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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15075  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/29/2004 10:29:37 PM

Currently watching That 70's Show. One of the worse episodes, but still not too bad.

I just couldn't get into that show.
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#15076  by Citizen Greldon - 7/29/2004 10:31:35 PM

See ya'll tomorrow....gonna call it a night.

For Honor and Justice!

#15077  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/29/2004 10:31:41 PM

I just couldn't get into that show.

I like stupid pointless shows. Why I watch The Simpsons still and I watch South Park.

Night Greldon!
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#15078  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/29/2004 10:36:59 PM

Why I watch The Simpsons still and I watch South Park.

Quality entertainment right there!

G'nite Greldon!

#15079  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/29/2004 10:41:01 PM

I like stupid pointless shows. Why I watch The Simpsons still and I watch South Park.

You call them STUPID!!! GET OUT!!!

They are Brilliant! DOH!! i got a poster of Bart writting stuff on the blackboard...
" i will not instigate revolution.i will not encourage others to fly.i will not fake my way through life.i will not trade pants with others.i will not sell school property. i am not authorised to fire substitute teachers.organ transplant are best left to the professionals. beans are neither fruit, nor musical. i will not send lard through the mall. i will not hang donunts on my person. nerve gas a not a toy. no one wants to hear my armpits... and many more stuff

Good night Chief!
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#15080  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/29/2004 10:44:08 PM

Those are great, Attila.

#15081  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/29/2004 10:49:56 PM

i got some more i could post full version in Jester's Corner.
But later maybe tomorrow i am quite tired... just want to go and sleep now

The other day, i went to bed and the bloody alarm went off somewhere in the neighbourhood... and i just couldn't fell asleep, couldnt close my windows for some reason, it was going off for a 1-2hours not sure...I swear to GOD i would kill that guy/girl who left that thing on!!!but i am sure half of my neighbours woke up at 4-5 am!!

Night night everyone!
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#15082  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/29/2004 10:52:35 PM

Nite, mate!

#15083  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 7/29/2004 10:53:13 PM

We do not prey on snacks! Hey, Neufy, do you pray over them then?

Thats a good one!

I usually pray that they are plentiful and tasty!

#15084  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 7/29/2004 10:54:58 PM

But according to the SA 12 step program I'll need to take my SA buddy with me. Weyr's away so I guess it will be LW

ED, I can be your SA buddy anytime you require one

#15085  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 7/29/2004 10:58:42 PM

Oops, did I just drop that link? I'm sorry.

You might have to take that one up with the boss though.
I think that he frowns on recrutment agents talking to us. It might also be in my NDA aggreement that I can't join your team until a period of 5 years have elapsed. That went into effect shortly after Tech left us.
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#15086  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/29/2004 11:03:49 PM

I guess I should poo-poo the recruitment in OUR thread, but oh well. Or how is it the Paguma says it? "Whatever."

#15087  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/30/2004 12:02:38 AM

Let's welcome our newest members! Teh Nifty and Spartan0691!!

#15088  by Citizen Naqmir - 7/30/2004 12:28:18 AM

BOOM!! Now thats more like it.Got 11k for that one.

Welcome to our newest members Spartan0691 and Teh Nifty. If you can drop by and tell us a little about yourself.

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#15089  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/30/2004 1:13:15 AM



Next, you'll need to work on the smiley

#15090  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/30/2004 7:05:00 AM

Well, Good morning/afternoon to everyone...


Wooo-hoooo! GREAT job Naqmir!!

As i see your smiley back to normal not like mine though still on Pure Good!

Welcome to our newest members Spartan0691 and Teh Nifty. Drob by, dont be shy guys, nobody bites here, except for a moose, Da Moose! .... this undead animal is just always hungry!


#15091  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/30/2004 8:30:12 AM

Teh Nifty and Spartan0691!!

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. Come join the fun, enjoy the game, kill the Yor, and watch out for damoose, he is really into virgin snacks. If you don't know about damoose, ask.
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#15092  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/30/2004 8:33:19 AM


Way to go, Naqmir. But, boy is your smiley ugley

#15093  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/30/2004 8:34:29 AM

Morning Guardians!

Would all Guardians please check in at the new Guardian Halls for a vote on a new issue.

Also, I only see about a dozen of us who have registered so far. Please remember to do so. The site is at Link

#15094  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 7/30/2004 8:43:54 AM

I enjoyed the first few seasons of the 70's show, probably because their ages are dead-on with mine. Simpsons and South Park are excellent, when I get time to watch them. As my 5 year old has grown up I developed a guilty pleasure of watching, of all things, Spongebob Squarepants. It's good-silly and they put just enough adult humor in to make me laugh.

#15095  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/30/2004 8:59:00 AM

Spongebob, that show is one of the most demented things I have ever seen. Though to be fair, I don't like most Nickelodeon cartoons.

Congrats on the black shield Naqmir!

As for the Embassy, it is exactly 12 that have joined. And I'll try not to forget anyone else who registers.

#15096  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/30/2004 9:15:49 AM

Good morning everyone.

#15097  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/30/2004 9:33:59 AM

Welcome to our newest members Spartan0691 and Teh Nifty.

Welcome to the party! By the way, I see 48 members - last I checked there were 45. Did we miss someone? I don't remember welcoming Wraith10...

So, welcome to the Guardians!

Please drop by the Ravens Claw (here) and say hello, and also register at Link so you can access our private forums - The Guardian Chambers - which are hosted there.

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#15098  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/30/2004 9:49:57 AM

Whoops, I missed one! Welcome Wraith10!!

#15099  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/30/2004 9:59:03 AM

Here's a new target for somebody to hit. Last night, Army No. Va. got a 60K Gig/Maso/Painful. Here's his record. Link

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