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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
1- Yes
2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15650  by Citizen Greldon - 8/20/2004 8:19:29 AM

Good morning Guardians!

Congrats Attila!

#15651  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/20/2004 8:29:48 AM

Hey Greldon!

I've been back working on the Journal and just made it to the night I joined. Wow, those were the days...

#15652  by Citizen Greldon - 8/20/2004 8:51:16 AM

Hey GH....Yeah, the good ol' days! Sometimes I wish I could live in the past....but then reality smacks me on the head!

....but I'm much better now.

#15653  by Citizen damoose - 8/20/2004 11:09:48 AM

Attila... Grats!

#15654  by Citizen Greldon - 8/20/2004 2:35:18 PM

BOOM!!! We got 5,573 mpts for this step forward, two steps back. We'll be taking a huge hit on the 26th....about 84K, I think. That's what I'm expecting, anyway.

#15655  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/20/2004 3:54:30 PM

Old poll closed, new poll open in the Guardian Halls. The old poll only had 7 votes and the winning option won by 1 vote. Please vote in the new poll. It runs 'til Monday, 8/30

#15656  by Veteran Raven-sb - 8/20/2004 4:41:59 PM

Hey Attila thats great news, congrats on your results and on getting into Uni I'm sure you'll enjoy your course.

                     Posted via Stardock Central
#15657  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/20/2004 5:19:09 PM

LW, the list through April 10:

2.04.04 Theoden of Rohan
2.05.04 Naqmir
2.06.04 Droid5150 (From ANZAC)
2.10.04 Jeffrey Pinard
2.11.04 littlewotts
2.15.04 Terl (From FotR)
2.15.04 Greldon (From FotR)
2.16.04 Lothmorg the Black (From FotR)
2.20.04 rbloom
2.23.04 Omni 11
2.24.04 bfwebster
2.24.04 Mortis494
2.27.04 SlayerMC (Monte Carlo)
3.04.04 Magnumaniac
3.11.04 undead bonzi
3.11.04 Exalted_Druid
3.12.04 Folaoke
3.12.04 Attila
3.16.04 Genghis Hank
3.19.04 Heavensdoor
3.20.04 Cmnwlth
3.21.04 bonscott (from Apolyton)
3.29.04 LordYuri
4.01.04 Alarac Steele
4.03.04 Gandolftheredskin
4.04.04 Major Dallas
4.06.04 JAYHAMM
4.09.04 Lilos Stitch
4.10.04 Tiber87

#15658  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/20/2004 6:23:32 PM

Where the heck is everyone? Only half a page today? Why, back in the day, we were posting 6 to 8 pages a day...

#15659  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 8/20/2004 7:46:50 PM


#15660  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/20/2004 7:53:11 PM

I am back from work aswell!

Anyone lurking??

Hi Icho! How are you mate?

#15661  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 8/20/2004 8:01:54 PM

alive, prepering for some exams, working on some new mods, doing other students activities

the usual

#15662  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/20/2004 8:05:28 PM

summer exams??!

Where are you studiing? What are doing?

#15663  by Citizen Lordadmiral Atlan - 8/20/2004 8:07:26 PM

A dark clad stranger appeared in the silent Claw

Drops an envelope at the big round table that is usually full of Guardians Link

As silent and fast as he appeared he vanquished again

#15664  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 8/20/2004 8:10:03 PM

summer exams??!

Where are you studiing? What are doing?

Yea, second half. Higher math II, Anorganic Chemistry and two exams in Mechanics

I'm studying at University Dortmund, chemical engineering

#15665  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/20/2004 8:10:04 PM

LW, the list through April 10:

Hey, where am I?

#15666  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 8/20/2004 8:31:25 PM

I'm studying at University Dortmund, chemical engineering

Cool! I'm a PhD chemist (inorganic/organometallic).

#15667  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/20/2004 8:36:41 PM

A dark clad stranger appeared in the silent Claw

Yeahhhh... right! let me guess who was that... maybe ICHO!! Stefan,let me give you a hint on how to disguise yourself, change your name

Higher math II, Anorganic Chemistry and two exams in Mechanics

Thats cool! I was good at Organic Chemestry at my High School... one of the best students in the class... But that was in high school...

#15668  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 8/20/2004 8:42:35 PM

Yeahhhh... right! let me guess who was that... maybe ICHO!! Stefan,let me give you a hint on how to disguise yourself, change your name

You must mistake me with somebody else

#15669  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/20/2004 8:56:55 PM

You must mistake me with somebody else

Oh! Sorry then! Mistake, you know its a bit late...

#15670  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/20/2004 9:12:22 PM

Hey, where am I?

Well, if I remember Weyrleader, you didn't join the Guardians until later - May or June? Please tell me if I'm wrong...

PS: We are glad that you did finally join us here. Just that the list was meant to represent the dates each joined the empire. For example, my personal history extends back to Feb, but I only appear in the histories starting with my join date of March 16

[Message Edited]

#15671  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/20/2004 9:26:26 PM

Uuugh. undead bonsi played for a week, working his way up from beginner to crip, then joined us, then played one more day, then quit!

#15672  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/20/2004 9:36:03 PM

OK, Febuary and March editions of Guardians Journal are available in the Halls. Whew!

I'm close on April. I'll try to wrap it up this weekend, but no more for tonight!
[Message Edited]

#15673  by Citizen Chipperoo - 8/20/2004 10:23:08 PM

As I said in the halls...


We appreciate a history of our fellows...

#15674  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/21/2004 12:41:46 AM


Soon, I think.

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