 members
* bfwebster (US-DC)
* bonscott (US-MI)
damoose (Can - ON) (Honorary)
* Gandalftheredskin (US-SC)
Genghis Hank (US-PA)
* Jeffrey Pinard (US-MI)
* Lien2 (US-NY)
littlewotts (US-MI)
Naqmir (US-OH)
quiksilverhg (US-NY)
Terl (US-NY)
Theoden (US-VA)
Weyrleader (US-VA)

Central (UTC-6) 9 members
Greldon (US-TX)
* jc39 (US-LA)
? Jimbolux (US-IL)
Kitantho (US-IA)
* LordYuri (US-OK)
* Lothmorg the Black (US-TX)
* Stefan Amaris (US-LA)
Vision of Tomorrow (US-TN) (Honorary)
* undead bonzi (US-NE)

Mountain (UTC-7) 1 member
? curt2cool (US-AZ)

Pacific (UTC-8) 6 members
chipperoo (US-CA)
Exalted Druid (Can-BC)
loopcub (Can-BC)
* Major Dallas (US-WA)
? murgatroid (US-WA)
* rbloom (US-CA)

Hawaii (UTC-10) 1 member
? Omni 11 (US-HI)

Australia Eastern (UTC+10) 2 members
* Slayer MC (Not sure of exact location)
* zuff (Aus-NSW)

Unknown 14 members
* Adolf Kröppl
* Alarac Steele
* Ayx2378
* Cmnwlth
* Droid5150
* Folaoke
* heavensdoor
* Kezzza
* Lilos Stitch
* Mortis494
? MoseyingAlong
* Trscroggs

Please post any corrections and additions, and I will update the list.
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#14832  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/24/2004 1:59:12 PM

I think if we ever had a Guardian Convention, we would have to have it at Naqmir's house. That would put the biggest number of Guardians within driving distance.

Party at Naqmir's!

(Just kidding... )

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#14833  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 2:09:34 PM

I think we should have it Stardock. Boy, would they be suprised.

#14834  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/24/2004 2:21:55 PM

think we should have it Stardock. Boy, would they be suprised.

I'm sure they would fully cater the event

#14835  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 2:36:53 PM

Helps that is only about 2 hours from my house.

#14836  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/24/2004 2:57:24 PM

I'm up for a road trip! Where exactly are they? Detroit is only about 6 hours for me, so they can't be much farther. Can we get Brad to get us rooms for the night? Maybe he could write it off as a promotional event... have CariElf as the guest speaker... demo PolMachine and GalCiv 2... Hmmm...

#14837  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 3:04:45 PM

It's in a western suburb of Detroit. I worked over in that area back in 2002. I kind of know where their offices are.

#14838  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/24/2004 3:13:31 PM

Great. GH mind swinging up here to British Columbia and picking me and Loopcub up. Should not add more then a week to your trip.

#14839  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 3:20:12 PM

I really would like to do a galciv meet sometime this summer.

#14840  by Citizen Naqmir - 7/24/2004 3:21:26 PM

Party at Naqmir's!


Only problem with that is that it would have to be a dry party.

#14841  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 3:24:16 PM

dry party

No qualms from me.

#14842  by Citizen Greldon - 7/24/2004 4:03:18 PM

!!!MOOB.....I lost 9,925 mpts for this one.
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#14843  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 4:05:38 PM


It sucks that you are loosing some foe half the games. I hope this sorts itself out soon.

#14844  by Citizen Greldon - 7/24/2004 4:11:01 PM

It sucks that you are loosing some foe half the games. I hope this sorts itself out soon.

Me's starting to get pretty aggrivating.

#14845  by Citizen Greldon - 7/24/2004 4:16:55 PM

When I loose points, so does the Empire.

#14846  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 4:47:15 PM

Just remember, we're not about the points....well, maybe a little. Just have fun like always.

#14847  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/24/2004 4:55:26 PM

Party at Naqmir's!

Lets see, Naqmir is near Toledo so that's about 11 hours from me, Detroit is another hour or two, so this is a half day drive. And that is relatively close.

I'd be up for it, as long as it is before mid-August, I have to get ready for college, which starts end of August.

Oh, cool list GH. Thanks.
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#14848  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/24/2004 5:01:37 PM

And that is relatively close.

I know that feeling. I had to drive for my previous job. Longest one was from Kalamazoo, MI to Marquette, MI. It took me 13 hours as it was a freaking blizzard. Crossing the Mackinac Bridge was a bit scary that day. My van was slipping and sliding a bit in the wind.

#14849  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/24/2004 5:12:10 PM

Crossing the Mackinac Bridge was a bit scary that day.

That would scare the crap out of me. There is a bridge in Maryland that we used to take going to Rehobeth Beach, Delaware, over the Chesepeake Bay, and that was enough to scare me. A bridge over a frozen lake and the bridge covered in ice during a blizzard would be impossible for me.

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