Ok, let's look what we have:
First, your second game is submitted on 11/19/04 when the first is submitted on 11/18/04. So block movements have appeared.
So lets look the different block
block 0 (0-30 days): on 11/18, 67 games in it. 1 enter, 2 left. influence on score : - 3.7K
block 1 (31-60 days): on 11/18 55 games in it. 2 enter, 3 left. influence on score : -3.8K
block 2 (61-90 days): on 11/18 31 games in it. 3 enter, 0 left. Influence on score: + 14.2K
block 3 (91-120 days): on 11/18 20 games in it. 0 enter, 6 left (submissions on 7/21/4). Influence on score : -37.7 K
block 4 (121-150 days): on 11/18 46 games in it. 6 enter, 2 left. Influence on score : + 14K
block 5 (151-220 days): on 11/18 85 games in it. 2 enter, 0 left. Influence on score : + 5.1K
No movements for the others blocks.
As you can see, the killer thing was a movement from a "low" populated block to a "high" populated block, with no remplacement in the "low" populated block.
This is a consequence of the no submission period bewteen 08/08/04 and 08/22/04
If you have a submission rate of 1 game per day, you will retrieve the scor you have on the 11/18/04 (2176K) on 11/25/04.
With a submission rate of 2 games per day it is on the 11/22/04 (first day where the block 3 will see games entering in it)
[Message Edited]
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Ok it's afternoon now and I'm up!!! Soon, I will br preparing my beer making kit and then sunday, begin brewing it. in about 1.5-2 months: homebrew!!!
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Hello Guardians!
~Walks in, whacks the moose head before dusting it off, looks around~
Seems kind of quiet here lately, except for the BOOMS. How's it going?
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Good GH, the Yor are in retreat over most major sectors and locally we have cleaning up the Roy's with our new detergent. Extra strength lemon fresh Yor detergent. |
MMMmmmM! Love that scent!
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At two game per day how long tell I get to second place. Please and thank you |
I will wait a bit to see if Weyrleader is hit by a recalc. That coud help you
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by Citizen PassingBye - 11/19/2004 3:06:34 PM
What if Weyr were to submit one game a week. What would that do to him?
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I think the guys of at Penny-Arcade might be onto the Roys. Link
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What if Weyr were to submit one game a week. What would that do to him? |
Well, I have some problem with your score. But you will surely trigger a recalc. And near a month without submission could be a killer
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Good to see you bumping around the threads again LW!! |
I've been so damn busy this last week. It's not going to end for a while either.
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by Citizen PassingBye - 11/19/2004 8:19:53 PM
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