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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#16825  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/27/2004 12:47:54 PM

How do you post with graphics, is my question. Just in case I get expressive.

Loopcub sorry to here about your Grandma. May your retirement be as short as the life span of a Yor in a Guardian reprogramming center.

#16826  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/27/2004 1:40:37 PM

How do you post with graphics, is my question. Just in case I get expressive.

One way is to reverse engineer what the post did. When running internet explorer. go to the View menu and look for the sub menu item called Source. Clik on that and you can see what a poster did. It takes a bit of looking but it is easy enough to do.

#16827  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 9/27/2004 1:50:02 PM

How do you post with graphics, is my question.

Senator level access to forum.

#16828  by Citizen Weyrleader - 9/27/2004 6:00:22 PM

Hi all. I'm in California at the hotel we are staying at for the funeral tomorrow. They have a computer in the lobby that people can use for free, so I thought I would drop in and see what is happening.

Loopcub, sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I know you and your parents will miss her. Also, sorry to hear about the lack of time to play, but do come back and chat when you have a few momenets. Tell us how you are doing in school.

LW and Attila, I think both of you need to do some serious thinking about your drinking habits. I am not trying to tell you what to do, but I have recently read in the papers of at least 2 people who have died from alcahol poisening by drinking too much is two short a time. Your head hurts for a reason. It is trying to tell you something. Please be careful, we would hate to lose you to an acident of any kind.

#16829  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/27/2004 7:13:40 PM

Hi all!

Nice to hear from you Weyr. Hope you are fine!

Thanx for preaching... i mean i respect what you said and everything... Yes, dad i will behave

I will look after my drinks! Hope drinking beer is alright! We having this big night out on Thursday! Its £1 per drink! Cheaper in London you wont find! So there it is: Thursay night+lots of sudents(most of'em girls)+cheap drinks = FUN!!!

#16830  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/27/2004 7:22:48 PM

Ohh the feared 99 cent nights had one of those on saturday

#16831  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 9/27/2004 7:26:53 PM

Must have done something wrong, spent about 20 bugs on drinks (got way more - about three or four times) the "day lasted till 6am -> I found my way home (about 10km on foot - of cause) and no hangover

#16832  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/27/2004 7:32:55 PM

thats i think i should do! but the only problem i wuld have to swim over the river aswell! its on the ovr side of Thames!

Ohh the feared 99 cent nights

well, yeah you right, but .... Who cares about this dodgy pence anyway its always goes with the price... say we students call it a TIP

#16833  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/27/2004 7:34:36 PM

today... i found out that i have to buy some books! For lectures! its bloody will cost me £105.98 Just for 4 books! WOw! I am skint!

#16834  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/27/2004 10:45:22 PM


#16835  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/27/2004 11:06:03 PM


Obviously Ed and I must be in the same time zone...Vancouver is it?

Now time to try to sneak one in befor eclose of the day for Weyr!

#16836  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/28/2004 12:34:58 AM

BOOM!! (For Weyr). Ok, ok, I got distracted, and didn't even do it in an hour, oh well, a jump start on tomorrow I suppose.

For Honor, and Justice!

#16837  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/28/2004 3:09:04 AM

Obviously Ed and I must be in the same time zone...Vancouver is it?

Yup same time zone. Just a slightly different weather patern. Just got back from playing ice hockey. Play goal. Took a very hard slap shot on the collar bone. I cannot lift my arms more then about six inches now, for some reason. Was not a good night. 1st goal went off my defenceman after I made a great point plank save, which was a sign of things to come. Pulled my groin. Got my hand slashed when freezing the puck. Going to have two or three welts on my glove arm. I cannot remember why I love doing this so much right now. Good thing the beer was good and cold after the game.

#16838  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/28/2004 6:37:21 AM

There is a new version of the Metaverse News. Check it out here Link

#16839  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 9/28/2004 6:38:42 AM

LW and Attila, I think both of you need to do some serious thinking about your drinking habits.

I did. I'm on hiatus from the evil brew. Too much money being wasted there.

#16840  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/28/2004 7:12:20 AM

I note with sadness that our Emperor has been recalced again and has fallen from page 1


For Honor and Justice!

#16841  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/28/2004 8:40:37 AM

little BooM!! My big million is getting closer and closer!

#16842  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/28/2004 3:20:37 PM

Note to self. Don't drink 5 beers after playing hockey until 1 AM and then go to work the next day. (Weyr, someone else was driving)

I'm on hiatus from the evil brew

I agree with you today. Tonight, maybe not so much.

note with sadness that our Emperor has been recalced again and has fallen from page 1

Lets give him a 21 boom salute.

My big million is getting closer and closer
Week or so away for the big boom

Great article by Newf.

#16843  by Citizen _Attila_ - 9/28/2004 3:36:24 PM

hey EDie!

Is anybody elsi is lurking?

#16844  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/28/2004 8:29:25 PM

Evening Guardians

#16845  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 9/28/2004 8:32:27 PM


#16846  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 9/28/2004 8:33:21 PM

Hey Newfy!

#16847  by Citizen Chipperoo - 9/28/2004 11:41:56 PM

Boom!, for Weyr.
[Message Edited]

#16848  by Citizen Evil Druid - 9/29/2004 2:45:58 AM

Boom!, for Weyr

Your a team player Chip. Boom Have tommorow off so should be able to multi boom. Weyr said he would be home tommorow so the Guardians will be back at full strength.

#16849  by Citizen damoose - 9/29/2004 9:30:27 AM


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