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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18075  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/20/2004 12:22:51 AM

Good eveing y'all! I'm cleaning my beer kit. I should have a home brew in about 2 months.

#18076  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/20/2004 2:34:21 AM

Here's an interesting link for those of yoou who play the Atari consoles... Link

I only had a 2600....but I loved it. (Yes, I'm only 23, but I've been a gamer all my life!)

#18077  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/20/2004 8:39:38 AM

BOOM! for Weyr. He proudly exchanges places with ED as he begins climbing down the ladder

#18078  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/20/2004 11:28:09 AM


#18079  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/20/2004 11:43:27 AM

I was over at the GC2 site a little while ago and saw a few Guardians dropping in. Good to see that they are still around. I hope they drop in here some time. Of course there's about 8000 more posts in here.

#18080  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/20/2004 12:44:02 PM

I was over at the GC2 site a little while ago and saw a few Guardians dropping in. Good to see that they are still around. I hope they drop in here some time. Of course there's about 8000 more posts in here.

Yeah, I saw that Major Dallas poked his head in, but he did not answer my response to his post.

#18081  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 11/20/2004 1:08:34 PM

BOOM! for Weyr. He proudly exchanges places with ED as he begins climbing down the ladder

That was the problem with the lack of submission in 19 days

#18082  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/20/2004 1:21:58 PM

BOOM! for Weyr. He proudly exchanges places with ED as he begins climbing down the ladder

So you did go ahead and make my day Though I did want to earn it playing myself

All hail the Druid number 2 in the Meta

With no where to left to go.

#18083  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/20/2004 2:50:09 PM

With no where to left to go.

Not true. You can go down

#18084  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/20/2004 2:50:28 PM


#18085  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/20/2004 2:51:59 PM

When does Wher get his former 2nd place metal?

#18086  by Citizen Cetane - 11/20/2004 2:53:33 PM

for ED

#18087  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/20/2004 4:06:02 PM

When does Wher get his former 2nd place metal?

Those medals don't work. When I cloned myself I earned at for 3rd place, and all my other medals/rank. I only have 2 games in the meta, and yet I'm a fleet admiral.

#18088  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/20/2004 4:53:48 PM

BOOM! Meta medals don't work? You'd think it was a guardian medal

#18089  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/20/2004 8:23:32 PM


#18090  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/20/2004 10:15:46 PM


#18091  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 11/20/2004 11:05:36 PM

I noticed that we are having the dual id in the same empire problem. I noticed it mostly in the Weyr PB ids. Weyr, doesn't this artificially inflate the Guardians score by having two ids from the same person in the same empire? I don't think termination is a viable defense for this score inflation. I looked no further than this for dual characters but if there are more I would recommend doing the honorable thing and at least splitting them into different empires. I thought I covered this earlier in this thread. Something about 15-30 TechnoRoys submitting games. (yikes, only Tech could pull this off). If there are some duals in the Foundation then I of course recommend splitting them off into separate empires. I look forward to an earnest response to this post from you the GUARDIANS. (i.e guarding the Galaxy)

#18092  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/20/2004 11:28:16 PM

Awww Nuts, Weyr retired that player so he could begin a new player. The game he submitted today had a negative impact on his score. So as to your score inflation theory, I don't see how this applies (since he's not trying to crank games as Weyr). Furthermore, Weyr's score will degrade over time with aging anyways. If you look in the past few pages, I think you'll find the reason that he posted one for Weyr (I don't recall what it was).

I recognize the point you make about "cloning" and then cranking both players (and I agree with you, I would be against it), but that is simply not the case here. In fact, to be technical, Weyr's last submission hurt our empire's score rather than helping it.

I hope this helps answer your question.

#18093  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/20/2004 11:33:36 PM

Weyr lost 100k with that submission. He sped up degradation of his score.

#18094  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/21/2004 2:22:36 AM

BOOM! And that will do it for me for this evening, ushering tomorrow at church...

#18095  by Citizen damoose - 11/21/2004 6:27:16 AM

~Walks in, whacks the moose head before dusting it off, looks around~

Hey GH... Watch it! I was in the middle of a nice dream with the Mrs. Man... where's the love?


#18096  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/21/2004 10:05:23 AM

BOOM! Hey AwwNuts. A player can only play so many games a day. Maximim is 24 hours divided by 0.5 hours per game. This equals 48 games a day max that onc can submit. Does it matter if they are all submitted under one player or multiple player names, as long the same person player them all? In the AltMeta there is no difference at all as raw scores are recorded. In the Meta there is some effect on Empire score, but this is minute and has not material affect on the score.

The Meta was designed for people to play this way. There are multiple players with different player names, some submit and some only post. But that is up to them.

#18097  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 11/21/2004 11:00:05 AM


It can make a huge difference as the marginal effect of a game is minimized due to the equation used for the denominator. I believe I outlined a method that would have Tech genereating 15-30 mil in Meta points from his 100+ games a month (over time). Compare 15-30 mil to 3-4 mil and you have the rather considerable difference.

#18098  by Citizen Aww_Nuts - 11/21/2004 11:11:18 AM

I hope this helps answer your question.

It helps a bit, thank you. I saw submissions from both and had to say something. I can only say thatr submitting games under two ids can lead to well, bad things. It is like the saying

"Whatever you add to the truth, takes from it."

I hold y'all to a high standard (a good thing). I don't agree with this multi score submission but I don't have the time to actively demonstrate where it could lead (at this point).
[Message Edited]

#18099  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/21/2004 12:25:03 PM

Aww Nuts, I generate 70-80 games a month. There is no marginal difference in the Empire score. I get 3k-6k per game, depending on how many I generate. I would actually generage more points if I submitted fewer games. So, is it wrong to submit more games, or few games. How they are divided up is almost immaterial. I have passed players with scores equal to mine but with 10 or more fewer games. There is no cheating here. It is the way the score is calculated. In addition, what difference does it make if a player playes multiple players. Some do it to make a pure good character and their other player pure evil. Is this cheating - I think not. For them it is part of the game that the Meta allows them to play. Unfortuanatly, I hears words of discouragement from you because everyone is not playing how you think the game should be played. Let me encourage you to play the game the way you want to play it that gives you the most fun, and let others do the same.

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