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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15125  by Citizen damoose - 8/1/2004 6:13:14 AM

Hummm... Minature halutians. Back to the labs boys!

#15126  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 8/1/2004 1:46:36 PM

Hi guys!

Just dropping in to let you know I'm still alive. I swear, work is going to get better!

#15127  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/1/2004 3:40:32 PM

Hello Theoden!

#15128  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/1/2004 3:43:26 PM

Just dropped in for a baby boom. Still stuck between the once and future Diplomat Emperors. BTW, welcome back DW. Drop in and have some grog

#15129  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 8/1/2004 4:12:52 PM

Nearly had an anomolous score there as my agents stole a tech that put a planet above PQ40 2 turns before "The End".

It isn't a planet with a PQ greater than 40 than raise the anomalous flag: it is to have a empire wide PQ bonus greater than 40.

#15130  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/1/2004 8:31:09 PM

Good Evening Lads!
Also dropping by just to show that i am still alive!
Been out last night, from 11pm-6.30am this morning! Its been a WILD night. Dancing all night through, couldn't move my muscles today... also had to work late today. I am so happy that i still can do things like that, i mean going out all night, getting waisted and then next day can still be O.K at work!

#15131  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/1/2004 9:04:27 PM

Nearly had an anomolous score there as my agents stole a tech that put a planet above PQ40 2 turns before "The End". Fortunately, the meta accepted it after I destroyed/abandoned the colony.

I am sure someelse has already answered this, but since I just got home and going thru a couple of pages of posts, I will answer anyway. The PQ >40 issues is not an individual planet problem, but a Galaxy problem. Look on the Statistics page and in the list in the upper left you will see a buch of abilities. scroll thru this list and you will find Planet Quality with a percentage give. It is this number that cannot go over 40 else you get an anomolous score.

#15132  by Citizen Greldon - 8/1/2004 9:14:22 PM


Hi, all. Barely got this game in...only one of the weekend for me. Babysat may granddaughters all weekend and they kept me real busy.

I'll check in tomorrow.

For Honor and Justice!

[Message Edited]

#15133  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/1/2004 9:52:41 PM

Good to see no more MOOB! for now.

#15134  by Citizen loopcub - 8/2/2004 2:04:16 AM


#15135  by Citizen Chipperoo - 8/2/2004 2:28:29 AM

Thank you PP and Weyr for that explanation, I NEED that kind of info as I am only on my 2nd or 3rd game with Mod's active.

Kick butt and take take names!!!

P.S. Last chance to have a chilly one before the work week starts (at least here in PST that is). GLUG GLUG GLUG, end of that 6er!!!

#15136  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/2/2004 3:33:35 AM

Hey Guardians. Was away a few days at my trailer. Welcome to our new members. Wyer, I'm glad to see have not slowed down on your R&D. May I suggest "The Loose Ka Boose Da Moose." for your newest invention.

(its late and I've had a few so thats the best I could come up with)

#15137  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/2/2004 7:16:10 AM

#15138  by Citizen damoose - 8/2/2004 8:42:48 AM

The Loose Ka Boose Da Moose

I'll have you gentlemen (and I use the term loosely) know that I work very hard to keep this sevlt figure! Loose Kaboose... Indeed! Harruph!

#15139  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/2/2004 9:33:44 AM

Morning Guardians. How was your 16 hour time period?

#15140  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/2/2004 9:58:38 AM

I would like to announce that we have a new member Raven-sb!!
Welcome on board dude!! Trust me you wont regret on this choise!

#15141  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/2/2004 10:23:58 AM

Welcome to the Guardians Raven-sb!

You will want to sign up for access to our private forums, kindly hosted by the Diplomats at the following link Link Though there isn't a lot there yet (we just moved them) look there for discussions on strategy and issues about the Guardians and the Meta in general.

And of course, we hope you will stop in here at the Raven's Claw regularly. Help yourself to some Grog and say hi to everyone!

#15142  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/2/2004 10:40:40 AM

Well, I made it up to 31 by passing Jaws and FreeTibet... or rather, by being passed by them as they got hit by the recalc. Jaws and FreeTibet were 1st and 2nd when I started playing (Greldon and Loth were 3rd and 4th).

My respects to former Number Ones.

#15143  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 8/2/2004 10:42:14 AM

Attila, Naqmir one of you around to take over the turn in the evil game??

#15144  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/2/2004 10:50:00 AM

Welcome Raven-sb!! Glad to have you aboard.

That's right Guardians, littlewotts is at home today.

#15145  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/2/2004 11:43:38 AM

Is anyone taking bets on Greldon having to pass the 2 million mark for a forth time. New nick should be Yo Yo.

#15146  by Citizen loopcub - 8/2/2004 11:44:07 AM

Welcome Raven-sb.

#15147  by Citizen loopcub - 8/2/2004 12:05:07 PM

Does anyone know where quiksilverhg has gone? I have not seem him around for awhile. Has anyone seen Slayer MC. I don't think I have ever read a post from him.

#15148  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/2/2004 12:07:08 PM

Does anyone know where quiksilverhg has gone?

I thought he had some military training going.

Has anyone seen Slayer MC

You'd have to go back about 300 pages to catch him. He's been gone for quite some time now.
[Message Edited]

#15149  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/2/2004 12:08:29 PM

Hey I just upgraded to TGN, and when I registered my new serial I earned 8k Mpts. Must have recalculated my score.

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