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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#16900  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 5:53:38 AM



#16901  by Citizen damoose - 10/1/2004 6:27:00 AM

A 100 more to 17,000. You might need to have Aldar designate a holiday.

#16902  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 6:29:27 AM

Well, I guess I'm going to head to bed. I'll be back in a few hours. Unless I need another anime fix. I've watched Banner of the Stars I, and II, Please Teacher, Love Hina, Gundam Wing, and Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz all in the last 2 weeks. That's 118 episodes, and 3 movies. I'm addicted.

#16903  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 6:30:01 AM

A 100 more to 17,000. You might need to have Aldar designate a holiday.

Hmmm....I'll have to ask.

#16904  by Citizen _Attila_ - 10/1/2004 8:21:39 AM

Ahhhh... its nice to be home...

Went out last night to student night out... drinks were quite cheap, so had some booze... I love student life! Especially Student parties!! All the music, all the beatiful ladies around you from all over the world! Its just breathtaking. The only problem is that i had to sleep on the floor at my mates student halls flat.

Now i think i am gonna enjoy LOTR II Two Towers... wanna see it! Ah nah will go for number III

Ok lads see in a bit.

#16905  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 10/1/2004 9:44:58 AM

I am sorry to dissapoint you, but simulation shows that posting a near 60K game every 2 day (like you do currently) will allow to cross the 1M line on the 10/27/04. If you go to a game every day, it becomes the 10/18/04

Thats ok Peace, While I am starting to understand your formulas I am too lazy to work them out in my head, paper, abacas or even the computer.

[Message Edited]

#16906  by Citizen Greldon - 10/1/2004 10:18:29 AM

Congrats on 2 million, Weyr!! You'll have 2nd place soon.

#16907  by Citizen Greldon - 10/1/2004 10:24:08 AM

Also another FIRST - the only empire with two people over 2M.

Loth and I were over 2 million at one point...sorry.
But that makes 3 Guardians to have gone over 2 million!

For Honor and Justice!

#16908  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/1/2004 10:27:43 AM

Loth and I were over 2 million at one point...sorry.But that makes 3 Guardians to have gone over 2 million!

An even better FIRST. Sorry, with Loth's scores missing I tend to forget that he was upthere too. Thanks for reminding me.

#16909  by Citizen loopcub - 10/1/2004 11:47:24 AM

I just came to say HI and to say that school is going well.

I may not have the time to play but I would still like to know what is happening. Could somone fill me in?

#16910  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 12:21:16 PM

Loth and I were over 2 million at one point...sorry.But that makes 3 Guardians to have gone over 2 million!

And he was the FIRST to break the 3 million mark.

#16911  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/1/2004 12:36:31 PM

And he was the FIRST to break the 3 million mark.

Go Guardians!

#16912  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 12:42:59 PM

So how are you doing this fine afternoon, Weyr?

#16913  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/1/2004 12:48:50 PM

I'm doing fine. Cleaning my desk of things that have lingered for the past week waiting for me to get interested to do the work. Still not interested, but it is Friday and it must be done.

#16914  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/1/2004 12:51:51 PM

I donwloaded the free version of WindowBlinds 4.4 to try it out. Cool the way you right click on the top of the window and it rolls up like a window blind. Just using the skins that come with it. Interesting little toy that makes life a little more enjoyable.

#16915  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 12:55:52 PM

That's cool. I'm trying to find if I'm supposed to show at a Euchre party tomorrow night. I was invited when I came to last one, but now no one seems to know and I can't get a hold of the host. I'd still be sleeping, but there is an old paper mill that is being torn down in my neighborhood. The noise wasn't too bad, but the shocks traveling through the ground were shaking my room, and making ripples in my water bed.

#16916  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 12:57:58 PM

whoops. double post.
[Message Edited]

#16917  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 10/1/2004 1:37:06 PM

Hello Guardians.

Busy week for me, and good thing too - too many days of not busy makes me worry about my paycheck a little.

Weyr, congrats on joining the multi-millionier club!

#16918  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 1:38:25 PM

too many days of not busy makes me worry about my paycheck a little.

Been down that road. Good to hear from you GH.

Hey have any of you heard of a band called O.A.R. ?

#16919  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 3:41:13 PM

I sent out Jester's Corner.

#16920  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/1/2004 6:05:27 PM

Boom! for 4714 out of 60K.

#16921  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/1/2004 6:14:47 PM

Boom! for 4714 out of 60K

It all counts in the altmeta Weyr. Sure, we gave you some personnal time last month, but we expect nothing but big booms this month.

Jester's corner was a classic LW

#16922  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 7:18:27 PM

Jester's corner was a classic LW

Thank you sir. Did you want the email version? I usally add in a few dirtier jokes/images.

#16923  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/1/2004 7:29:36 PM

Did you want the email version? I usally add in a few dirtier jokes/images.

Sounds good. Sign me up.

#16924  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 10/1/2004 8:23:37 PM

Sounds good. Sign me up.

Ok. I'll send you a few of the back issues.

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