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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#17750  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/3/2004 4:09:31 PM

Thank God it's over. How long of a rest do we have before Campaign 2008 starts

Six months.

Anyone have an update about the embassy? I

Have not been able to sign in all day. Used the direct link to trivia. Got none right. I want to go back to general trivia.

#17751  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/3/2004 4:34:38 PM

Thank God it's over. How long of a rest do we have before Campaign 2008 starts<

Six months.

Please! Make the bad people stop!

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#17752  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/3/2004 4:38:12 PM

How long of a rest do we have before Campaign 2008 starts?

The first speech by Hillary Clinton starts the next round.

#17753  by Citizen Cadmann Weyland - 11/3/2004 4:59:24 PM

I'm afraid PB is right. She'll likely waste no time putting herself in the limelight to start the momentum ball rolling for her run at the primaries in Mar of '08.

#17754  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/3/2004 5:57:10 PM

BOOM! for Peace in out time.

#17755  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/3/2004 6:24:56 PM

I'm not sure but I think PB just gave Peace a time out.

#17756  by Diplomat Technician - 11/3/2004 6:25:09 PM

Does this mean Newfy's my Mom I'm going to need years of therapy.

That make Newfy my wife

Now I need years of therapy

#17757  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/3/2004 6:48:27 PM

Have you all ever noticed a deep yearing for 3 day old cod? Do you gravitate to the old fish smeel when down at the beach? If so, then that should be a clue that you're a RED NECK

#17758  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/3/2004 7:26:08 PM

That make Newfy my wife Now I need years of therapy

.I'm the product of a dysfunctional family. So I guess that makes Newfies cod my Codfather.

#17759  by Citizen _Attila_ - 11/3/2004 9:00:15 PM

Good Evening Guardians!
I think i owe an apology for always disappearing without a notice, but it seems like no-one missed me, anyway...
Got loads things to do... uni is taking quite a lot of hours got too many courseworks in too short time to handle in...
then, my social life with new students is most time-consuming and work! and Blah blah blah....
Oh yeah also a month ago i found this site, where you could download Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for free to play on-line, have to tell you got pretty much hooked-up on that, ever since.
Downloaded that Robin Hood thingie aswell quite nice game, i like it so far>>> cant get out of Nottingham... darn arches always kill from the distance.

so is anyone would like to up-to-date me whats happening around?

#17760  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/3/2004 10:01:54 PM

BOOM!Welcome back Attila. Not sure when you were last here so not sure what to say. The Embassy is down for repairs right now, Newfy has retired and the first beta of CalCiv 2 will be out shortly. the GalCiv 2 Metaverse is up for those who belong to

#17761  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/3/2004 10:10:34 PM

Excuse me PB. But the most important thing is I broke the 2 mil point barrier Oh and PassingBye is the re-incarnation of Weyr and case you missed that.

#17762  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 11/3/2004 10:24:21 PM

Don't forget that I was one-upped by Littlewotts.

#17763  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/3/2004 10:24:26 PM

We have missed you 'Tilla. Glad your doing OK. Hope the schoolwork calms down as the semester continues. Check out the galciv 2 page at Link

[Homer on]DOH! back to how to post a link 101...[/Homer off]
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EDIT x2:[Homer on]DOH! stupid colon, go before those lines!!![/Homer off]
EDIT x3:Finally?
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#17764  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/3/2004 11:23:56 PM

Hrumph! Of course I miss my brother barbarian!

Welcome back Attila I was reincarnated as my own ghost for a while, as I have stopped playing, but am still haunting the forums.

Oh, and in case you want to stop by, the Guardian Forums, and all the other forums hosted by the Diplomats (now IBH) are down this week. Temporary digs at Link

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#17765  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/4/2004 1:13:21 AM

Boom! for my Shaqless Lakers who will lose tonight to the Jazz

#17766  by Citizen _Attila_ - 11/4/2004 2:56:39 AM

good morning

Thank you all brothers... i'll check on those threads in Embessy a bit later just poping in before work to say hi and thank you for a quick update, i think i must to get one game now or tomorrow before there would be another 30 days gap

So jsut once again PassingBye = Weyrleader?

chat to you all later guys... thanx again

#17767  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/4/2004 5:44:55 AM

So jsut once again PassingBye = Weyrleader?

Yup, that me

#17768  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/4/2004 6:31:17 AM

Hoof Arted?

Nevermind me I just gotta work, and I'm tired.

Good to see you Attila!

#17769  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/4/2004 6:51:55 AM

Hey Roy, here's a BOOM! for you. Take that and shove up you psionic nostril

#17770  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 11/4/2004 8:58:58 AM

psionic nostril

PB did you want me to resurrect Bronko? My Umpteenth level Psionicist? I would have to recur memories but I would remember more once I started. BWAAAHAAAHAAA

I believe he was Chaotic Good. BWAAAHAAAHAAA


#17771  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 11/4/2004 10:15:35 AM

Does this mean Newfy's my Mom I'm going to need years of therapy.

That make Newfy my wife
Now I need years of therapy

Wait a minute ... last I checked I was a man .... yup I am still a man

I think that I am gonna need years of therapy

#17772  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 11/4/2004 10:24:01 AM

Maybe we can get a family rate for our therapy?

#17773  by Citizen damoose - 11/4/2004 11:19:11 AM

That make Newfy my wife Now I need years of therapy

Maybe we can get a family rate for our therapy?


#17774  by Citizen Cadmann Weyland - 11/4/2004 11:58:03 AM


Quick someone grab that thing and get it to Weyr's lab. I'm sure we can clone it and add it as an outer wrapping to the Yor armor plated butt protector.

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