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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15775  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/24/2004 5:11:40 PM

Hey LW... nice to hear from you mate!
Heh, i give two weeks time and you will be OK and feel great working at night...

Like i do... cant imagine myself waking at 6am and going to sleep at 10pm
I'd rather go to sleep at 4am and wake up 1 or 2pm

Happy day!

#15776  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/24/2004 5:17:09 PM

I get up around 1 or 2 and get to bed 6 or 7. I think this will work out soon. I'll love it come Friday night!

#15777  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/24/2004 5:39:02 PM

you know whats the best point out of it?
Is that when you're going out, everybody feels sleepy and dull, when you are on TOP of the things

#15778  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/24/2004 5:49:40 PM

everybody feels sleepy and dull, when you are on TOP of the things


#15779  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/24/2004 6:15:59 PM


everybody feels sleepy and dull, when you are on TOP of the things

LW you always feel that way after a few beers.

#15780  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/24/2004 6:21:37 PM

Link to the Buffalo theory of beer drinking. Link_archives/2004/6/21/92289.html

funny and hopefully true

Link does not work because of under score I think. You can click and paste the rest _archives/2004/6/21/92289.html after clicking and it gets your there

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#15781  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/24/2004 6:41:15 PM

I saved that pic.

#15782  by Citizen _Attila_ - 8/24/2004 7:27:36 PM

Thats Brilliant Theory!
I love it, i think i have to remember it!

#15783  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/24/2004 7:33:46 PM

I love it, i think i have to remember

Better have a beer Attila to help you remember

#15784  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/24/2004 7:41:55 PM

I love it, i think i have to remember

Now, if you belive that theory, then you will certainly belive the following - students, take note!
The question is "why study?" The more you study, the more you learn, the more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more you forget, the more you forget, the less you know, so why study?

#15785  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 8/24/2004 7:48:54 PM

Sheesh Guardians, I haven't seen this much puking since I got horned into working a double shift at the Hanni-Barrel ride at Six Flags. I think the funniest moment was when some kid puked up chunks of a foot long hot dog (he must have washed it down with an orange soda). He induced at least two others to throw up and the hot dog pieces were bouncing all over the place like rubber bullets. Oh yea, some gal was all the while yelling "It's in my hair, It's in my hair".

Good times, good times

#15786  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/24/2004 8:00:23 PM

Just got to get one more in for the evening - Happy day

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#15787  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/24/2004 9:19:00 PM

Good times, good times

Worth the price of admission right there I bet.

#15788  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/24/2004 10:47:05 PM

Hey Guardians. Sorry I haven't been around, see the post in the Diplo Channel.

Just because.

#15789  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/25/2004 12:02:15 AM

Well, now that THE _ DAY has ended...

I have noticed others remarking that the forum is dead, the game is dead, and it's time to wrap it up until GCII comes out. I want to state that I intend to keep hanging out in the forums and tossing in at least an occasional game for the forseeable future. I hope some of my brother Guardians and some of the other regulars that remain feel the same, or it's going to be rather lonely...

#15790  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/25/2004 12:33:45 AM

As you may have noticed, I seem to have given up on the game. I sometimes try to play a game, but I get bored with it early on in the years. It just feels too routine. I think with GCII I am going to purposely avoid reading any strat ideas and just run with what I feel like doing. It will keep me occupied longer. For instance, I have never played a game of CivIII above whatever the second-easiest level is, because that is still fun for me because I can beat down the AIs, but I have to try a bit. I think the Maso techniques beat the fun out of me.

But I'll still be around. I'm sure I would have quit some time ago if it wasn't for the community. I enjoy talking with you guys every day.

Also, when GCII comes out, will the last one to leave the Metaverse please turn the lights out?
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#15791  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/25/2004 12:42:35 AM

Hey VoT!

Glad to here that you will at least be around in the forums. The game was starting to get to me too back when I was turning nearly one a day in. That's why I dropped to just a game or two a week. There's been a couple of times where I just didn't want to start another one. Then I'd start looking at the meta scores again and start thinking "if I just toss a couple of games in I could move up...". I have started moving on to other games now, but GC has become one of those "I'm too tired to get involved in a massive game so I'll just play this" games. We'll see. Anyway, I'm hoping we can keep a core together to move over to a GalCiv 2 metaverse and start it off right. And to PolMachine too if they ever get the meta up.

#15792  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/25/2004 1:02:59 AM

And to PolMachine too if they ever get the meta up.

I just saw your post about the metaverse and Brad saying that they won't have it running until after the election. So this is still going to be the only meta in town for a few more months *sigh* Hope there will be something left by then.

#15793  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/25/2004 1:28:56 AM

Yeah. I figured that if I bug him enough, they would finally get around to answering that one. But the fact that they left it around on the tabs for so long encourages me that it will be one day.

As for one a days, I never even did that. I think my most productive month had about 10 games in it. On checking, my best 30 day period was 14 games and that was when I started. After Maso, I dropped of radically. So I never did that, but the standard start they game has makes it harder to go into. I can still play CivIII because the start is random every time. On big maps I can expand at will, but with GalCiv, it is a must, and a quick must, or you lose.

As for the Meta, it is just simply too far to go for Top 25, my original goal. But that was way back when the top place was under 1 mil, and you only needed a quarter mil for the top 25. With my current score then, I would be way up there.
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#15794  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/25/2004 5:43:13 AM

Good morning Guardians.

#15795  by Citizen Lord Wotts - 8/25/2004 6:22:11 AM

Good morning littlewotts.

#15796  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/25/2004 6:23:26 AM

Oh hello, evil twin. How are you this fine morning?

#15797  by Citizen Lord Wotts - 8/25/2004 6:24:37 AM

Pretty good. And yourself?

#15798  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/25/2004 6:27:04 AM

I'm am doing just fine. Got off work about an hour ago, and I feel good. I was getting ready for bed, but I thought I'd stop in at the forum for a spell.

#15799  by Citizen Lord Wotts - 8/25/2004 6:28:38 AM

Glad to hear things are going good for you. I must take my leave as well, so I'll shall see you on the flip-side.

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