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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#17550  by Citizen PassingBye - 10/27/2004 6:24:34 AM

BOOM!-morning to you all. Off to the salt mines. Will check in from time to time.

LW, can't wait to see the new website.

#17551  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 10/27/2004 9:35:23 AM

LW, can't wait to see the new website.

Me too!

#17552  by Diplomat Technician - 10/27/2004 9:47:24 AM


#17553  by Citizen PassingBye - 10/27/2004 11:12:54 AM


The sound of a Yor Yogga practionaire. I think he needs a drop of oil in his ear!

#17554  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/27/2004 11:49:11 AM

I think the logo also resembles the top half of Oscar, the academy award.

#17555  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 10/27/2004 12:03:40 PM

I think the logo also resembles the top half of Oscar, the academy award.

Roy, being hunted by the Galactic Guardians, turned to his only friend Oscar. Can a Yor and an award share an empire together without driving each other crazy? Find out on tonight's episode of The Odd Couple...

#17556  by Citizen PassingBye - 10/27/2004 12:39:11 PM

Find out on tonight's episode of The Odd Couple...

#17557  by Citizen Cetane - 10/27/2004 1:14:29 PM

mini boom from late last night to............. 428th. but i downloaded AP today. i'll load it up after i finish the game i'm in now.

#17558  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/27/2004 2:32:02 PM

Go get your own anime chick.

LW there is no need for this to get personal Naru is the only anime for me. I know she has feelings for me to. No, don't blame her. Those subtle winks, those big brown eyes. Would you blame the sun for rising? I could give Naru the things you could only dream of, a place beside me near the top of the Meta. Think about it LW, would it not be best for all concerned if you just emailed me her avatar.

#17559  by Citizen PassingBye - 10/27/2004 2:43:09 PM

Alright Guardian Knights, we don't want to have a "joust" over the fair maid, Naru. Although, LW, you do know that she winks at just about everyone and that may yet get you into trouble. You don't have to worry about me, as my current and only wife has let it be widely known that "divorce? never! murder? maybe!"

#17560  by Citizen littlewotts - 10/27/2004 3:51:49 PM

Good to see everyone is as delirious as me.

#17561  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/27/2004 5:33:43 PM

LW just checked my email Naru was not there. Lets not drag this out. Naru belongs with me.

Fair Maiden Naru
I love you

Soon you’ll be mine
Won’t that be fine

Come to the top
LW is a flop

You’ll discover
ED’s a lover

Here my plea
She belongs with me

I’m sorry mate
But it’s our fate.

Email my maiden
Your love’s a fading

#17562  by Citizen PassingBye - 10/27/2004 6:04:59 PM

#17563  by Citizen PassingBye - 10/27/2004 10:02:03 PM

BOOM! BOOM! Good night all. 3 booms for the day and I moved up 2 slots.

#17564  by Citizen Chipperoo - 10/28/2004 12:11:19 AM


Gonna start up a Beyond Human victory as this will complete the 4 conditions of victory. Hopefully I'll have this one submitted by the weekend (In addition to my usual alliance wins).

Sleep well Guardians, tomorrow brings new adventures!!!

#17565  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 10/28/2004 7:52:52 AM

Hmmm, the early shift seems to have slept in today. Good Morning Guardians!

#17566  by Citizen PassingBye - 10/28/2004 8:16:16 AM

Good morning Ghost. Hope you slept well, or haunted well, which ever you do

#17567  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 10/28/2004 8:33:47 AM

Good morning Ghost. Hope you slept well, or haunted well, which ever you do

Slept well, but not enough. Was playing Final Fantasy Tactics and kept wanting to have "just one more battle"

#17568  by Citizen Cetane - 10/28/2004 11:16:20 AM

lurk from work (one of the perks!)

#17569  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/28/2004 11:55:53 AM

Naru and me met last night at seedy web site. The kind of place I knew LW would never visit. At first Naru was all I could imagine. She did those things for me that only an anime could do. Then the next thing I know, with the click of a mouse, she wanted my credit card number and $9.99 a month to continue. Well I was heart broken. It was never about me. It was about the money and the prestige of being my Avatar. It’s over between us. I should have listened to Chip and Passing when they told me she was winking at everyone. I thought I was special.
[Message Edited]

#17570  by Citizen Cetane - 10/28/2004 12:13:04 PM

Excerpt from Reasearch Inc Mod from Library:

This party is for gamers who play for Alliance wins only!

The AI's do not pick this party, however any ship you build is considerably weaker than theirs. This party will not stop the AI's from declaring war on you either.

Question: While playing last night I got a ingame pop-up that said so and so had lost control of there senate. A while later another pop-up said so and so had regained control and things were looking favorable for so and so's Reasearch Inc party. Do you guys use this party and has this happened to you. I don't remember what race it was. I don't think it was a minor. Not that it matters much because I decimated the Yor, and then the rest of the Galaxy, but I was just wondering.

#17571  by Citizen PassingBye - 10/28/2004 12:27:35 PM

I use the Research Inc party. I haven't seen an AI loose control of there senate seat in a long time, but I have seen it. It appears that that particular AI had chosen the Research Inc party, which they are free to do, but it makes it hard for them to do battle, which could account for why they lost control of the senate.

#17572  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/28/2004 12:32:25 PM

I had read that they would not choose it because of the negatives to military. Very interesting to know that they will. Makes the game more fair. I wonder if the AI is smart enough to try to stay out of wars using it.

#17573  by Diplomat Technician - 10/28/2004 12:36:51 PM

Hi Guardians.

Thought I drop a quick note before I go back to work to see if IBH can nail me.

I can always be a suck and not post until the contract is up,
but I got to give them a sporting chance
[Message Edited]

#17574  by Citizen Evil Druid - 10/28/2004 12:39:52 PM


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