by Citizen PassingBye - 11/5/2004 9:30:44 PM
The Raven's Claw is an all male senior honorary society still in effect today. It was founded at Dickinson in 1896, making it the first of three honorary societies unique to Dickinson College; the other two societies, in order of founding on campus, being Skull and Key in 1909 and Wheel and Chain in 1924. Raven's Claw membership is limited to seven senior men who are selected by the seven previous members. The new members are chosen based on a variety of factors. These include campus leadership, a solid academic record, and athletic participation. New members are inducted in a "Tapping Ceremony" which is held on the "Old Stone Steps of Old West." The ceremony is traditionally conducted during commencement weekend. They are called "claws" or "white hats", denoting the white caps they wear to signify unity and loyalty. In 1934 it consisted of seven student members and two faculty advisors. The advisors were Wilbur Norcross and Gilbert Malcom. The students were Wesley Day, John Fowler Jr., George Hansell, Lloyd Hughes, Benjamin James, Charles Kennedy, and William Mark. The young men were members of Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Sigma Epsilon, and Phi Kappa Sigma fraternities, representing a very diverse group of men on campus and showing no signs of bias or exclusiveness outside of the secretive Raven's Claw society. They were and are a very loyal group as was witnessed by the societies 100th anniversary celebration in 1996. The festivities had a huge turnout with the attendance of members from classes as far back as the 1920's. Claw class of '34 member Benjamin James served as co-chair of the planning committee of the 100th anniversary celebration. All in all, the group is very loyal and has been a part of Dickinson's history for over 100 years.
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by Citizen PassingBye - 11/5/2004 9:53:54 PM
BOOM! three for the day. Top of page 3 and need about 10 more games to bridge the gap to page 2 and push fellow guardian loopcub down to page 3.
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by Citizen PassingBye - 11/5/2004 9:55:21 PM
Does anyone know where Theodan got the name Raven's claw from? Harry Potter, the all male senior honoary society, or Jedi Knight series ship Raven's Claw?
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Littlewotts, why no new thread. I bet you wouldn't talk so boldly if you didn't have "The Nutbuster". |
I think it has much to do with tha amount of tradition, and the Galactic Guardians style of doing things LARGE.
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I don't notice any lag really. The Embassy is slower.
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GH et al, I went 2-1. The loss was my favorite game of the night. I used a CoK card that had a divinity counter. I counted my library and took the divinity counter to draw 20 cards from my 21 card library. One of the cards drawn allowed me to play with an unlmited handsize. I lost to both opponents when I ran out of cards to draw two turns later. Until then I was one spellcasting fool with splice onto arcanes flying out 3-4 a turn. It reminded me of the unglued card Mine Mine Mine. A buddy played it once and the whole table had their entire libraries in their hands. What a hoot. |
Sorry you got decked, but it sounded fun doing it. You don't know how many times I wished I could just pick up 20 or 30 cards and lay them all down I'm a fan of deck manipulation and draw.
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Good BOOMING!! morning to you too.
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Front and back main roof gutters are 25 feet off the ground. |
I know that feeling. But I don't have a ladder, so I just watch the plants grow in them.
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