So who all has voted thus far on the Alliance name?
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1.2.086 February 23, 2004
+ Two new achievements for logistis (one after battle ship tech another after avatar) |
I wonder if there's any other things in it...
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The Alliance - Your vote on the name.
The Paladins
6% [ 1 ]
The Crusaders
0% [ 0 ]
The Icy Black Hand of Death
26% [ 4 ]
RDG-04 (The Ring of Diplomatic Guardians)
33% [ 5 ]
0% [ 0 ]
Chaos Inc.
0% [ 0 ]
The Worldwide Coalition
0% [ 0 ]
The Space Masters
0% [ 0 ]
The Galactic Shield
13% [ 2 ]
The Galactic Rivendell Phoenix Force
20% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 15
Everybody make sure you vote!
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Everybody make sure you vote!
...and vote often!
What is this...Florida?
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Okay gang...gotta get outta here for the day. Baby's sick again.
Talk to you all tomorrow.
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I hope everything is ok! See you later!
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you got Elvis in there somewhere? |
He's the Spymaster! He's probably got one of everything.
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Hmmm. Can't get into the private forum. Must be busy or something.
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Hope your child is fine Theoden.
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I'm able to access it as well.
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Got it. Must have been busy then.
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