Thought I'd take it.
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Good evening Guardians
Just dropped in to drop off a medium BANG for 55K. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I go back to work tomorrow morning, first day back in over 2 weeks
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first day back in over 2 weeks |
Good luck! I'm moving to my new shift tomorrow, at 8pm. Blah.
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Oh, and on a side note, html is a b-tch.
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Good luck! I'm moving to my new shift tomorrow, at 8pm. Blah. |
Ooof! That's an odd one. Not quite second shift, not really third.
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Oh, and on a side note, html is a b-tch. |
It's been a little while since I played around with it, but I'll help you if I can. Anything specific?
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Just stoped playing DII, got this game just hipnotize you, and you want to play other turn, and another, and just one more... oh! go on one more... and that one more move took me another 3hours... Now i am playing last mission on Empire's Saga, Anyone played?? I just got question, for now i am allied with Mountain Clans, but will they betray me a little after ?! |
I played the Elves the whole way through. Only played the first 3 games or so of the Empire. It was my experience that the Clans hose you time after time. I just went after everybody and didn't worry about the alliances - the only goal I had was leveling up my main character to max each level.
If you really want the spoilers, they are available at gamfaqs.com - walkthroughs for each race.
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It's been a little while since I played around with it, but I'll help you if I can. Anything specific? |
Just time consuming. I'm tyoping it by hand. The GUI the page has is crap.
So what you'd be finishing??! 6am? 8am? |
6am. I work four 10 hour days. then I can grab a little OT on the weekends.
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G'nite. I'll be up for a few more hours.
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Just time consuming. I'm tyoping it by hand. The GUI the page has is crap. |
Any way to download the code, edit it in another editor, then copy and paste it back up?
'night Attila
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hey, dont forget its 5.30 am in London! |
Guess that should be Good Morning then...
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Any way to download the code, edit it in another editor, then copy and paste it back up?'night Attila |
Yeah. I'm using CuteHTML Pro 5 right now. But I'd rather code it. I'm just like that.
Good Morning. It's 1:00 AM here.
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Welcome back ED!
You have to get a game in every 30 days or less to avoid loosing points via an empty block. I suppose it's possible to loose points even with the one game per month if you had a huge block moving with a small block to come back with - say you played 40 masos last month and you came back with a lone small cakewalk game...
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I'd play one more, but I played one yesterday...I think.
The Award Chamber should be up to date now. Or close to up to date.
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I haven't been very well (still rather ill) so I may not be around very much. |
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
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