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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#17300  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/16/2004 9:37:00 PM

Can't leave this one hanging!!!

#17301  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/16/2004 11:31:08 PM

I'm going to play a game.

#17302  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/16/2004 11:40:55 PM

Smash some Yor there ED!!!

#17303  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/17/2004 12:04:08 AM

Boom I played a game.

#17304  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/17/2004 12:14:04 AM

New Beer. I'm going to play another game.

#17305  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 10/17/2004 12:25:26 AM

Peace he had 100% morale on earth even with the 100 tax rate.

And on other planets: they are the ones that will give him problems. And I got something wrong here
More, there is a huge drop in production when morale falls below 25%.

It is the income that experience a huge drop, not the production. So at a time, raising too high taxe rate means a big drop income. Which means a big drop in balance towards negative. No wonder he has experienced a very low spending rate.

More, population is very important since it is the primary source of income, and allow to increase production. So if you want to be able to keep up with AI, you really need the biggest possible population increase per turn.

#17306  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/17/2004 12:28:33 AM


#17307  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 10/17/2004 12:29:40 AM

I play Research Inc. as my political party with +60% diplomacy, +20% research, and +20% planet quality.

I supposed that you have altered to get 20% PQ bonus instead of 5%.

#17308  by Citizen littlewotts - 10/17/2004 12:42:08 AM

FC, in respnse to the size question, it seems to me that larger maps garner a larger score. On the Pre-AP version of galciv, you could only reach the 60K point cap through a gigantic military victory on Maso. With AP a Large maso will net the same result. Each oof the victory conditions also have differnet net scores. A military victory is the highest, then alliance, then cultural, and lastly beyond human. You can ensure yourslef a military victory by turn off all other victory conditions at the setup screen. Even is you culturally overwhelm the AI, you will earn a military victory. I hope that helps.

#17309  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/17/2004 12:53:31 AM

BOOM Moving to PS2, do not touch the dile, I'll be back.

#17310  by Citizen littlewotts - 10/17/2004 12:55:49 AM

Moving to PS2

I'm house sitting with no galciv so I've only got my GBA.

#17311  by Citizen littlewotts - 10/17/2004 12:56:16 AM

Oh, and they left me with BEER!!

#17312  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 10/17/2004 3:54:36 AM

As far as dificulty levels go, am I correct in assuming the the higher the diffuculty level and the larger the map, the higher your final score will be?


Would a normal diffuculty on gigantic earn more points than a normal game on small?


Do you get points based on what type of victory you get; military, technology, alliance?

Yes. If I remember correctly, for the most scoring to the least one: military, alliance, cultural, tech.

Also, do you get more points buy having more techs

it is supposed to be so on RESEARCHED techs. That is why tech victory score the least.

Would I have gotten more points if I had increased my spending on research to 100% and waited another 20 turns before making the alliance and taking victory?

Maybe, but I don't know how many points you will have gained.

The following have an impact on score (I have experienced it):
- playing with all AI set to evil give greater points
- building trade goods (not wonder) give you something like 250 Mpts per trade goods
- ending in january 2190 or after. (the score is halved if you finished on december 2189 instead of january 2190).
- playing the game with the greatest number of version (with 1.21, 60K is achieved on militray win on gigantic maso, when in 1.51, you can get it with alliance victory with different map/difficulty settings)

And one little thing: there is a cap on how many Mpts a game will score. The current cap is 60K

[Message Edited]

#17313  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/17/2004 6:41:23 AM

High tax rate is rarely a good choice if morale prevent planets to grow. My rule of thumb is having the higher taxes rate that allows me to keep max pop growth (= 100% morale at the beginning of the game).More, there is a huge drop in production when morale falls below 25%. And planet starts loosing population below 50% morale.

PP, the problem is as follows:
Earth starting PQ is 22. Before turn 1 it become PQ 40. I notice this when I am adjusting my starting position on the spend and tax rate sliders. Normally I always start out with my spend rate at 100% and my tax rate somewhere around 39-49% depending on when the morility indicator drops below 100. But with a PQ of 40 on earth problems arise. One problem is that if you have other planets, expenses become very large and cannot be compensated for without reducing the spend rate. You cannot reduce the tax rate because the expense just become bigger. In some cases, I have not been able to compensate with the spend rate at all. That is, I set the tax rate to maximize income which is anywherr from 100% to 50% depending on the moraility indicator (by the way, there is a tax rate that will maximize income. If you go above the tax rate the income falls and if you go below the tax rate the income falls. In my last game it was 77% for that minimum point.) By adjusting the spend rate, most of the time I can get income of 8 to 12 per turn, not much, but for Earth at PQ 40, it still cranks our research at one per turn and production at the normal rate. For the other planets, well, forget them, they take 40 turns to complete soil improvement. If you adjust the spend rate so the other planets will function properly, you end up loosing about 300 bc per turn that goes on for a long time. Of course, once you drop below -500 bc you quit building anything, but the debt keeps increasing. In a normal game, you would usually get income when you quite producint, but not with a PQ 40 Earth and other planets. If you only had Earth and no other planets, it would function as normal.

