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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#14900  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/26/2004 8:22:23 PM


Wow only 100 away from a major milestone.
[Message Edited]

#14901  by Citizen Greldon - 7/26/2004 8:39:05 PM

I sort of get the 1st big hit but why does continue on and on. Would discourage people from upgrading and coming back to the Meta. Somethings not right.


I don't want to quit, but with things the way they are, what's the point. I admit I'm a competitive person and the points do matter to me...if they didn't matter there wouldn't be any points to worry about. There isn't any good reason for Stardock to do to me what's been going on. There's no way what happened today could be related to aging. I'd challenge anyone to explain it to me, but I don't think anyone can. Honestly, it wouldn't make any difference if they could because no explanation would make it right. If Stardock corrected it and adjusted my score that would be different, but I don't see that happening. At least I'd be very supprised if it did.
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#14902  by Citizen Chipperoo - 7/26/2004 8:58:44 PM


I'm really sorry this is happening, but to echo the sentiments of my fellows, "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US"! I really enjoy the banter in here and it just wont be the same without our top ranked Knight to lend us at least moral support.

On a different note, "Hello page three, nice to meet you, I'll be leaving you soon for page two." (Special thanks to LW, Greldon, and all for the Mod advice!!! What a difference!!

Out for now to go maso on the galaxy!

#14903  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/26/2004 9:38:17 PM

Greldon, I am going to try to run your numbers and see what I see for a total. And I can run your numbers from before you returned if you wish as well.

But above all, please don't leave. Just drop by and talk every once and a while, or at least go to the Embassy. Please, I'm tired of people leaving because of system problems. I miss the people who don't come around any more.

#14904  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/26/2004 9:39:41 PM

Good night all.
Wacked the moose head (thrice) on the way to bed

#14905  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/26/2004 9:57:17 PM

G'nite WL.

the points do matter to me

Me too.

#14906  by Citizen Greldon - 7/26/2004 10:09:25 PM

Greldon, I am going to try to run your numbers and see what I see for a total. And I can run your numbers from before you returned if you wish as well.

Thanks VoT...Please do...I'd like to know what you come up with.

Good night, Weyr.

the points do matter to me

I've tried to pretend like it doesn't matter in the past, but it does matter and I feel like I'm being raped repeatedly.

#14907  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/26/2004 10:13:10 PM

I feel like I'm being raped repeatedly.

Could be damoose poking you from the hind end trying to get a bite.

#14908  by Citizen Greldon - 7/26/2004 10:18:15 PM

Could be damoose poking you from the hind end trying to get a bite.

I don't think so....I've never even whacked him.
besides, he'd take pieces, not points!
[Message Edited]

#14909  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/26/2004 10:19:23 PM

I've never even whacked him.

I have. A lot. I think I may have started that game...

#14910  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/26/2004 10:21:19 PM

and I feel like I'm being raped repeatedly

Big time!!

I just really hope that Stardock would come back to you and explain the reason or adjust your scoring back to what it was, but the problem is when there is some problem occurs, Stardock people got tendency to dissappear or go on "holidays" or any other excuses thay can make of not to answer and not answer the question we've asked. It just buggers me! I still didn't got the answer why i am pure good, while i am truely Chaotic Evil, i sent e-mail to Cari more than week ago, and she havent replied!

Just try to put your last effort to this, Greldon! i know for sure i would be now with a boiling tempreture if this would be happening to me! I mean, so much effort, so many Dr. Peppers + Pringles been eaten to get those metapoints and NOW what you get is decaying! Just unbelievable!

#14911  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/26/2004 10:22:20 PM

I'm sure GH could find out. I wonder if that started here or at the Canadian Thread? Probably here.

Greldon, going to try now. This might be fun since I am quite tired. Might have to wait until morning. I'll run the current numbers first.

#14912  by Citizen Greldon - 7/26/2004 10:28:12 PM

Thanks VoT...I'll check here tomorrow, get some rest.

Thanks for the support, Attila, littlewotts, VoT, Weyr and everyone. I will check in tomorrow.

#14913  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/26/2004 10:32:56 PM

Talk to you tomorrow Greldon.

#14914  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/26/2004 10:37:12 PM

Good night, Greldon!
And i better go myself to bed aswell...

As EDie had mentioned, there are some "beasts" lurkig in the house who might take some cables and i'll be stuck with Tele!

night night everyone

#14915  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/26/2004 10:39:24 PM

G'nite Attlia. I'm off to get some reading done.

#14916  by Citizen loopcub - 7/26/2004 10:39:30 PM

Hi everyone
I just got home and can now post. Can someone please give me the rundown on what is happening here.

#14917  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/26/2004 10:41:07 PM

Can someone please give me the rundown on what is happening here.

We've add 5 new Knights to the ranks, Naqmir, ED, Attila, GH, and Weyr. I've be promoted to Lord Knight to help Theoden when he is away, and we've open our new forum at the Embassy.

#14918  by Citizen loopcub - 7/26/2004 10:43:01 PM

I cannot get access to the Hall of Guardians in the diplomatic embassy. I chick on it and it says that I am forbidden from this site. Why?

#14919  by Citizen loopcub - 7/26/2004 10:50:19 PM

I fixed it sorry for the false alarm.

We've add 5 new Knights to the ranks, Naqmir, ED, Attila, GH, and Weyr. I've be promoted to Lord Knight to help Theoden when he is away, and we've open our new forum at the Embassy.

congrats to everyone who got promoted

#14920  by Citizen Chipperoo - 7/26/2004 11:24:25 PM

LW, I've got something to report for GG ears only. I don't want to step on anyones toes in the embassy by posting in the wrong forum, where should I put it? (By GG ears only, I mean only a SLIGHTLY embarassing oversight that probably should not be seen by the entire meta community).

