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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#17900  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/8/2004 2:50:53 PM

Hello, its mine, all mine

#17901  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/8/2004 3:41:25 PM

Sorry, this thing called work keeps getting in the way of my Internet time

#17902  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/8/2004 4:26:40 PM

Sorry, this thing called work keeps getting in the way of my Internet ti

Funny, it seems to be affecting me as well.

#17903  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/8/2004 8:28:57 PM

Sorry, this thing called work keeps getting in the way of my Internet time

I think it is an epidemic. Is there a flu shot one can get (obviously not here in the US) for this epidemic?

#17904  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/8/2004 8:36:47 PM

BOOM! my first for the day. Been busy looking at lawn tractors and bagging addons to take care of my lawn and leaves in the future. Had been paying a lawn service, but when they started charging $30 per hour for undocumented aliens at McDonnlds and said it took 3 of them 2 hours to gather the leaves, I did a quick back of the envelope ROI calculations and decided that I get my money back in two years. Not a bad decisiion. Will buy it from Sears with 3 year at home warrent where they come fix it any time it breaks or doesn't work - at your house.

#17905  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/8/2004 8:55:49 PM

30 per hour for undocumented aliens

Psst, PB I know a guy named Tech who has got an in with the Aliens. He can have a team of Roy's do the job at half the price. Not sure the status of Roy's documents but he appears paper trained. They'll even bring you a beer.
[Message Edited]

#17906  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/8/2004 10:13:22 PM

BOOM! remade Admiral and got my first gold bar (for the second time).

#17907  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/8/2004 11:11:52 PM

And all in less than a month. Great job PB!!

#17908  by Citizen Cetane - 11/8/2004 11:13:10 PM

#17909  by Citizen Cetane - 11/8/2004 11:13:36 PM

#17910  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/9/2004 1:56:06 AM


And I think i discovered why I failed at my BH victory...

I enabled only the alien tech victory condition, not Technology win (which applies to your own race).

Chalk it up to experience and fun. At least I got to see all of the Halut and Omega pack techs. Next time I won't be such an ignoramus. (Yes everyone can feel free to pile on)

#17911  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/9/2004 3:41:56 AM

Hey Lw, ED, FC, and all you current and former CSF'ers...
Lately I've been seeing alot of TV commercials for Labatt's Blue. Question, thumb's up or thumb's down for that stupid talking bears beer or what?

#17912  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/9/2004 3:57:55 AM

Thumbs down for the most part. I did like the book case one from about 8 months ago where they build a beer dispencer instead of a book shelf and the wife come home and asks hows the book shelf.

#17913  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/9/2004 6:25:33 AM

I enabled only the alien tech victory condition, not Technology win (which applies to your own race).

I mentioned that to you somewhere.

#17914  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/9/2004 6:26:34 AM

Lately I've been seeing alot of TV commercials for Labatt's Blue. Question, thumb's up or thumb's down for that stupid talking bears beer or what?

I like it alright. I generally drink that at the bar over Bud, if they don't have anything dark/stout on tap.

#17915  by Citizen damoose - 11/9/2004 6:49:12 AM

Hey PB... Grats!

#17916  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/9/2004 6:52:27 AM

I noticed in the papaer this morning that a lot of unhappy Democrats apparently are swamping the immigration page of Canada, looking up what they need to do to move North. I hope all you Canadians are ready for an influx of disenchanged people from the U.S. I understand that they will have to wait in line, like all the others. Also, a columnist in Canada, don't remember which newspaper, said, with toung in cheek, "They will have to learn to live with everything American but complain that they hate their lifestyle." Story in the Washington Times talks about the formation of the United States of Canada, with all the Blue states and Canada joined togethe and the Red States dubbed, "JesusLand".

#17917  by Citizen damoose - 11/9/2004 7:55:01 AM

Ya... Saw something like that last week in the local rag. Not going to happen of course. I mean it's only 4 years... right?

#17918  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/9/2004 8:31:40 AM

I mean it's only 4 years... right?

Yes, damoose, you can relax. It is only 4 years. Then, of course, there is Jeb Bush, Gov. of Florida.

#17919  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 11/9/2004 9:16:23 AM

Then, of course, there is Jeb Bush, Gov. of Florida.

Now if what you "threat" happens, I'm gonna get a Terror Star and plast this dustball away, with all Bushs on it, chained to the ground

#17920  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/9/2004 10:34:08 AM

Now if what you "threat" happens, I'm gonna get a Terror Star and plast this dustball away, with all Bushs on it, chained to the ground

Hey Icho, we can all survive. Some will feel better some worse, but we will all survice.

#17921  by Citizen Cetane - 11/9/2004 12:03:45 PM

On to page 8. Next game should put me over 100,000. I read a book a few years back about China taking over the mid-east Europe and South America. As they marched toward us we formed the United States of Canada and opened up a can of whoop a$$ on them. I don't remember who wrote it though. Any way vacation is over. Headed to the ship. Does anyone know if you have to submitt games as soon as you are done playing them? Can I play underway and then submitt all of my games when we pull in? I was hoping to save them right before the last turn and post when I can connect to to net.

#17922  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/9/2004 12:37:04 PM

I noticed in the papaer this morning that a lot of unhappy Democrats apparently are swamping the immigration page of Canada

I've thought about it.

#17923  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/9/2004 12:56:51 PM

That's all we need, more Liberals. Send us your draft dodgers your deserters and your disenchanted democrats and will send you are brightest and smartest. Sounds fair.

LW your already a Canadian at heart. Love Hockey, Love quality beer, your in brother.

#17924  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/9/2004 1:00:54 PM

Can I play underway and then submitt all of my games when we pull in?

Yes, you can do that. Just rename the saveendgame to a unique name and load them, press return and get endgame win and submit when connected to the internet. Just don't try to submit when not connected.

Have a good sailing.

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