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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#16375  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/15/2004 6:32:01 AM

Boom! muffled in moose hide for those who partied at the Crypt last evening.

Damoose, welcome to the Claw. Thanks for the Congfats. stop by and chat more often, I suspect that CSF may become a lonier place than it has been.

#16376  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/15/2004 6:35:28 AM

Ok, who want to buy littlewotts his own telescope? Link

I'm drooling.

#16377  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 9/15/2004 6:40:58 AM

stop by and chat more often, I suspect that CSF may become a lonier place than it has been

Do you mean it will be a dead place ?

#16378  by Diplomat Technician - 9/15/2004 7:18:40 AM

On getting all those games in yesterday.

Guess I am going to have to play harder.

#16379  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/15/2004 8:00:44 AM

Attila! Welcome back! And just in time, too! Check out the Foundation that formed (in part) to compete with us!

You have one of those 30 day empty blocks now, but it should only bite you one or two days a month, then let you jump back up.

Glad you're still here!

#16380  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/15/2004 8:01:29 AM

Guess I am going to have to play harder.

Greldon! Loth! Mag! Naqmir! Come back! We need you!

[Message Edited]

#16381  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/15/2004 8:23:08 AM

Quiet today... must be recovering from all the activity of the last few days. Well, I'm on the road again at least for part of the day.

Good Hunting, Guardians!

#16382  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/15/2004 8:46:43 AM

You have one of those 30 day empty blocks now,

i kind have it, but i thought those 30 days blocks are set on individual basis, i mean my block stars on 24th untill next 24th, so actually if my understanding is correct and if i get some games in, my absent for a month wouldnt be even noticed! That again if my "block understanding" is right.

Ough and yeah congrats to 2500 games! lets make it 3000!

Check out the Foundation

Who are they! Dont they all belong to Diplomats??! What have happened there Do they still exist?!

#16383  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/15/2004 8:58:55 AM

kind have it, but i thought those 30 days blocks are set on individual basis, i mean my block stars on 24th untill next 24th, so actually if my understanding is correct and if i get some games in, my absent for a month wouldnt be even noticed! That again if my "block understanding" is right.

Basically, your 32 day "empty space" will work it's way through your blocks. There will be a day next month (around the 14th) where if you submit a game, you will have an empty second block, and you will take a hit to your points. If you submit again a few days later, you will recover some from it because another game (the one you submitted today) will fall into second block so it won't be empty any more. Peace explains this better than I can. Anyway, you came back just in time. If you had gone much longer, you would have a really big hole to work around and you would have been in the same boat as Greldon.

#16384  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/15/2004 9:12:17 AM

Who are they! Dont they all belong to Diplomats??! What have happened there Do they still exist?!

I think Tech is the only Diplomat to go over so far. The rest of the Diplomats are nearly inactive in games except for Peace. A few of them, like VoT are still in the forums.

#16385  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/15/2004 9:30:35 AM

Ok, who want to buy littlewotts his own telescope?

It looks like 2 night worth of drinking, LW. Go cold turkey and you can have it in a week.

#16386  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 9/15/2004 9:46:50 AM

That again if my "block understanding" is right

Wrong, blocks aren't based on the first submission but on the last submission: day 0 is the day of the last submission and block are calculated from this date.

[Message Edited]

#16387  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/15/2004 11:30:39 AM

Sorry I missed a submission yesterday, I'll double up here in the next few days. I pledge a minimum of 1 per day.

#16388  by Diplomat Technician - 9/15/2004 11:43:45 AM

Sorry I missed a submission yesterday

I have a hard time sleeping if I miss a day.

Miss two days I start shaking, work up a fever.

If I miss a week I go in to coma caused by GC withdraw.

Man am I hooked need to start the 12 steps.

#16389  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/15/2004 11:47:54 AM

If I miss a week I go in to coma caused by GC withdraw.

Now, where can we hide his laptop with out him ripping the place apart to find it?

I know, behind da moose head!

#16390  by Citizen loopcub - 9/15/2004 11:57:09 AM

sorry that I did not get a game in last time but my games take 3 to 6 hour. I know that I coud find a way to win games faster but I look at how many people who did that and then retired. my games may take a long time but I have fun playing them.

#16391  by Diplomat Technician - 9/15/2004 12:00:27 PM

I know that I could find a way to win games faster but I look at how many people who did that and then retired. my games may take a long time but I have fun playing them.

You know, you are very wise.

This statement is very true, and once you start cranking out Masos using a formula it is hard to go back.
[Message Edited]

#16392  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/15/2004 12:18:06 PM

I know that I coud find a way to win games faster but I look at how many people who did that and then retired. my games may take a long time but I have fun playing them.

I know the formula to win faster, but I too like to try and vary each game. Last night was the most fun I had playing MASO yet. Even with the Research party I was attacking and invading most of the Majors.

#16393  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/15/2004 12:41:29 PM

This statement is very true, and once you start cranking out Masos using a formula it is hard to go back.

I am now playing a game, i am triing to win it with a military win, and not bombarding 'em with TS!! pure old school invasion tactics, but it kind of hard to take them out with Reaserch Inc. government(its toooo peaceful)... and actually caltural bombardment help out here most!
I'll try to finish it today! so its gonna be 2 games in for one day!

Actually this month without playing kind of gave me the interest back to the game! For how long i dont know!
Anyways the important messege is that i am playing!

#16394  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/15/2004 1:05:04 PM

Hey guys - the important thing is to play for fun, however you define it. No excuses necessary or requested. Some like it hot, some like it cold. Some like it in the pot, nine days old - now why did that come to mind?

#16395  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/15/2004 1:24:39 PM

Actually this month without playing kind of gave me the interest back to the game!

#16396  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/15/2004 2:20:55 PM

What time does the shindig begin at the crypt tomorrow? Is it open to anyone?

#16397  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/15/2004 2:32:11 PM

There it is another BooM!! this game as long! i am tooo old for 4~5 hours games! i had to TS Altarians! they were the last to stay and apparently my cultural influence was so high that i had to win in 12 moves!! there you go!

Anyway that was anothe ~20k and got back to #22!

maybe i'll have another game later tonight! i think we are a bit behind in Altmeta!

the shindig begin at the crypt tomorrow?

whats that?!!

#16398  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/15/2004 2:32:18 PM

What time does the shindig begin at the crypt tomorrow? Is it open to anyone?

SA is open to anyone, either those who have been snacked or those who are potential snacks.

da moose like both kinds.

#16399  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/15/2004 2:44:07 PM

just want to...

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