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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#17200  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/13/2004 3:36:39 PM

and the Galactic Guardians

#17201  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/13/2004 3:38:21 PM

Good save Chip.

#17202  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/13/2004 8:08:07 PM


#17203  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/13/2004 10:29:25 PM

12 hour work day today, my wife is off to a conference, have to cook my own dinner.

BOOM! for the evening and good night. I only got two in, can't match the 8 that Tech put in

#17204  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/14/2004 12:32:10 AM

Boom! WOW! that one leapt me into 15th spot.

Weyr, no apology needed, you and ED are our most stalwart warriors. We should all endeavor to be as prolific as you two!!

For Honor and Justice!

#17205  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/14/2004 12:33:21 AM

Next top of page will be page #700!!! Another first for sure!!!

#17206  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/14/2004 1:30:20 AM

BOOM Had to squeeze a game in tonight.

#17207  by Citizen littlewotts - 10/14/2004 6:01:26 AM

Goooood morning Guardians!

#17208  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 10/14/2004 8:05:38 AM


#17209  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/14/2004 8:11:22 AM

Good morning Ghost of GH. Hope things are going well with you. What are you playing these days? Or are you just working so hard you have no time to play?

#17210  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 10/14/2004 8:26:41 AM

Good morning Ghost of GH. Hope things are going well with you. What are you playing these days? Or are you just working so hard you have no time to play?

I've been taking a break from computer games in general. A couple of nights ago we played Chrononaughts and Munchkin. Munchkin is a Steve Jackson Games card game parity of D&D. Rather funny and fun to play. Chrononaughts is a "change history" card game. One player might have the objective to prevent Lincoln from being assassinated, while another might be trying to make the Cuban Missile Crisis turn into WWIII.

#17211  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/14/2004 9:53:43 AM

Chrononaughts is a "change history" card game. One player might have the objective to prevent Lincoln from being assassinated, while another might be trying to make the Cuban Missile Crisis turn into WWIII.

This would be a good party game to play when the family gathers as it might be a way to let off pressure that builds when siblings get together and pretend they are from the same family

#17212  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/14/2004 10:03:11 AM

I see where Tech has pushed the Foundation to first in the AltMeta again this month so far. He has played twice as many 60K games as the any of us. The only way to beat this is to have about 5 people play 2 games a day - then we can beat his 8 games a day rate (5 on average). But we only have three that play at that rate. We need two more 2 per day players. Any Guardians willing to step up to the task other than Chip, ED, and myself? Murgatroid is almost at that rate, but he doesn't vist us here and may not even be aware of the "friendly" rivalry.

#17213  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/14/2004 12:26:59 PM

I don't want to increase my rate beyond what I can comfortably do. If you have to slow down later it will hurt your score. My goal is 1.5 games per day. Up from 1 game per day. Play hockey 3 nights a week so have to play multipul the other days to keep my pace.

Maybe we should sign Tech up for the book of the month club or something. Contact his wife directly and see if he cannot spend more quality time with her.

#17214  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 10/14/2004 1:03:04 PM

Maybe we should sign Tech up for the book of the month club or something. Contact his wife directly and see if he cannot spend more quality time with her.

ooohhhhh Thats nasty, starting a campaign to affect his Real Life to slow down the Foundation's quest for 1st.

Maybe we should enlist his wife to play on their other computer and submit those games as well. Then he/they will be doing 16 submissions per day!

#17215  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 10/14/2004 1:03:21 PM

Maybe we should sign Tech up for the book of the month club or something. Contact his wife directly and see if he cannot spend more quality time with her.

ooohhhhh Thats nasty, starting a campaign to affect his Real Life to slow down the Foundation's quest for 1st.

Maybe we should enlist his wife to play on their other computer and submit those games as well. Then he/they will be doing 16 submissions per day!

#17216  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/14/2004 1:10:02 PM

Does anyone have any feedback on DisciplesII or Political Machine? I want to get the most from my TGN subscription...

#17217  by Citizen littlewotts - 10/14/2004 2:55:02 PM

I was planning to up my submission rate. But the cloning has that all screwed up.

#17218  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/14/2004 6:11:37 PM

I was planning to up my submission rate. But the cloning has that all screwed up.

You two are fighting over the same computer aren't you. One LW starts one game the other LW pulls the plug out. It's out of control.

#17219  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/14/2004 7:25:19 PM

I see where Newfy so wants to clone himself that he has resorted to at least cloning his posts

#17220  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/14/2004 7:27:21 PM

WE need to play where we are confortable and still have fun. We need more active members as I said earlier to compete with Tech. His Yor-body doesn't need sleep or food - I suspect even when powered down he is playing on a battery that moves his mouse hand.

#17221  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/14/2004 8:03:46 PM

Weyr, could you whip something up in the lab to counter the Tech auto-pilot?

EDIT: If so, perhaps we could get one of the bounty hunters to infiltrate and install it!
[Message Edited]

#17222  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/14/2004 8:17:59 PM

Contracts? I can just see Awww Nuts pop in, read up on the thread and then post "What is this contract stuff?" LW, Newfy, ED, and Weyr (Waiting behind the bushes to bushwhack him) post "contract fulfilled, subject terminated."

If I had been the first victim, that is exactly how it would go!!!

#17223  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/14/2004 9:20:17 PM

I upgraded XP to SP2 and now GalCiv won't load. When I try to load it, the screen goes blank and insteat of getting the main menu, I get the window that says the program crashed.

#17224  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/14/2004 9:49:12 PM

BOOM Weyr what were you thinking If it ain't broke don't fix it. How do you know Roy was not involved in writing the code for SP2.

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