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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18050  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/19/2004 1:37:38 AM

MOOB Now my second game dropped my score. Evil Roy must be playing with the meta scoring calculator switches.

#18051  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 11/19/2004 4:13:15 AM

Ok, let's look what we have:
First, your second game is submitted on 11/19/04 when the first is submitted on 11/18/04. So block movements have appeared.
So lets look the different block
block 0 (0-30 days): on 11/18, 67 games in it. 1 enter, 2 left. influence on score : - 3.7K
block 1 (31-60 days): on 11/18 55 games in it. 2 enter, 3 left. influence on score : -3.8K
block 2 (61-90 days): on 11/18 31 games in it. 3 enter, 0 left. Influence on score: + 14.2K
block 3 (91-120 days): on 11/18 20 games in it. 0 enter, 6 left (submissions on 7/21/4). Influence on score : -37.7 K
block 4 (121-150 days): on 11/18 46 games in it. 6 enter, 2 left. Influence on score : + 14K
block 5 (151-220 days): on 11/18 85 games in it. 2 enter, 0 left. Influence on score : + 5.1K
No movements for the others blocks.

As you can see, the killer thing was a movement from a "low" populated block to a "high" populated block, with no remplacement in the "low" populated block.
This is a consequence of the no submission period bewteen 08/08/04 and 08/22/04

If you have a submission rate of 1 game per day, you will retrieve the scor you have on the 11/18/04 (2176K) on 11/25/04.
With a submission rate of 2 games per day it is on the 11/22/04 (first day where the block 3 will see games entering in it)

[Message Edited]

#18052  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/19/2004 6:13:53 AM

Morning everybody!

#18053  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/19/2004 12:08:06 PM

Morning all!

#18054  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/19/2004 12:34:06 PM

Ok it's afternoon now and I'm up!!! Soon, I will br preparing my beer making kit and then sunday, begin brewing it. in about 1.5-2 months: homebrew!!!

#18055  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/19/2004 1:17:04 PM

Morning, Still morning here.

This is a consequence of the no submission period bewteen 08/08/04 and 08/22/04

Thanks PP, I told you I should not have taken my vacation

At two game per day how long tell I get to second place. Please and thank you.

#18056  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/19/2004 1:44:34 PM

Hello Guardians!

~Walks in, whacks the moose head before dusting it off, looks around~

Seems kind of quiet here lately, except for the BOOMS. How's it going?

#18057  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/19/2004 1:49:14 PM

Good GH, the Yor are in retreat over most major sectors and locally we have cleaning up the Roy's with our new detergent. Extra strength lemon fresh Yor detergent.

#18058  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/19/2004 1:54:05 PM

Good GH, the Yor are in retreat over most major sectors and locally we have cleaning up the Roy's with our new detergent. Extra strength lemon fresh Yor detergent.

MMMmmmM! Love that scent!

#18059  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 11/19/2004 2:32:27 PM

At two game per day how long tell I get to second place. Please and thank you

I will wait a bit to see if Weyrleader is hit by a recalc. That coud help you

#18060  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/19/2004 3:06:34 PM

What if Weyr were to submit one game a week. What would that do to him?

#18061  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/19/2004 3:16:25 PM

I think the guys of at Penny-Arcade might be onto the Roys. Link

#18062  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 11/19/2004 4:06:10 PM

What if Weyr were to submit one game a week. What would that do to him?

Well, I have some problem with your score. But you will surely trigger a recalc. And near a month without submission could be a killer

#18063  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/19/2004 5:07:11 PM

Good to see you bumping around the threads again LW!!

#18064  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/19/2004 5:38:04 PM

Good to see you bumping around the threads again LW!!

I've been so damn busy this last week. It's not going to end for a while either.

#18065  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/19/2004 8:19:53 PM


#18066  by Citizen Cetane - 11/19/2004 9:10:59 PM

The Chief has returned. No booming. Didn't have alot of time. Had to do alot of training. Underway replinishment. Brought on 257,593 gallons of lemon fresh yor detergent, only it smelled like jet fuel. Got 1 Challenging in coming down the channel this afternoon. Off to the Trivia!!! BTW is the Embassy up yet???

#18067  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/19/2004 9:13:12 PM

What if Weyr were to submit one game a week. What would that do to him?

Go ahead. Make my day I don't think it would be pretty.

Even my two week vacation is huanting me now. I told Weyr I should not go, but know he insisted. Have a good time he said. Where is he now. Gone.

#18068  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/19/2004 9:15:53 PM

Brought on 257,593 gallons of lemon fresh yor detergent

Thats would take care of alot Roy's
BTW is the Embassy up yet

Nope. The temp home is going to have more post then the embassy before long.

#18069  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/19/2004 9:55:00 PM

BOOM! Well, I checked Weyr's history and he hasn't submitted a game for 19 days. I think he will submit one tomorrow, maybe even 2

#18070  by Citizen Cetane - 11/19/2004 10:35:00 PM

Is Wyer now an UNDEAD??? or a GHOST of???

#18071  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/19/2004 10:43:42 PM

BOOM Did Weyr ever really exist? Did he ever really go away One of mystery's of the Meta

#18072  by Citizen Cetane - 11/19/2004 10:48:43 PM

#18073  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/19/2004 11:32:31 PM

Welcome back FC, and...


#18074  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/19/2004 11:51:58 PM

And a BOOM to you to Chip

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