Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#16125  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/8/2004 1:05:07 PM

Hey, Loopcub and Murgatroid, come on up to the top 50. Murgatroid is playing masso, tiny and posting 42K a game. Way to go, Murgatroid. Stop by and say hi.

#16126  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/8/2004 1:38:24 PM

Murgatroid is playing masso, tiny and posting 42K a game. Way to go, Murgatroid. Stop by and say hi.

That sounds like there would be an interesting strategy there.

#16127  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/8/2004 2:10:06 PM

I believe the reason that a large part of the "Galaxy" remains dark is because this reflects the existence of empires not in the top 10. I do not know why the fellowship holds a higher % than the diplomats though. Curious...

Nobody claims to understand the mysterious relic that is the Galactic Map, but factors affecting the display are rumored to include and empire's score, size of membership, number of games submitted, and length of existance. The Ringers as well as the Euros, Pirates, and Jedi dominated long before the likes of Special Forces, Diplomats, or Galactic Guardians, and their maps reflect this.

#16128  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/8/2004 2:31:12 PM

How you know this stuff GH. We should make you our historian

#16129  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/8/2004 2:37:47 PM

How you know this stuff GH. We should make you our historian

#16130  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/8/2004 2:40:33 PM

The glorious old days [insert melancolic smiely] when the Verse was booming in activety...

#16131  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/8/2004 2:54:07 PM

Hello Icho. Glad to see you back. Did you get a new computer or just fix the one you had? You know, we could open a German branch of the Galactic Guardians if you wanted to head it up?

#16132  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/8/2004 3:13:40 PM

Well needed to buy a new case, mainboard and coolings, luckyly the cpu and hdd was not damaged due the miserable construction (heat cure) the company made up.

And sorry but I won't join the Guardians

#16133  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/8/2004 3:40:31 PM

And sorry but I won't join the Guardians

Nothing against us, I hope...

#16134  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/8/2004 3:42:12 PM

I have a screenshot saved on my computer that shows us on the day wetook 1st place. I plan on adding it to our website. I wish I had more screen, like when we crossed our various milestones.

#16135  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/8/2004 5:12:42 PM

And sorry but I won't join the Guardians

That's ok, just thought I would ask. We continue to expand upward into the top 50 with two additional Guardians to be added soon. When all in the top 25 are Guardians, we will still let you join.

#16136  by Citizen Lordadmiral Atlan - 9/8/2004 5:24:45 PM

When that happens the USO will realy need to take a close look at the Guardians, cause that sounds very suspicious.

#16137  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/9/2004 12:06:30 AM

HMMMM, Atlan-Icho, I don't REALLY see a similarity...but still...i...wonder if...

#16138  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/9/2004 12:07:32 AM

Of course, if you look at the name...

#16139  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/9/2004 12:08:09 AM

DOH!!! (Americanism)
[Message Edited]

#16140  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/9/2004 5:48:39 AM

Good morning all. I see the night crew went home early, barely past midnight post time. Well, off to another exciting day at work.

#16141  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/9/2004 5:59:05 AM

Have fun Weyr. I just got home from work. But I'm outta beer.

#16142  by Diplomat Technician - 9/9/2004 6:02:16 AM

When all in the top 25 are Guardians, we will still let you join.

Of course you will need to bribe me into becomimg a Guardian or maybe make sure my GC computer has an unfortunate accident
[Message Edited]

#16143  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/9/2004 6:09:50 AM

maybe make sure my GC computer has an unfortunate accident


But then, your name infers you'd be able to fix it.

#16144  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/9/2004 7:13:55 AM

you will need to bribe me

We find that quite doable with all the AIs in the game, why not try it on less intelligent sentient beings?

#16145  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/9/2004 7:17:03 AM

Morning Guardians

Off to a client first, but I should be able to stop in later.

#16146  by Diplomat Technician - 9/9/2004 7:55:08 AM

why not try it on less intelligent sentient beings?

Not sure but I think I may of been insulted

#16147  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/9/2004 8:43:19 AM

Not sure but I think I may of been insulted

Nope, I would not do that to our number 1 player and top object for recruitment.

#16148  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/9/2004 9:26:23 AM

Not sure but I think I may of been insulted

Tricky ... Tricky

Double speak

What is the true meaning ...

#16149  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/9/2004 9:58:42 AM

What is the true meaning ...

Always be aware of who is behind you, especially if they are "undead". damoose may have given up snacking lately, but not to sure about this new rabble calling themselvs the Crazy ....

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