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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15325  by Citizen Greldon - 8/6/2004 6:30:19 PM

Congrats to the new Honorary Guardians!

#15326  by Diplomat Blue_Steel - 8/6/2004 6:42:25 PM

I {J.T.Qwerrk} stand up and move to the podium where littlewotts stands clapping...

J.T.Qwerrk: holding his hands together above his head.. and waving them in a victory shake several times...

and the Chearing get louder as I do so...

I then seperate my hands and like all great stars do to quieten the crowds of their adoring fans I try to dampen their chears so that I can be heard..

{after about 3 minutes of chearing and clapping rthe crowd finaly quietens down.. probably because they were loosing their voices from all the loud chearing.... and the clapping abaits itseld as their hands are all now sore from the rapture of clapping)

J.T.Qwerrk: Thank you.... Thank you... one and all...

As you all know I'm not one for speaches {grin}
And I really am at a loss for words.. But this brings back memories of another celibration.. and what I said then still hold true today...

"You Guardians would have been Derengin fodda extreatment if StarFleet hadn't saved your butts!!!!"

{The crowd goes wild.... chearing and clapping all over again....}

I signal for calm again...

but it doesn't work this time..

puzzelled.. I start dodging things that are being thrown at me... and what I thought was Chearing was actually Jearing and Boo'ing

I look across to littlewotts who isn't looking very happy...

what could be wrong....

Mr Squatty approaches me and I wispers to me that my universal translator has been tampered with... and that it had just translated what I said into an insult to the Guardians ...

I look up ... to see Khan standing at the enterance to the hall laughing and pointing at me....
and I hear faintly through the universal Translator " Look at the mighty Qwerk NNOW... "From his own mouth he Condems himself" and Gengis leaves the room.. in victory.....


Mr Squatty is finaly able to tell littlewotts whats happened and what I really said....

littlewotts gets the now Angry Crowds to settle down and he then explains that my universal translator had malfunctioned... and that what I had actually said was...Mr.Squatty didn't mention KHAN as not wanting to insite another Insodent

"Ask not what you can do for StarFleet .. But what StarFleet can do for you!!!!"

Mr.Squatty then gets us beemed off the podium and back to more familure settings.. On the Bridge of the EnterPwize ... and we continue on our mission.... trying to put this insodent at the presentation behind US...

((PS please forgive spelling errors.. just re-built my computer and still have to get a spell checker))

#15327  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/6/2004 7:52:00 PM

Access has been given to new members.

#15328  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/6/2004 7:54:25 PM

Who nominated that Qwerrk.

Congrats to all the new honoraries.

#15329  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/6/2004 8:39:25 PM

Finally, some new potential members for SA. Come on and join us at the next meeting in the Crypt for snacks and the finest drinks available anywhere

Congratulations, new Honary Guradians.

#15330  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/6/2004 9:43:38 PM

No worries littlewotts I'll reregister now. Thanks everyone for the congrats, I was really excited over last nights game and my beloved partner was in bed asleep at the time and I didn't think she would have been appreicate being woken up at 3am over a game. Funny that

#15331  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 8/6/2004 10:03:40 PM

Congratulations to the new honary Guardians.

ED have a good vacation. We will save all SA literature for you from the meetings that you miss.

#15332  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/6/2004 10:51:41 PM

ED have a good vacation.

Thanks, I'm still at work finishing up stuff right now. Hopefully no phone calls from work while I'm away. Making lots of notes. Course no one can read my printing anyway but it's the thought that counts.

#15333  by Citizen damoose - 8/7/2004 5:50:28 AM

To the new Honorary Guardians...


For Honour and Justice!

#15334  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/7/2004 9:24:26 AM

Wow I'm a Veteran now, funny I don't feel like a veteran - I mean I've only been here for just over a week.

Not that I'm complaining mind

How is everyone?

                     Posted via Stardock Central
#15335  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/7/2004 9:24:34 AM

hmm my difficulty icon hasn't been updated I'm still on cakewalk difficulty even though I've beaten the game on easy difficulty.

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                     Posted via Stardock Central
#15336  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 8/7/2004 9:29:04 AM

The dificulty is an average, not a maximum dif played

But I'm realy wondering about your Vereranhood. I mean nothing against you, but its strange
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#15337  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/7/2004 10:05:27 AM

Wow I'm a Veteran now, funny I don't feel like a veteran - I mean I've only been here for just over a week.

Must have friends in high places

I snuck in one game before leaving on holidays. It was a cakewalk the Cathnoids were my tech whores the whole game. I got all the wonders and trade goods I wanted. Had a massive tech lead over the majors at the end. Never had to give a dime of my BC's to get the alliance just used my techs.

The cathnoids had 5 planets next to my four and I traded techs with them the whole game giving them everything I had so they would keep up. Between the two of us no one else was even close tech wise. Kept everyone friendly or close just after my initial rush for the entire game with tech brides.

The funny thing was I never had any great planets. Earth was a 19 and my best other was a 16 and I got no colonizaton events. Never formed any trade route myself. Still had a great economy for the easy win.

#15338  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/7/2004 10:21:58 AM

Can someone please explain to me what it means to be a veteran. Is it a matter of points scored in the games?

Thanks for explaining to me about the diffultly icon

#15339  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/7/2004 10:54:42 AM

Well veteran Raven, veteran status is given by stardock to people that have contributed to the comunity I believe. Like Icho above, because of his contribution of mods and such. Your status is either a mistake or you have friends in high place. Anyway it's beyond our control. Just like when I'll the evil players had the happy face of pure good. Strange things happen in the Meta.

#15340  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/7/2004 11:01:11 AM

Raven you can check out your difficulty average at statbot Link

Click on galatic guardians empire at the bottom and then click on yourself for your own personal stats

#15341  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/7/2004 12:46:58 PM

Good afternoon Guardians! I think I'm gonna play a game today!

#15342  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 8/7/2004 1:05:11 PM

Hey guys, someone give me detailed instructions on how to register at the diplomats senate I must be clueless. I've clicked on every link I could see and couldn't find out where to register.

Something like:
First type this URL,
click on this link,
click on this other link,
enter name here.

You know detailed.
I feel like I've been missing out on a bunch of stuff from not being registered there.

#15343  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/7/2004 1:21:14 PM

The site is down at the moment, but ehre's the link Link Once you are registered there we'll get you setup to get into the private forums.

#15344  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 8/7/2004 1:21:43 PM

I'm guessing that Cyber NaNo reads the Guardian's thread.

For those who care, checkout Cyber NaNo (page 3 of the Metaverse). Dude, you're smokin'

For some reason Cyber doesn't get calculated in the Alternative Meta site. I don't know who does the maintenance for same but if they get a chance they might want to check on this anomaly.

#15345  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/7/2004 2:28:29 PM


#15346  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/7/2004 2:31:10 PM

For those who care, checkout Cyber NaNo

I noticed him a few days ago when I was checking Meta avg scores. I also noticed we have a new member! Let's all welcome joeblog2!!

#15347  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/7/2004 2:31:30 PM

GH, when did you get your Pure Evil smiley?

#15348  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/7/2004 2:36:51 PM

GH, when did you get your Pure Evil smiley?

About when the others were getting their pure good smilies of evil. Mine was earned, however, so it stayed.

I think it changed about 4.35 morality, not up to checking further at the moment

#15349  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/7/2004 2:54:50 PM

I've had my pure good smiley for a looong time now. My morality is like 1.13 or 1.12.

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