. I was looking at my history since my return and estimate losing more than 350K mpts since then, |
What do you means? You have reached the same score than in may 2004.
But you have also forgot the aging effect: 3 month aging with 5% decay means at least to loose 300 K Mpts when having 2000K Mpts. And I don't take in account any block movement.
But there is the nasty effect about the metaverse: the more old games you have, the more games you must submit just to compensate the aging effect. And the squareroot effect isn't your friend in this case.
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This implies to me that eventually you cannot submit enough new games to make up for the ageing affect and that as long as you contintue to submit at that point you lose. |
True, but with a small tweak: games end up in a final block where the aging is 35%. This means that there a a floor value to your metaverse score: raw total / squareroot(total number of games) * 0.65.
For Greldon it is a bit more than 715 K.
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Greldon, I just noticed that Paguma lost 95,000 points yesterday, although he has not submitted any games since July.
The metaverse is not being a nice place lately.
I wish you well, please drop by and say hi from time to time.
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Good Morning all, come see my new shiney! |
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Let's take the devil's advocate role.
I don't care that you're happy with the system, I'm not. |
That is your right.
I also don't need you to defend it to me all the time because nothing you say will make it right. |
That is not my intent. I want to clearly understand what you are saying. So it may appears that I defend the system. And what is right? The way you think the metaverse should behave from your point of view?
The fact that I like to play more than you do, doesn't make me a second class citizen. |
It works both way.
I had no submissions for a long period of time because of circumstances beyond my control and I shouldn't be penalized for it |
That is exactly what annoys me: the constant plea for not to be treated like others. And if you don't agree with the metaverse rules, don't play the metaverse game. And in RL it works the same. Sure there are insurance to avoid being too hardly penalized for something beyond your control (like natural disasters ...). But there isn't this kind of mechanism in the metaverse.
Finally, all this means nothing as I won't be playing any games in the future |
Does this mean that the last appeal from Galciv was the metaverse game? So you can't play longer Galciv without submitting game to metaverse. Enjoying a Galciv game without submitting to metaverse sounds impossible to you from your writting.
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I surely missed something: if there is a problem with the philosophy beneath the metaverse, why playing the metaverse game?
Stardock has put it with something precise in mind. You may agree or disagree. But you can't deny them the right to keep what they have in mind. After all, the metaverse has evolved into masoverse when maso players succeeded to have maso games scoring more. There is an interesting post about this but I don't remember in which thread it is.
But since the game was release more than 1 year ago, I doubt that they will now modify it. I don't think that have any budget for this. I find strange that they have advertised some months ago about the various metaverse dimensions, but we still don't see anything.
Since this is just a game, we should work with each other to make the game enjoyable by all. |
Which game are you speaking? Galciv or Metaverse?
. Can we find ways to fix this problem without hurting additional people in the process? |
I never intended to hurt anyone. I always wanted to explain some rule aboyt the metaverse game since people feels it behave strangely. We can't influence the behavior, just explaining some oddities. If people don't accept these oddities and feel it is wrong, they shouldn't play the metaverse game. Instead they must remember that Galciv is more than the metaverse and they should play Galciv and enjoyed it and forget metaverse game.
And personnaly, I don't think that you can correctly satisfy people who have opposite needs:
- we have people who like to play a lot and other who have a lower submission rate (maybe due to RL)
- we have people who want to be rewarded for all of their games and others who want to be able to compete even if they are new to the game
- we have people that have a regular submission rate and others who have experienced weeks without submission
And remember: I never intend to hurt anyone. But I have big trouble to find the correct wordings since I write in a foreign language.
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Well, I think Newfy will probably catch me before I can move up again. I tossed in a tiny crip that only moved me about 2K. I must have some games that move late in the month because I always seem to slow down then. Thus spins the meta...
Night all!
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Please remember to cast your vote in the current poll if you haven't done so yet. Poll closes Monday.
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Morning everyone. I'm just dropping in for my morning grog.
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