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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#16775  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/25/2004 12:23:59 AM

BOOM! for 27th spot!!!


#16776  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/25/2004 12:48:18 AM

BOOM! for 27th spot!!!

See you on my 6. You're clear to take point, and good hunting!

[Message Edited]

#16777  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/25/2004 1:01:03 AM


#16778  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/25/2004 1:49:40 AM

BOOM again

#16779  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/25/2004 2:19:03 AM

BOOM Again and again

#16780  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/25/2004 2:37:10 AM

Way to go ED! I'm thinking about playing a game, but my head still hurts.

#16781  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/25/2004 7:19:17 AM

BooM!! for #13

just bloody 6k... anyway...closer to my million!

but my head still hurts.

what's wrong? is it just a hangover or something serious?

#16782  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/25/2004 8:28:35 AM

is it just a hangover

Yeah. Nastier one that I've had ina while. I'm feeling good now.

#16783  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/25/2004 8:57:55 AM

mixing?.... is a never a good thing , what i find is most horrible thing to get waisted is with cocktails!
Next day ... its ... no comment!

C'mon LW play a game crush some Roy's!
[Message Edited]

#16784  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/25/2004 9:23:10 AM

C'mon LW play a game crush some Roy's!

As soon as I finish up some post moving from the Senate Halls to the Embassy.


6 beers + 2 shots / 3 hours = yucky

#16785  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/25/2004 9:42:38 AM

6 beers + 2 shots / 3 hours = yucky

if it 6 pints (0.6 litres) i am on my limit and if its two shots its Ouch! and if its B52! its one Big Ouch!

#16786  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/25/2004 9:48:10 AM

My stupid a$$ was doing this on an empty stomach too. I would have been ok if I had eaten and paced it out properly. Over a much longer time rather than such a shor one. It could have been only 2 hours. I don't really recall.

#16787  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/25/2004 9:49:34 AM

I don't know about british beer, but I don't consider six beer + shots that much, no matter on the time span.
Normally I don't get "handicaped" befor the 12th pint (exept for the standard side effects of such a beer volumina) - I'm sure most of you know what I'm refering to

#16788  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/25/2004 9:56:54 AM

12 pints! wow! Man you have to give me a credit, i am just 19! I couldn't drink that much, over the day maybe... but not say from 6 pm to 11pm(its when pubs are closing in UK).

#16789  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/25/2004 10:01:46 AM

Well, I'm 22
I know about the UK closing times, well there are still "closed rounds"

#16790  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/25/2004 10:05:02 AM

but not say from 6 pm to 11pm

Gak! 11pm? I thought it was bad here in Michigan, USA, where the bars close at 2am. In New York it's 4am.

#16791  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/25/2004 10:10:16 AM

well there are still "closed rounds"

you only can have those in your local pub, though...
I guess when i am going to be 22 i could manage 12 pints...

Alright guys talk to you later i am going to work!

#16792  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/25/2004 10:27:46 AM

Refresh my memory, how many US ounces are in a pint? Our beer generally come in a 12oz, 16oz, 22oz, and 40oz bottle or can. Beer on tap is dependant our the bar. One place has 25oz, and another has 10oz.

#16793  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/25/2004 10:38:18 AM

12 oz is 0,33 liters is about 1/2 english pint
If i remember correctly
[Message Edited]

#16794  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/25/2004 12:54:17 PM

Don't need to do the math, 12 pints is enough to put most people, including me, under the table. American beer use to be 4% put it is usually 5% now, is it not?

In the old days us Canadian's could not get drunk on it if we tried, and we did try.

#16795  by Citizen KitWarrior - 9/25/2004 1:29:11 PM

*smells booze in the air

ARRR!!! This here be a long overdue pirate raid!!! Hand over ye booze ‘n none o’ ye landlubbers will haf’ta walk The Plank! Surrender ye wenches ‘n none o’ ye scurvy swabs will haf’ta endure lashings by Cattails! ARRR!!!

(Come visit The Plank on Iversonia! Longest bar in the Metaverse serving the best booze for all life forms!)

(Cattails on Acer has the finest exotic dancers from every corner of the Metaverse! Visit Tuesday nights for a complementary lap dance!)

#16796  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 9/25/2004 7:22:17 PM

for a complementary lap dance!)

I agree with Kit on this one. I much more prefer lap dances rather than laptops.

#16797  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/25/2004 7:53:46 PM

well in some cases, i am not legal to go to gentlemens club, you have to be 21, if you dont get the first one, you always can have the second one!

#16798  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 9/25/2004 8:54:05 PM

you have to be 21

You're right Attila, it's just that I have been over 21 so long I forget sometimes. I would trade ages with you in a heartbeat.

#16799  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/25/2004 10:08:42 PM

Believe me, after 21, the years just seem to spill away. before you know it you're 30 and have kids, and are concerned with poopy diapers and grocery shopping.

and since it's hanging there...

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