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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15500  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/11/2004 9:21:50 PM

And i just grab, before some hungry animal will take this nice peace

#15500 All mine, mine, MWAHAHAHAHAHA.... my precisous!

Oh, wrong reality!

#15501  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/11/2004 9:27:18 PM

Oh, wrong reality!

Wrong thread too.

#15502  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/11/2004 10:09:15 PM

Well, I'm back home now. Anybody else out there that can't sleep?

#15503  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/11/2004 10:42:02 PM

Guess not. I'll try to get some sleep now. I'll cach you all tomorrow.

#15504  by Citizen Chipperoo - 8/11/2004 10:49:02 PM

oooohhh LW say it isn't so...

Actually, my dad and I are telescope shopping online.

Do we have another amateur astronomer here!!!

#15505  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/11/2004 10:56:53 PM

Do we have another amateur astronomer here!!!

Yup. My dad has a Celestron Advanced Series 8" SCT w/ GO-TO. We've always been into astronomy, and then he finally got a scope. It's great. The viewing around here isn't always the best, but we have fun. I'm looking at a 10" Meade SCT or a 7" Meade ED Refractor.

#15506  by Citizen Chipperoo - 8/11/2004 11:06:38 PM

I am saving up for a Meade (or Celestron) 8" newtonian, or... dare I wish it a Celestron 11"GPS.'

I am also a member of the orange county astronomers (amateur astronomers club).

If you can, find your local am. astr. club... mine has star parties every other week, and owns land in the high desert about 2 hrs from my house. The people are great, and you get an opportunity to look through Dob's, Newt's, Scmidt/Cassegrain's, Sch/Muskatov's, and even home made 'scopes.

This will really help you in your search for the scope that fits your needs.

I'm looking into going for deep sky objects, with eventually some astrophotography, so less than an 8" is out of the question. (Every month I re-read the stats for the Celeston 11GPS in my Astronomy magazine subscription.)

Anyways, check out your local group and try to get to a star party... then you can check out all the different types of scopes out there, and chose the one that fits your needs best.

#15507  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/11/2004 11:10:18 PM

I also had problems sleeping, but in my case it was self-inflicted. I got caught up playing disciples 2 and the political machine and before I knew it it was 6am in the morning.

So many games, so little time!
[Message Edited]

#15508  by Citizen Chipperoo - 8/11/2004 11:10:37 PM

I'm off to scrap some more Yor LW, have a good night.

dark skies, and clear nights...

#15509  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/11/2004 11:12:34 PM

Hi Chipperoo,

Good luck on getting those Yor nibbles. Hope you have a great nights gaming.

#15510  by Citizen Chipperoo - 8/11/2004 11:15:20 PM

oops, think I just tried to submit one of yesterdays games... Gotta remeber to erase those saves that I'm done with...

#15511  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/11/2004 11:16:05 PM

Celeston 11GPS

I'm looking at that as well. Not too bad on the pricing. Our local astronomy club has a 14" Meade SCT at a site way outside of town. I'm in south-west Michigan, so it's sometimes difficult to get a nite with good transparency. I'm going to the next meeting of the KAS (Kalamazoo Astronomical Socicety) to check out some scope. Anyway, good nite.

Hello Raven!!

#15512  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/11/2004 11:56:42 PM

Hi littlewotts,

Hope you have a great nights star-gazing

#15513  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/12/2004 7:11:20 AM

Good Morning Guardians!

Hows the skies in Kalamazoo?
Hows the Yor snacks?

#15514  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/12/2004 11:58:36 AM

Good Morning Attila,

The skys down here in Auckland are great, freezing cold but great, as for the Yor snacks, well I just got my special pan fried extra large Yor pizza and man was it gooooood

Hows things with you?

#15515  by Citizen Greldon - 8/12/2004 2:08:37 PM

BOOM!!!...The Metaverse is so screwed up...I got 49,964 mpts for this game. I don't have a clue...don't think Stardock does either. Oh well!

#15516  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/12/2004 3:10:35 PM

I'd say at this point just take it and run, quickly.

#15517  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/12/2004 3:37:49 PM

I got 49,964 mpts for this game

Wow, I don't think I have ever gotten that many points

I'd say at this point just take it and run, quickly


#15518  by Citizen Greldon - 8/12/2004 6:00:59 PM

I got 49,964 mpts for this game. I don't have a clue...

I just noticed that it's the one month anniversary of my first day back....don't know what that has to do with anything...

#15519  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/12/2004 6:23:18 PM

Evening Everybody...

Hows things with you?

I am good, just came back from work, it was dead, revenue for today was half of the normal day! Couldn't believe it! Good news, that tomorrow i am gonna see my girl again.

I got 49,964 mpts for this game

Great news, mate! Lets just hope that it wont be the last one!
Though my ercord was ~60,120 per one game(i still cant figure it out, how the heck it could post over 60k) but i am sure, even positive, that that was right numbers...

Can anybody tell me when my BIG booms would happen?!

#15520  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/12/2004 9:54:22 PM Link

Paguma's Calculator. Probably easier than bugging Peace all the time. Also easier than running the numbers yourself, if you're lazy.

#15521  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/12/2004 9:59:14 PM

Alrighty i'll check it on morrow, I better go to sleep now, coz otherwise i am gonna cleen out all my fridge!

#15522  by Citizen Greldon - 8/12/2004 11:45:18 PM

Wow, I don't think I have ever gotten that many points

Probably never lost 120K for one game either!

#15523  by Citizen damoose - 8/13/2004 4:04:35 AM

Probably never lost 120K for one game either

Ouch. But...

#15524  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/13/2004 5:13:37 AM

Probably never lost 120K for one game either!

true, soooo true

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