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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#16575  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/19/2004 9:20:48 AM

BooM!! for #14

Poor Aldarians tgrz and Aldar both suffered recalculation on average of -10k, not that much but it did helped Major Dallas to come up to 15

#16576  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/19/2004 9:23:33 AM

BTW LW could you please give your opinion on my issue in Conclave Docket...

#16577  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/19/2004 10:48:24 AM

I was just thinking that I have a ton of games to play right now. I have 5 RPGs for the PS2 I haven't even touched, 2 RPGs for the super nintendo I bought that I still need to finish, and one for my GBA.

#16578  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/19/2004 11:41:30 AM

I was just thinking that I have a ton of games to play right now. I have 5 RPGs for the PS2 I haven't even touched, 2 RPGs for the super nintendo I bought that I still need to finish, and one for my GBA.

And, you went fishing, and you want a telescope, and ...

You are young and have your life ahead of you, don't live iti all in one day!

#16579  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/19/2004 1:58:29 PM

Hi, I have been busy the last couple days with my nephews wedding. I was the MC so I'm glad it is over. Much easier sit back and party at these things then to participate.

I had hoped to pass Naqmir by submitting a game not recalc but he did fit the profile as his 1st game was over a year ago. What I cannot understand is how he could not submit his second game to blue moon. If his 1st worked what different about the 2nd.

It looks like the foundation problems are worse then our own but it appears to be limited to the Alternitive scoring boards.

Hope to get a game in today but my kids got homework and they want me to go buy them Sims 2 this afternoon. That like cutting my own throat when it comes to computer time.

#16580  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/19/2004 2:19:23 PM

Well, guys, CBS has taken so much heat on the Bush memo forgeris and they have lost so many viewers that they have had to cut back, so they droped the "C" in their name.

#16581  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/19/2004 2:25:00 PM

Chip: congrats on your black shield! I had to pass about 8.35 for my red one, so that's about right.

Attila: response for you in the Knight's Chambers.

On scoring: every time Uncle "ben" drops to 25th, he submits a game. I won't be safe til I pass Theoden

Everybody: remember, lets have fun out there!

For Honor and Justice! Yor time will come!

[Message Edited]

#16582  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/19/2004 2:29:58 PM

Oh, one more thing...

How much are we giving Alex to keep all those Foundation members off the altmeta? He deserves a bonus...

#16583  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/19/2004 3:24:32 PM

How much are we giving Alex to keep all those Foundation members off the altmeta?

I think the Pirates arrrr funding that.

#16584  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/19/2004 4:39:17 PM

boomPlayed a marathon. Dam Dregins would not stay friendly for more then 2 turns. I was moving towards teror star diplomacy when they finaly had a change of heart. One more perhaps before Sims 2 takes over my computer.

#16585  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/19/2004 5:38:24 PM

BOOM My 200th game.

Observation. It seems the lower PQ value of earth the more likely to get good colony events. Anyone else notice that.

Sims 2 has arrived from store. Now the epic battle of Father vs Daughters, GalCiv Vs Sims 2 begins.

3 games today and I play hockey tonight so I'll concede the computer for now.

#16586  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 9/19/2004 6:07:51 PM

Congrats on 5 gold bars!

#16587  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/19/2004 6:47:55 PM

Congratulation EDie! Well done!!! WOW 200 games!! unbelievable!!

#16588  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/19/2004 6:50:39 PM

Thanks. Did not notice the impressive bars

#16589  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/19/2004 6:52:51 PM

BOOM My 200th game.

#16590  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/19/2004 6:54:54 PM

Did not notice the impressive bars

well at least somebody have noticed your changes!

#16591  by Diplomat Technician - 9/19/2004 7:03:26 PM

Congrats on 5 gold bars!


For 600 games you get nothing.... grumble, grumble..

The Statbot seems really busted
[Message Edited]

#16592  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 9/19/2004 7:26:20 PM

For 600 games you get nothing

Except a nice pat on the back!

#16593  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/19/2004 8:56:49 PM

All Guardian Knights,

Their is quite a debate going on at the Knights Table. I would be gratful if everyone who has not yet weighed in would please stop by and offer your thoughts on the discussions.

Oh, and the offical name should be "The Guardian Conclave" by a decision that predates me. If VoT is still around these days, is there any possibility of changing the name without messing up whats already there?

#16594  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/19/2004 9:04:11 PM

WTG ED!!! 200 is quite a number!

#16595  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/19/2004 9:10:36 PM

well at least somebody have noticed your changes!

Sorry Attila. Defantally my bad, but you've got to speak up here! Let me make ammends by being the first to welcome you into the Pawn Brokers! Congratulations, Fleet Admiral Attila!

PS: If it's more than that, please tell us! I like cheering for our side!

[Message Edited]

#16596  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/19/2004 9:22:34 PM

FYI, the entire altmeta is down.

*whispering conspiritorially* Let's make sure that we're back on top when they fix it.

#16597  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/19/2004 9:23:02 PM

and, just because it's waiting for me...

#16598  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/19/2004 9:23:40 PM

and, in order to prevent another Oscar Meyer rendition...

#16599  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/19/2004 9:24:00 PM

I think I'll grab...

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