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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#16325  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 6:04:50 AM

Only 3 more battles to regain 2500. I will get in at least one today after work, perhaps two (depends on how much I have to communicate with my love of 40 years)

#16326  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/14/2004 6:15:15 AM

I'll get a game in today, after I finish updating the website.

#16327  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 9/14/2004 8:05:29 AM

Hey guys, I am pretty much officially retired now, just popped in to see what's going on. The non-guardians as head of the altmeta is kinda disturbing to me, so I'll see if I can get one or two games in somewhere, but that will probably be it for me.

#16328  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 8:44:50 AM

Good to hear from you. If you submit, you can help out in the AltMeta, but you will proably suffer in the Meta. But, stop by and chat from time to time.

#16329  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 11:53:19 AM

Well gang, it looks like instead of Moulsen beer that the Canucks offered, you will have to be satisfied with the sacred grass being offered by the Foundation. As both a teetotaler and non smoker, I will stick to the deep fried peperoni.

#16330  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/14/2004 11:58:31 AM

Hey Quik, drop bye anytime.

#16331  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/14/2004 11:59:44 AM

Okay who was it who jinx us and said no Guardian had ever switched empires

#16332  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 12:01:19 PM

Okay who was it who jinx us and said no Guardian had ever switched empires

It must related to that grass they are smokin' over there. See all the smoke coming out of the crack in the foundation?

#16333  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 12:07:24 PM

Hey, Murgatroid is on page 2 along with Loopcub. Both up and comming GG.

#16334  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/14/2004 12:13:13 PM

Wyer did not we have 60 games yesterday in the alt meta and between me and you alone we submitted 4 games last night.

#16335  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/14/2004 12:14:58 PM

See all the smoke coming out of the crack in the foundation?

#16336  by Citizen loopcub - 9/14/2004 12:15:23 PM


were is the altmeta?

#16337  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 12:16:47 PM

The AltMeta seems to not record things but a certain times. I have different number of games played in the AltMeta than I do in the Meta. Off by 1 game. I think that the games submitted put us over, but with the leaving of Omni_11 to join Star Fleet, we dropped back down. We are only 3 games below 2500 and we should make that up tonight. LW said he would submit a game, I will get at least one in after work and perhaps another before bedtime. If you submit, we should be back up and closer in the AltMeta raw empire scores to the Foundation. Maybe Tech will be too busy runing his new empire to play for a while

#16338  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 12:17:34 PM

were is the altmeta? Link

#16339  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 12:18:23 PM

Congratulation GG. We have 15 GGs in the top 50, 10 on page 1 and 5 on page 2. Way to Go, everone.

#16340  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 12:18:43 PM

Congratulation GG. We have 15 GGs in the top 50, 10 on page 1 and 5 on page 2. Way to Go, everone.

#16341  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 12:19:24 PM

Well, it was worth congratulating twice

#16342  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/14/2004 12:22:06 PM

We have 15 GGs in the top 50, 10 on page 1 and 5 on page 2

That is a remarkable feat for any empire! Congratulations.

#16343  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/14/2004 12:27:33 PM

Well I sorta have the day off today. I'm on call as the only way for me to get a day off this week is if we went short staffed. Which means I sit at home and think about work, waiting for a call. I live about 15 minutes from work so I can be there if I'm needed. At least I can get a game in.

#16344  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/14/2004 1:07:54 PM

Boom And there it is.

(40 minutes not bad. I got an excellent start. 1 star with 3 habital and then a purple sun. Was like taking candy from a baby)
[Message Edited]

#16345  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 1:11:41 PM

two more games to go to reach 2500 again, and 500K points to reach the AltMeta score of the Foundation. That is at least 9 games with 60K point scores and assuming they don't move.

#16346  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/14/2004 1:13:47 PM

So I should play another game then. I was going to play fightnight 2004 on ps2 now. But if the empire needs me.

#16347  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/14/2004 2:03:08 PM

Boom again.

#16348  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/14/2004 2:22:50 PM

Great, ED. Keep it up. We need you!!

#16349  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/14/2004 2:26:39 PM

We need you!!

Thats what I wanted to here Weyr.

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