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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#16675  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/21/2004 7:03:12 PM

The top of page is wide open. Someone, take it.

But it's only a xxx75...

#16676  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/21/2004 7:11:49 PM

Wanna see somethin' creapy? Click on Naqmir's history.

#16677  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 9/21/2004 7:17:02 PM

Wanna see somethin' creapy? Click on Naqmir's history.

Jeez, you're right Genghis Hank. I've never seen anything like it. Bottom line- I've only seen that once in a Blue Moon.

Yikes, that was painful, even to type.

#16678  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/21/2004 7:32:55 PM

I've only seen that once in a Blue Moon.


#16679  by Citizen Naqmir - 9/21/2004 7:53:29 PM

I've only seen that once in a Blue Moon.

that was actually the point behind choosing that nackname.Good job Aww Nuts.I have to admit that my game list is kinda strange seems i got 1495k fir ine game.Now i know something is wrong with the meta
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#16680  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/21/2004 8:15:39 PM

it seems i got 1495k fir ine game.

Naqmir, what's your secret? I want one of those games!

#16681  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/21/2004 8:15:56 PM

BOOM! Boy, that was a long, drawn out game. I took 4 hours to wade through that one. Had a good starting position, but lousy planets. One PQ 18 and 3 PQ 14s to start. I never did catch up technology wise.
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#16682  by Diplomat Technician - 9/21/2004 8:16:43 PM

Hey Weyr, you're getting close to the 2 mil mark. I don't know all the people in that class but it sure doesn't take long to call roll.

Guardian only club except for one diehard; ex-CSF, ex-Diplomat, ex-Crazy Canuck.

#16683  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/21/2004 8:19:31 PM

Hey Weyr, you're getting close to the 2 mil mark. I don't know all the people in that class but it sure doesn't take long to call roll.

Yeah, I think it will take about 4 more games to get there. I had hoped to get in two today, but I had to play pack animal for my wife and haul a bunch of stuff to a hotel for a convention she is doing some stuff at.

Too late for me to start another, although you night owls would think it is about time to start one.

#16684  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/21/2004 8:33:55 PM

Guardian only club except for one diehard; ex-CSF, ex-Diplomat, ex-Crazy Canuck.

Well, Tech, we can make it a Guardian Only Club, all you have to do is ...

#16685  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/21/2004 8:43:30 PM

I want to say this in public - Galactic Guardians, I am proud of you all about how you handled yourselves in the rerun of the recruiting wars and the lesson in history (even if it was somewhat adjusted after the fact)

Let's stay above this fray and continue to enjoy each other, play the game and scatter Yor parts all over the galaxy (Let Tech gather them up, it will keep him so busy he won't have time to play)

I would really like to find a way to get Murgatroid's attention as he is submitting in the 1-2 games a day rate and will soon be in the top 50. He is mid-page 3 right now.

I think our new game in the draft stage at the Embassy will be interesting. Go and read the instructions and let the good times roll.

#16686  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/21/2004 10:45:07 PM

Congrats, Newfy. With you on the front page, we can now formally extend you an invitation to join the Galactic Guardians. Our requirements are pretty high and those that qualify get a gold invitation.

Thanks Weyrleader. I hope you won't mind if I stay in the Foundation though?

#16687  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/21/2004 10:51:36 PM

Tech, Newfy, That's OK, you still count as Guardians after all We just need to fix your icons so they link to the right place Link

#16688  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/22/2004 5:16:31 AM

Thanks Weyrleader. I hope you won't mind if I stay in the Foundation though?

You may reside wherever you finr enjoyment, but know that you will always have a home with the GG! As GH said, its an easy move, we will even do the packing!
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#16689  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/22/2004 5:40:29 AM

I was going to around a bit this moring, but I think I'm gonna play a game. might set up my spare machine so I can get some forum time as well.

#16690  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/22/2004 5:46:08 AM

Welcome Grandfatherskin (?) who just registered at the Embassy. I don't remember if you have posted here or not, but please let us hear from you.

#16691  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/22/2004 5:50:07 AM

Welcome Grandfatherskin

I PMed a number of people who used to be part of the Senate Halls, where our old private forum is located. Gandalf is the only one who signed up at the Embassy so far. I hope some more come back. I think Black Friday and the GvE tourney turned some pople off. Also, many just lost intrest.

it's Gandalf the red skin smashed together.
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#16692  by Diplomat Technician - 9/22/2004 7:10:01 AM

Guardian only club except for one diehard; ex-CSF, ex-Diplomat, ex-Crazy Canuck.

Oh I almost forgot I was a Guardian as well

Morning !!

#16693  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/22/2004 7:17:03 AM

Morning Tech!

#16694  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/22/2004 8:21:18 AM

BOOM!!! Ok, I'm off to bed.

#16695  by Diplomat Technician - 9/22/2004 8:26:25 AM

BOOM!!! Ok, I'm off to bed.

Must of been 7:21 AM for littlewotts

#16696  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/22/2004 10:49:49 AM

Wow, shirk your duties for a day and look what happens!

Thank you all for considering me for Knighthood!

And I second what Weyr said about the recruiting stuff. Well done to all.

#16697  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/22/2004 11:32:57 AM

Tech, Newfy, That's OK, you still count as Guardians after all We just need to fix your icons so they link to the right place

#16698  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/22/2004 11:36:23 AM

I have been dying to set up my spare computer to run OS/2 then stick on Galciv and Galciv 2 to see how is different.

I was just getting tired of MOO 2 when I thought that I should install Os/2 Galciv when I heard that Galciv was coming out on a windows platform. I remember Brad Wardell during the OS/2 days saying why OS/2 GC wouldn't work on a windows machine. That was before Win95 though.

Can't wait until GC2 comes out.

#16699  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/22/2004 2:19:40 PM

Hello Everyone!
where is everyone its just mid of week and everybody is out?!

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