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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15100  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/30/2004 10:03:31 AM

I'm just grabbing the top of the page to make 5 straight I've gotten.

#15101  by Citizen Naqmir - 7/30/2004 10:11:29 AM

Whoops, I missed one! Welcome Wraith10!!

So did I.Welcome Wraith10!

Next, you'll need to work on the smiley

Yes.As Wery points out it is very ugly and I happen to agree.So pure evil smilie here I come.Now I wish I hadent played so many good games when I was first getting the hang of maso.

#15102  by Citizen loopcub - 7/30/2004 11:53:16 AM

welcome Nifty, Spartan0691, and Wraith10

#15103  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 7/30/2004 1:46:06 PM

I enjoyed the first few seasons of the 70's show

I like the 70s show. It is surprising how much of it I can relate to when I was that age.

#15104  by Citizen Chipperoo - 7/30/2004 3:14:16 PM

5 in a row LW, great job!!

(And thanks for your restraint in another song to achieve it)

#15105  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/30/2004 3:29:35 PM

Here's a new target for somebody to hit. Last night, Army No. Va. got a 60K Gig/Maso/Painful. Here's his record

I had a feeling. There were 50K+ painfuls on record. However, I'll leave that one to sombody else. I worked too hard on getting my red shield

#15106  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/30/2004 3:38:28 PM

welcome Nifty, Spartan0691, and Wraith10

I repeat myself except for Wraith - welcome Wraith. I only have one admonition - watch out for damoose. If you don't know why, join the ongoing party at the crypt where they put out lots of snacks.

#15107  by Citizen damoose - 7/30/2004 5:32:28 PM


#15108  by Citizen damoose - 7/30/2004 5:34:07 PM

60K Gig/Maso/Painful

OUCH. How wrong is that!?!

#15109  by Citizen loopcub - 7/30/2004 10:01:04 PM

there will be no game today from me. i tried three games but the first two I lost and the last one I got kicked out by my computer. My fault for trying gigantic.

#15110  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/30/2004 10:04:18 PM

My fault for trying gigantic.

No worries. My computer hates that as well. I tried a few today too, but just couldn't get started.

#15111  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/30/2004 10:42:05 PM

Must be Friday again. Slow day for chat, and apparently for playing and completing games - no BOOMS!
I see from the CSF thread that even damoose took the day off

#15112  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/30/2004 10:55:33 PM

Weyr goes to the lab, uses his secret key to enter the front door, making sure that no one tailgates him into the reception area. Continuing down the hall, he enters a top secret lab and turns on the lights. His fellow workers are busy, putting the final touches on a new secret device desinged to test the fortitude of damoose, if not his very being.

The device is small, about 3 feet tall. That should reach to about the middle of damoose's hindquarters, the most tender spot of undead flesh on his undead frame. Sort of corresponds to the left butt cheek of a normal Guardian.

It has taken a long time, with a lot of difficult scientific breakthroughs. The patent costs alone have been stagering. But we have been able not only clone one of these beings, but improve upon its makeup utilizing the latest in genetic code manipulations.

We have been unsuccessful in finding an undead subject to test our latest version on. Previous volunteers could not stand up to the rigor of the testing and tended to fall apart after the first attempt.

Now we have come to the hardest part - naming of our latest invention. As most people know, naming any project is the most difficulty part, so difficult in fact, that it is best left to the boss to select the name, because no matter what name you select, the boss won't like it and will change it anyway. So, just start with him. Here, though, we have a problem. The boss is out of town and won't be back until next week. We will have to name the project our selves and endure the scorn and ridicule when he returns.

What shall we name this miniture, undead moose butt biteing clone of a Halutian?
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#15113  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/31/2004 7:55:44 AM

Good morning Guardians. Almost 9 hours of sleep for this thread. Enough, enough. let's go kill some Yor

#15114  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/31/2004 8:16:10 AM

Good Afternoon Weyr!

#15115  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/31/2004 8:18:04 AM

Hi Attila, I see you are advancing up the ladder. I would expect to see you on page 1 soon.

#15116  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/31/2004 8:34:56 AM

hmmmm....kind of advancing... my last game was on 21! I think i am having a BIG gap now! I hope it wont be a big problem later on!

Yesterday i've started a game, with probably best posision ever, except for the part it not in centre or even close to!
But i have 5 Habitabal star systems, 2 of them have 26PQ, and another Star System having 3 Planets, and all that is on Rare Habitability!

We should use this map on playing succession game!

#15117  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/31/2004 8:35:57 AM

By the Weyrleader nice catch at CSF

#15118  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 7/31/2004 9:02:40 AM

Tolot is wondering where the Guardians got the genetic material of an halutian

#15119  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/31/2004 10:46:50 AM

That would be giving out our intelegence!

#15120  by Citizen loopcub - 7/31/2004 11:59:45 AM

Have a look at this new game. It looks fun. I don't know if you guys have played the game Dungeon Keeper 2 because this game is a bond version of it. Have a look at this Link.

I am not saying that i wont play galciv any more I am just saying that this game looks fun.

#15121  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/31/2004 2:20:08 PM

Tolot is wondering where the Guardians got the genetic material of an halutian

Icho, look to see if any of your hindquarters are missing.

#15122  by Citizen Chipperoo - 7/31/2004 6:03:36 PM

What shall we name this miniture, undead moose butt biteing clone of a Halutian?

How about Madoosa?
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#15123  by Citizen Chipperoo - 7/31/2004 6:04:25 PM

Wish I could euthanize my quoting effort above...

But thanks to editing feature, quote is now in white. Sorry, that was my first effort at quoting someone else's post.
[Message Edited]

#15124  by Citizen Chipperoo - 7/31/2004 11:32:35 PM


Nearly had an anomolous score there as my agents stole a tech that put a planet above PQ40 2 turns before "The End". Fortunately, the meta accepted it after I destroyed/abandoned the colony.

AAR (After Action Report)

Planned on a quick alliance victory, but the drengin and those pesky Korx just wouldn't go to close relations. Beacause the Drengin were the runaway race and were in the middle of the map, I chose to ally with every other race besides the Drengin and the Korx, and duke it out with them over time.

Because I was Research Inc., (I knew this might be a real challenge), I chose to gobble up all the resources I could. In the end I had 4 culture, 2 research, and 1 military resource SB maxed out. (It was nice to see the FULL tech tree provided in the Halut Pack (boy does this seem to increase PQ!!).

It ended by my invasion of the Korx (2 systems), and a combination of invasion/TS on the Drengin (around 12 systems). In the course of this I learned a valuable lesson...due to the negative impacts on fleet strength using the Research Inc. party, I used a TON of AMM's. (learning this lesson cost me about 35 to 70 turns of gameplay)

All in all, the only disappointment was that the Yor were not among the final "Chosen" group to be eliminated.

Happy hunting all...

For Honor and Glory

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