By the way, I also find the my second planet often suffers from a sudden jump in PQ. In my last game, the planet went from 17 to 35, which helps a lot because not the plantes are more in synch with each other.

Why is this happening? I don't know for sure, but I now suspect a mod. When this started I had just install the two latest mods, Icho's evil pact and the one that give a production that never ends. Although I installed the latter, I have never tried useing my idle planets to work on it. But there must be something in one of those mods that is causing this, but I am not sure.

This phenomenon happens almost every game, although I had a game yesterday that only gave a PQ 24 planets, but the economic impact was the same and I had to quit the game because I could not reduce expenses enought to generate any income, even with spending rate on zero.

#17314  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 10/17/2004 6:55:06 AM

Weyrleader, If you could generate a such game with normal galciv (1.21) and send it to me (see my e-mail at the embassy), I would be very interested in seeing it.

In some cases, I have not been able to compensate with the spend rate at all.

Do you mean that with spend rate at 0%, you were still losing money? What are your expenses? Tributes, leases, maintenance (for social improvement or for propaganda), ship maintenance?

#17315  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/17/2004 8:25:53 AM

Do you mean that with spend rate at 0%, you were still losing money? What are your expenses? Tributes, leases, maintenance (for social improvement or for propaganda), ship maintenance?

Yes, I was loosing money at zero spend rate. I did not look to see where I was spending it, but it was early in the game, like at turn1 or 2, so I don't think I had anything built yet. I have noticed that when I add a new start system, the revenue for that system that is just starting out is 3 bc with 0 expenses. But, the total expenses to the galaxy go sky high. I am still explorimg these anomolies. The game I just submitted I was explore economic research and its effect as well as trade. Both of these items are absolutely necessary with the type of system I am generating.

#17316  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 10/17/2004 9:40:34 AM

the revenue for that system that is just starting out is 3 bc with 0 expenses.

you mean that you get 3BC as income? It sounds to me that you were at a too higher taxe rate. What was the size of the population colonizing the planet?

#17317  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/17/2004 10:20:29 AM

BOOM! with mods turned off - resulted in a standard game no extraordinary planet PQs. It must be in the Mods.

#17318  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/17/2004 10:21:02 AM

you mean that you get 3BC as income? It sounds to me that you were at a too higher taxe rate. What was the size of the population colonizing the planet?

I typically colonize at 125-150M

#17319  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 10/17/2004 11:35:34 AM

I typically colonize at 125-150M

So unless taxes are so high that when you colonize the planet, you end with less than 25% in morale, I don't really see how you can have only 3BC as income generated by the planet.

#17320  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/17/2004 1:26:36 PM

So unless taxes are so high that when you colonize the planet, you end with less than 25% in morale, I don't really see how you can have only 3BC as income generated by the planet.

Morale is usually about 50 or above. Actually, with what is happening, there are a lot of things I don't understand. For example, PQ will go up and then down and then back up. I will have to lower the tax rate to 50 or so for a few turns, and then I can crank it back up to 100% with no loss of approval rating. etc. etc. I don't know if it is Icho's new mod that is causing it or the mod that provides a production good that never ends.

#17321  by Citizen littlewotts - 10/17/2004 1:28:22 PM

It seems like there is an error being caused by the mods. I would install those mods independantly and see if you can duplicate it.

#17322  by Citizen littlewotts - 10/17/2004 1:28:58 PM

Weyr, you got your black sheild!!!!

#17323  by Citizen Weyrleader - 10/17/2004 1:29:57 PM

It seems like there is an error being caused by the mods. I would install those mods independantly and see if you can duplicate it.

I did remove and reinsatll from Stardock GalCiv AP just to make sure that something in the game had not been corrupted. The next step will be to do as you suggest.

#17324  by Citizen Cetane - 10/17/2004 2:16:19 PM

Peace, thanks for the help. I went to a smaller map changed victory conditions and ended up with a better score. I also moved to the center of the map and found my economy went through the roof with all of the minor freighters coming in. The game went alot quicker and I got the Yor and Drengian out of the game before they got to battleship. But the Altarian got to dreadnaught in the mean time so I settled with a quick Alliance victory. Next time I think I'll play it all the way out and see what happens.

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