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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#15875  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/28/2004 7:18:30 AM

Saturday morning an all's quite on the western front. No Yor in sight. Just obliterated their last habitat in my area of the galaxy.

#15876  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/28/2004 8:43:21 AM

Saturday morning an all's quite on the western front. No Yor in sight. Just obliterated their last habitat in my area of the galaxy.

Oh NO! You won't have any more Yor parts for research. We must find you more Yor to bash!

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#15877  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/28/2004 1:32:50 PM

Boom I meant to get some Yor parts for you Weyr but I couldn't help myself. Made them terror star space dust instead.

#15878  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/28/2004 2:04:06 PM

Yor parts

I haven't invaded an AI planets since I started playing Maso. Maybe I'll do that next game.

#15879  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/28/2004 2:49:59 PM

meant to get some Yor parts for you Weyr

Thanks, ED, its the thought that counts. sometime the parts are too damaged to use and converting them to space dust is the only way to recyle them.

#15880  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/28/2004 2:56:41 PM

Weyr, inventor extroidinaire, didn't relize that Galactic Guardians, especially the Knights, liked to spend time in the CDF tanning booths. After expending some spy efforts on the CSF, Weyr acquired the secret ingrediant that they invented that turns Yor metal into cheese. With a slight modification of some basic ingrediants, Weyr was able to impose a grid on the Yor Armor Suite, that when covered with the CSF cheese conversion sause made the Yor Armor suite into a almost invisable suite of Yor mail that allows only the tanning radiation through and not the demaging radations of microwave, UV, etc. After testing on the Guardians, this product appears like a winner, allowing Guardians to acqire a tan yet repelling any snacking, or cooking, by damoose.

#15881  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/28/2004 9:14:39 PM

boom for number seven. Who's your Druid? Thats right, its me, number 7.

#15882  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/28/2004 10:07:53 PM

boom for number seven. Who's your Druid? Thats right, its me, number 7.

Boof (Thats almost a boom) I just put in a medium crip for 57.9K Think there's a 60K medium crip left to discover?

29K from Page 1!!!
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#15883  by Citizen Greldon - 8/28/2004 10:52:49 PM

WTG ED &'re both a credit to the Guardians and we're lucky to have you!

#15884  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/29/2004 12:14:44 AM

Thanks Greldon! Glad your still around in the Claw!

Toss a tiny crip on the pile. Got next to nothing for it, but I just couldn't leave it at 99 games!

25K from page 1

#15885  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/29/2004 12:35:24 AM

Um, I know this sounds a little strange, but I think we might have a problem. I think our empire score is going backwards. Just a little. Not as much as, say, Special Forces. But a little. I hope I'm just remembering wrong. But with so many of our front line warriors retiring, we may have our hands full just maintaining our score. :notsure

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#15886  by Citizen Greldon - 8/29/2004 12:59:07 AM

When a player's score degrades the empire score degrades as well.

#15887  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/29/2004 2:34:09 AM

When Greldon took that score hit we sufferned some as well. Also, there was some other aging going on as well.

#15888  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/29/2004 6:24:01 AM

Congrat GH and ED.

GH, keep on coming up to page 1 - hope to see you there in a few days.

ED, Number 5 is your next goal - skip over number 6.

#15889  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/29/2004 12:24:37 PM

I think our empire score is going backwards.

That 9,000,000. point cushion should hold us on top for a while

#15890  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/29/2004 12:28:11 PM

That 9,000,000. point cushion should hold us on top for a while

Yeah, I suppose... I just wanted to earn a 20,000,000 award

#15891  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/29/2004 5:21:51 PM

Yeah, I suppose... I just wanted to earn a 20,000,000 award

Well, GH, you can help by joint the Million point club

That'll put you just above MD.
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#15892  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/29/2004 5:37:02 PM

Played a game of GC-AP this morning and one of Celtic Kings this afternoon. Now working on a proposal to the Miami Dolphins.

#15893  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/29/2004 8:15:21 PM

Well, GH, you can help by joint the Million point club

A journey of a million points begins with a single game...

Actually, I was playing around with paguma's servlet this afternoon. Now that I'm into the 70 day block, I'll need something like 100K just to stay even in the month of September. I'm averaging about 125-145K a month in net meta points, so it may be a while before I'm up with Major D. For this month, I'll be happy just to get to page 1 and stay there. Chip, Newfy, and a couple of others are comin' up fast behind me.

#15894  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/29/2004 8:16:19 PM

Now working on a proposal to the Miami Dolphins.

Maybe a replacement for Ricky Williams?

#15895  by Citizen Weyrleader - 8/29/2004 8:46:52 PM

Maybe a replacement for Ricky Williams?

Who? Now that should tell you my sports orientation

We are actually proposing a knowledge discovery and predictive analyisys capability with risk assesment of the defense players. All the same concept of how to avoid a sam missle site while flying a sortie.

#15896  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 8/29/2004 11:07:20 PM

Who? Now that should tell you my sports orientation We are actually proposing a knowledge discovery and predictive analyisys capability with risk assesment of the defense players. All the same concept of how to avoid a sam missle site while flying a sortie.

Sounds really cool, even if you are helping the wrong team.

#15897  by Citizen Evil Druid - 8/30/2004 12:34:32 AM

We are actually proposing a knowledge discovery and predictive analyisys capability with risk assesment of the defense players. All the same concept of how to avoid a sam missle site while flying a sortie.

Need any help with that Weyr just say the word. You may not beaware of this, but I once got my cheque book to balance.

#15898  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 8/30/2004 2:23:11 AM

You may not beaware of this, but I once got my cheque book to balance.

I did too, but it bothers me when I had to use multi-variate calculus to do it.

#15899  by Citizen damoose - 8/30/2004 6:09:40 AM

Holy Cow... 5 pages!

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