#14921  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/27/2004 12:14:52 AM

All the forums in the new guardian halls our guardians and honaries only at most. So safe enough in any. Where all just getting the feel of it. I'd say the loft and bar one would be my choice.

#14922  by Citizen Chipperoo - 7/27/2004 1:46:05 AM

ty E.D. I will put it in the Loft then...

#14923  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 7/27/2004 2:18:45 AM

There's no way what happened today could be related to aging. I'd challenge anyone to explain it to me, but I don't think anyone can

I take the gauntlet.
First, there is a huge gap with 47 days without submitting. This is very huge.
Now, let's see what we have:
On 05/26/2004:
- block 0 (0-30 days): 54 games, raw total 3240K Mpts, with 5% aging 3240K Mpts, net points: 441K Mpts
- block1 (31-60 days): 101 games, raw total 6060K Mpts, with 5% aging 5757K, net points: 573K
- block2 (61-90 days): 76 games, raw total 4560K Mpts, with 5 % aging 4104K, net points: 471K
- block3 (91-120 days): 36 games, raw total 2160K Mpts, with 5% aging 1836K, net points: 306K
- block 4 (121-150 days): 20 games for 1200K Mpts, with 5% aging 960K, net points: 214K
- block 5 (151-220 days): 14 games, raw total 340K Mpts, with 5 % aging 255K, net points: 68K

Total on 05/26/04: 2073K

On 07/12/2004.
- block 0 (0-30 days): 1 game (1 entered, 54 left), raw total 60K Mpts, with 5% aging 60K Mpts, net points: 60K Mpts => loss about -481K
- block1 (31-60 days): 20 games (20 entered, 101 left) raw total 1200K Mpts, with 5% aging 1080K, net points: 255K => loss about -318K
- block2 (61-90 days): 98 games (76 left, 98 entered), raw total 5880K Mpts, with 5 % aging 5292K, net points: 534K => gain about 64K
- block3 (91-120 days): 76 games (36 left, 76 entered), raw total 4560K Mpts, with 5% aging 3876K, net points: 445K => gain about 139K
- block 4 (121-150 days): 57 games (20 left, 57 entered) for 3420K Mpts, with 5% aging 2736K, net points: 362K => gain about 148K
- block 5 (151-220 days): 45 games (36 entered, 5 left), raw total 2426K Mpts, with 5 % aging 1820K, net points: 271K => gain about 203K
- block 6 (221-290 days): 5 games entered, raw total 74K, with 5% aging 52K, net points: 23K => gain about 23K

Total on 07/12/04: 1951K
global gain/loss compared to 05/26/04: -481 - 318 + 64 + 139 + 148 + 203 + 23, roughly - 122K

On 07/25/2004.
- block 0 (0-30 days): 18 games (17 entered), raw total 1080K Mpts, with 5% aging 1080K Mpts, net points: 255K Mpts => gain about 195K
- block1 (31-60 days): 3 games (17 left), raw total 180K Mpts, with 5% aging 171K, net points: 99K => loss about -156K
- block2 (61-90 days): 51 games (17 entered, 64 left), raw total 3060K Mpts, with 5 % aging 2805K, net points: 386K => loss about -149K
- block3 (91-120 days): 101 games (64 entered, 39 left), raw total 6060K Mpts, with 5% aging 5343K, net points: 513K => gain about 68K
- block 4 (121-150 days): 76 games (39 entered, 20 left) for 4560K Mpts, with 5% aging 3765K, net points: 418K => gain about 56K
- block 5 (151-220 days): 61 games (20 entered, 4 left), raw total 3544K Mpts, with 5% aging 2658K, net points: 340K => gain about 69K
- block 6 (221-290 days): 9 games (4 entered), raw total 156K, with 5% aging 133K, net points: 36K => gain about 13K

Total on 07/25/04: 2047K
global gain/loss compared to 07/12/04: 195 - 156 -149 + 68 + 56 + 69 + 13 roughly + 96K

On 26/07/2004.
- block 0 (0-30 days): 19 games (1 entered), raw total 1140K Mpts, with 5% aging 1140K Mpts, net points: 262K Mpts => gain about 7K
- block1 (31-60 days): 0 games (3 left), raw total 0K Mpts, with 5% aging 0K, net points: 0K => loss about -99K
- block2 (61-90 days): 52 games (3 entered, 2 left), raw total 3120K Mpts, with 5 % aging 2817K, net points: 389K => gain about 4K
- block3 (91-120 days): 96 games (2 entered, 7 left), raw total 5760K Mpts, with 5% aging 4902K, net points: 500K => loss about 13K
- block 4 (121-150 days): 82 games (7 entered, 1 left) for 4920K Mpts, with 5% aging 3957K, net points: 435K => gain about 16K
- block 5 (151-220 days): 62 games (1 entered), raw total 3604K Mpts, with 5% aging 2706K, net points: 343K => gain about 3K
- block 6 (221-290 days): no change

Total on 07/26/04: 1965K
global gain/loss compared to 07/25/04: 7 - 99 + 4 - 13 + 16 + 3 roughly - 82K
The killer fact is that you have a block without any game in it. It is responsible for high variation if there are a few games in it.

[Message Edited]

#14924  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/27/2004 5:53:57 AM

The killer fact is that you have a block without any game in it. It is responsible for high variation if there are a few games in it.

Thanks for the analysis of Greldon's games, VoT. As Greldon said, understanding the math doesn't improve the results

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