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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15800  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/25/2004 6:29:39 AM

See you later, Lord Wotts.

#15801  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/25/2004 6:31:01 AM

This mindless drivel has been brought to you by:

ME -> littlewotts


HIM -> Lord Wotts

because I was bored and needed something to do.

#15802  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 8/25/2004 6:41:14 AM

First sign of craziness is when you start talking to yourself.

The first sign for the rest of us is when we actually start listening / reading to see if you have anything intersting to say.

#15803  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/25/2004 7:17:43 AM

thought I'd stop in at the forum for a spell.

Good morning, LW. I think that sleep deprevation has you talking to yourself again

#15804  by Citizen Greldon - 8/25/2004 7:56:27 AM

Good morning Guardians.

I have my doubts as to whether the Metaverse will be any different for GCII. I haven’t seen anything from Stardock to indicate that it would be. Since I’m not a CASUAL PLAYER (as someone is so fond of saying) I doubt I’ll be buying GCII. This is a great community but the Meta sucks, IMHO. The self flagellation is really starting to get old. I’m submitting a game a day and I have fewer points now than I had eight days ago. When I submit a game tomorrow I fully expect to lose more than 84K mpts. What’s the point (no pun intended).

#15805  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 8/25/2004 9:47:12 AM

I doubt I’ll be buying GCII.

I know that the Metaverse as it is today sucks but I won't let that stop me from buying GC2. I like GC despite the metaverse. I don't play to crank out games for a metaverse score.

Frankly, I think that getting onto the top 25 is almost unobtainable for most players now. Moving up the ranks in the top 25 is even harder unless you are playing consistantly.

No one will ever catch Technician because I think he is insane ... Who can play at that rate for that long ...

#15806  by Citizen Greldon - 8/25/2004 10:47:12 AM

!!!MOOB!!! Well it didn't wait until tomorrow. I just got smacked for 75,634 mpts. I think that'll about do it for me.

I'll check in from time to time...good luck to everybody!

For Honoe and Justice!

#15807  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/25/2004 11:11:37 AM

I'll check in from time to time...good luck to everybody!

Greldon, sorry to see you go, but I fully understand. My time in the game is probably growing shorter as well, depending on a few other things.

#15808  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/25/2004 11:14:43 AM

Greldon, I think that we really should go after Stardock to fix the Metaverse for GC2, but we need the ideas. Lets get that thread going again at the Embassy. If we get a better idea for them, the game will be even better.

BTW, you can also drop in at the Embassy. That place will always be open as long as two people show up.

#15809  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/25/2004 11:38:11 AM

I have posted a new thread in the General Forum as "Open Letters to Stardock - Plese Fix the Metaverse." Please go add your plea, suggestions, comments, etc. Ask them to respond, Let's see what they do.

#15810  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/25/2004 3:43:51 PM

This is littlewotts, coming to you live....well...I guess that's not quite right. Damn. Anyhow, I'm sitting at my parent's house now. They aren't home yet, but I figure by me being here when they get home from work, I can mooch dinner. The only thing better than free food is free beer.

#15811  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/25/2004 4:04:17 PM

The only thing better than free food is free beer.

I agree with the food part. I don't know how good a cook you are, LW, but if you drink your dinner more than once, you proably will enjoy a home cooked meal

#15812  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/25/2004 5:34:10 PM

I don't know how good a cook you are

Actually, pretty good. I made chili this morning, but I won't be able to dig into it until tomorrow. Had to let it slow cook for 10-12 hrs.

#15813  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/25/2004 5:43:11 PM

Chili and beer LW. Now there a recipe for being armed and dangerous

#15814  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/25/2004 6:00:00 PM

Weyr, next time please don't bump EVERY thread. Too much clicking to get rid of the blue things.

#15815  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 8/25/2004 6:06:34 PM

Now there a recipe for being armed and dangerous

Yep, and the better the Chilli the bigger the danger
(reminds me of the diabolic one i had yesterday, that was fun

#15816  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 8/25/2004 7:35:25 PM

I noticed the LWs (Littlewotts and Lord Wotts)discussion. It reminded me of a set of rules I use:
It's okay to talk to yourself
It's okay to argue with yourself
It's not okay to lose those arguments

LW, concerning your chili, if you really want to make a wicked combo, serve the chili over fried eggs, cheeseburger patties and hashed brown potatoes (called a "slinger"). The eggs/chili/beer combo will later bring tears to the eyes of your compadres (booya).

VoT, as you know, you're fast approaching a 30-day empty block. I hope you put in some games or else you'll be Metahosed.

#15817  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/25/2004 8:48:40 PM

Greldon, you will be missed.

I wish I had found GC last fall. The meta in the hight of glory must have been a howl.

#15818  by Citizen Greldon - 8/25/2004 8:57:40 PM

I wish I had found GC last fall. The meta in the hight of glory must have been a howl.

It really was the "Good old days"....I miss 'em.

#15819  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/25/2004 9:04:34 PM

It really was the "Good old days"....I miss 'em.

I was playing during that time, but not particpating in the empire discussions. But, time move on and people too, new ones come in and other leave - each leaves a mark of some sort, some good, some not so good. Greldon, from what I have seen, yours has been very good. I am not sure what it would take to reinvigorate the community, but I suspect that the Metaverse is not it, at least, not by itself.

#15820  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/25/2004 9:07:15 PM

I am not sure what it would take to reinvigorate the community, but I suspect that the Metaverse is not it, at least, not by itself.

Still, the metaverse concept and the empires are a big reason why the community was here at all. Otherwise, it would have been just another forum full of unanswered questions and flame wars.

#15821  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 8/25/2004 9:17:05 PM

Aww Nuts: Yeah, I know, but I won't be able to play for a few more days, and I don't care that much anymore. Maybe I'll put another game in someday, but I know what will happen.

It's okay to talk to yourself
It's okay to argue with yourself
It's not okay to lose those arguments

What about winning? Because if you do, then you still lose.

#15822  by Citizen Greldon - 8/25/2004 9:17:31 PM

Thanks Weyr...but you're right, time moves on and the meta isn't the answer, but rather a large contributer to the demise of the community I'm afraid. I was looking at my history since my return and estimate losing more than 350K mpts since then, and that's not counting the points I should have received for the games when they took away points.

I must say however, that the people are the best and I'm glad to have known everyone.

#15823  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/25/2004 9:29:26 PM

Greldon, you are still our First Knight. The meta can never touch that.

[salute icon]
For Honor and Justice

#15824  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 8/25/2004 11:00:54 PM

Geez how many people still post daily in all the empire threads put together? a dozen?

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