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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#17675  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/1/2004 1:53:21 PM

Congrats to ED, the newest Guardian legend! Now break 2 million three more times

Thanks Greldon. I'll just keep going upward if you don't mind. Your record will have to stay unbroken for now.

#17676  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/1/2004 2:08:56 PM

BTW, if anyone is interested in seeing what I do on election nights, go here: Link

I run the updates as the results come in. On a good night, I'll work until midnight. One election, I was here to 5 AM.

#17677  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/1/2004 2:15:14 PM

On a good night, I'll work until midnight

What makes a good night and what slows you down.

#17678  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/1/2004 2:47:59 PM

What makes a good night and what slows you down.

One night, 1 precinct didn't arrive with the ballots until after 2 am. I think they stopped for doughnuts or something. In any case, we can't report what isn't there. Another time, there was a problem with the ballot counting software. Out of our control, but we couldn't report the results until it was resolved with the election software vendor.

#17679  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/1/2004 3:49:25 PM

I think they stopped for doughnuts or something

They knew you'd be waiting.

Check out the raw metaverse scores for last month. We took the foundation on the last day. We were about 10 60K games behind when I checked Saturday.

Unbelievable comeback Guardians.

#17680  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/1/2004 5:10:58 PM

ED is absolutely right!!! WTG Guardians!!! Thanks for making up for my lost week with a messed up serial number, ya'all are the greatest!

#17681  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/1/2004 6:26:00 PM

Hey Hey, we beat the Foundation at their own Yor-inspired game. Clear the Yor from the Metaverse!

#17682  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/1/2004 6:37:48 PM

The Embassy has undergone a revolution and it has been taken over by Yor bent on maximizing confusion and disorientation. does anyone know if the Stock Market is still alive? If so, where is it? I got lost in the halls so I teleported myself back here where I know where I am.

#17683  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/1/2004 6:50:24 PM

It was there a couple of hours ago. Mace said that the changes are a "work in progress", so hang in there.

#17684  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/1/2004 6:57:49 PM

Yes, turned off all conditions except for alien technology win.

Chip, that allows the AI to win if they get to beyond human first. You need to have technology victory selected. I hope that's more clear.

#17685  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/1/2004 7:04:07 PM

LW when our you scheduled to drop another game on your route to 1 million with the fewest games possible. So far it has not been a very exciting race.

#17686  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/1/2004 7:06:10 PM

LW when our you scheduled to drop another game on your route to 1 million with the fewest games possible. So far it has not been a very exciting race.

Riiight about that. I'll have to try tomorrow after I get up. I worked all weekend and went to a party or two, so it killed my time.

#17687  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/1/2004 8:41:06 PM

I worked all weekend and went to a party or two, so it killed my time.

LW, I am disppointed, I thought you would come up with a new excuse.

#17688  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/1/2004 8:42:22 PM

Oh, I almost forgot, BOOM! for a samll step toward 19M in the Meta.

#17689  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/1/2004 11:17:05 PM

BOOM! my first thunder in over a week!!! Wow, that so good, I'm going to go get another now.

For Honor and Justice!

#17690  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/1/2004 11:28:16 PM

I just finished a game and tried uploading 3 times and have failed.

#17691  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/2/2004 12:00:38 AM

Rebooted my computer tried again still does not work. I could have played another game by now. Will try again late tonight when I get back from hockey

#17692  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/2/2004 2:01:55 AM

hope you have/had lots of saves ED...

#17693  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/2/2004 2:09:40 AM

I also hope you saw the dual meaning of the last post. Oh, and by the way...


#17694  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/2/2004 3:46:12 AM

BOOM You bet chip and my endsavegame worked this time. The saves on the ice were not quite as effective.

#17695  by Citizen damoose - 11/2/2004 4:37:46 AM

And if you don't know who to vote for, let me introduce you to the Mrs. She will tell all you need to know and why!

Are you sure she and the Mrs. Da Moose have not been talking behind our backs???

#17696  by Citizen damoose - 11/2/2004 4:40:08 AM

ED... Grats on 2 mil. Nice job!

#17697  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/2/2004 5:27:05 AM

Are you sure she and the Mrs. Da Moose have not been talking behind our backs???

Very likely. My role is voting is to ask. Actually, she is a very polical person and very informed. Much more interest in that area than I could muster in a lifetime.

#17698  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/2/2004 9:56:06 AM

Well, I went and voted today. I don't see why more people do ge out there and do it. It's quick and easy.

#17699  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 11/2/2004 10:05:29 AM

Well, it is very tempting ...

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