Good afternoon everyone!
Aww Nuts! Good to see you. I restarted my player to get a Maso shield, but I've played all of 2 games in the last month.
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Hey everyone, please check this link out for Desert FOx. He's running a little competion thatmight be fun.
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Hmm... I think I need to post the link, huh?
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Aww Nuts, I generate 70-80 games a month. There is no marginal difference in the Empire score. I get 3k-6k per game, depending on how many I generate. I would actually generage more points if I submitted fewer games |
Wrong. You have more points for having games spread in different blocks than in the same block. But the more games you submit, the greater the score, unless you are submitting games that individually score less.
now some maths. Let's take 100 60K games submitted on the same month.
If one player get all of them, the score is 60K* sqrt(100) = 60K*10 = 600K
Now, if the 100 games are evenly spread among 4 players, for each players, the score is 60K/sqrt(25) = 60K *5 = 3000 K.
But the total score for the 4 players is 4 * 300K = 1200K. Wich is the double of the score obtained by one player with 100 games.
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by Citizen PassingBye - 11/21/2004 9:34:46 PM
But the total score for the 4 players is 4 * 300K = 1200K. Wich is the double of the score obtained by one player with 100 games. |
Yes, but this is an extreme case whihc is possible, but not very probable. Mostly, I submit to only one player. I submitted one game to cause a recalc so to help ED to Number 2. This resulted in a net loss for some period of time, not a positive increase.
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by Citizen PassingBye - 11/21/2004 9:39:25 PM
Next question... I was looking over the top 25 player profiles and saw that the mighty Tech had a AP game in March of 2003. |
It was an early Beta - the first one that came out probalby. Many of us started playing it as soon as it was released to those who had either pre-purchased or purchased Just like we will get to play GC 2 before it officially becomes available.
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Hey GH... Watch it! I was in the middle of a nice dream with the Mrs. Man... where's the love? |
But don't you feel so much better now that you're clean?
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It was an early Beta - the first one that came out probalby. Many of us started playing it as soon as it was released to those who had either pre-purchased or purchased Just like we will get to play GC 2 before it officially becomes available. |
I went to AP on 3/20 and there were folks playing it for a month or more before me.
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I noticed that we are having the dual id in the same empire problem. I noticed it mostly in the Weyr PB ids. Weyr, doesn't this artificially inflate the Guardians score by having two ids from the same person in the same empire? I don't think termination is a viable defense for this score inflation. I looked no further than this for dual characters but if there are more I would recommend doing the honorable thing and at least splitting them into different empires. I thought I covered this earlier in this thread. Something about 15-30 TechnoRoys submitting games. (yikes, only Tech could pull this off). If there are some duals in the Foundation then I of course recommend splitting them off into separate empires. I look forward to an earnest response to this post from you the GUARDIANS. (i.e guarding the Galaxy) |
Hmmm, let me sidestep the ethical issue for a moment to ask - Does it really matter anymore? I don't know. I haven't been submitting games for the last two months, so to me it seems kind of moot.
But in terms of "Is it right", there is a legitimate question. On the one hand, the meta wasn't clearly designed for multiple identities. It was designed to reward a slow but steady submission rate, so those who had the time to crank out 100 game a month or the like would not overwhelm the casual player. So if you judge by that intent, I would say it is no better for someone to use multiple names to clog up the top 25 because there was a clear intent in the design of the meta scoring system to prevent that.
On the other hand, Stardock has indicated at least unofficially that they don't mind the multiple ids and have even assisted in the use of them. Furthermore, the games are still being played and submitted legitimatly by the player(s) in question.
Personally, I think the "right" thing to do if you do choose to submit under more than one name is to allow one of the scores to degrade while using the other. I think if I ever came back, I would wait out at least 5 months (to get past the degrades of the 30 day blocks), and use my same character again. After all, at some point, the old points won't degrade anymore and will always be worth something.
In terms of what Weyr did, he was just "manually" trigering a recalc, so no worries there. He wasn't trying to gain personal or empire advantage by what he did. In fact, by submitting a game under Weyrleader, he probably lowered the Guardian total by a fair amount. If this practice became abusive - say by someone submitting 4 games/month under 4 different names, then I would probably lobby Stardock on the main page to make a ruling against the practice.
[Message Edited]
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Tech had a AP game in March of 2003. |
March 2003 was the release of Galciv. The beta of AP was in the beginning of 2004. So Tech as is an incredible lucky guy. Or get a suicidal game that was requalified as an AP game
I have seen players ranked in the top 2 or 3 pages with a submission record of 1 game!!! |
Well, I fear that there are strange things when people decide to register another player or forget to register the correct ID
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Oh, I missed the year on that...
No, 2003 is wrong for AP
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Tech should email CariElf and point those scores out (there's one in July or August too).
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by Citizen PassingBye - 11/22/2004 5:37:01 PM
I'z here tooooo.
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