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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15575  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 8/16/2004 11:05:49 PM

Top post preserved in embalming fluid! Time to crawl into my crypt and go bedy bye
[Message Edited]

#15576  by Citizen Chipperoo - 8/17/2004 2:05:31 AM

LW said...
To steal a phrase, getting some Yor-num-nums?

I find that the Yor's smashed parts work well as toothpicks and wall art, and although I have never tried to taste them, the feeling I get when I smash them IS equivalent to the consumption of a good meal.

#15577  by Citizen Greldon - 8/17/2004 9:01:13 AM

Hello Guardians. Everyone must be very busy.

#15578  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/17/2004 9:33:39 AM

Hello Guardians. Everyone must be very busy.

Been busy playing Diciples II. Intrigueing game.

#15579  by Citizen damoose - 8/17/2004 10:16:06 AM

What?!? No Yor-yum-yums?

[Man that a cool phrase... ]

#15580  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/17/2004 10:27:48 AM

Been busy playing Diciples II. Intrigueing game.

I got through the Elves saga and got an error exporting my leader. I guess once you play the saga, that's it? No games beyond?

#15581  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/17/2004 10:42:48 AM

I got through the Elves saga and got an error exporting my leader. I guess once you play the saga, that's it? No games beyond?

When you start the game there are two sagas to play. The second one requires a hero at level 10 to start. The first saga has multiple sub-sagas in it and I have not finished them all yet. I am at level 8 right now. I wish my other players would export as well. I hate starting them over from level 1 or 2 at the most. In the game I am in, I can kill most everyone before they even get a lick in

#15582  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/17/2004 10:44:29 AM

I really need to get a game of GC AP in. I have one, but I am having trouble submitting it. I played it on a difference computer so all my SNs are not up to date. As soon as I figure that out I will play AP again. I have been trying to get in one game a day, but the last few days have been taken up with other joys in life.

#15583  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/17/2004 10:50:59 AM

When you start the game there are two sagas to play. The second one requires a hero at level 10 to start. The first saga has multiple sub-sagas in it and I have not finished them all yet. I am at level 8 right now. I wish my other players would export as well. I hate starting them over from level 1 or 2 at the most. In the game I am in, I can kill most everyone before they even get a lick in

Yeah, I got my Elven mage up to 18th level, managed to max out her lightning bolts at 300 damage, and gave her something like a 70 init. Things just died - very fast!

#15584  by Citizen Greldon - 8/17/2004 12:26:08 PM

BOOM!!! I'm just playing GC/AP and Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon. My Morrowind character is a level 105 Imperial whack kills all!

#15585  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/17/2004 1:05:55 PM

one whack kills all!

#15586  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/17/2004 2:10:37 PM

Fear not, I've been getting my daily alotment of Yor num-nums. I've also been spending time playing Disciples 2 and the Political Machine. So many games so little time

                     Posted via Stardock Central
#15587  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/17/2004 2:10:48 PM

Fear not, I've been getting my daily alotment of Yor num-nums. I've also been spending time playing Disciples 2 and the Political Machine. So many games so little time

                     Posted via Stardock Central
#15588  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/17/2004 2:17:34 PM

drat double post sorry guys

                     Posted via Stardock Central
#15589  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/17/2004 3:19:33 PM

Good afternoon everyone! Good news! It looks like I might be able to get hired at my job rather than be a temp (as I've been for the last 3 months). On the flipside, I'll be working nights, so I'll be around more during the day rather than ye old night shift.

#15590  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/17/2004 3:36:04 PM

Uh-oh. More meta weirdness, we've lost Terl again. Hopefully he comes back soon, and gets beack in. Stupid Meta.

#15591  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/17/2004 4:55:07 PM

got through the Elves saga and got an error exporting my leader. I guess once you play the saga, that's it? No games beyond?

i got through Dwarves' saga and got up to level 13, also couldnt transfer my hero to another saga!
I think there is a problem, some kind of bug!

#15592  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/17/2004 5:09:30 PM

Good news! It looks like I might be able to get hired at my job rather than be a temp (as I've been for the last 3 months).

Great news! LW... good luck there!

Me myself, actually still working on a temp contract, but i am doing full-time hours, getting paid hourly, which is in a Long-term better then a set salary!

#15593  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/17/2004 6:29:34 PM

I've been getting as much as 14 hours overtime even as a temp. If I get hired in, i'll get a nominal pay hike.

#15594  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/17/2004 7:25:01 PM

Homer's (and littlewotts's) Beer Song:

Do - the stuff I buy beer with,
Ray - the guy I buy beer from,
Mi - the guy I buy beer for,
Fa - the distance to the store!
So - I think I 'll have a beer!
La - la la la la la la laaaa!
Ti - no thanks, I'm drinking beer

~looks into empty bottle~


#15595  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/17/2004 8:31:34 PM

#15596  by Citizen Greldon - 8/17/2004 9:08:16 PM

#15597  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/17/2004 9:39:55 PM

I fixed my empty bottle problem.

#15598  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 8/17/2004 10:01:03 PM


#15599  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 8/17/2004 10:01:27 PM

~still lurking~

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