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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18225  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/26/2004 2:34:41 PM

Who knows, if I played one a month, eventually the scores would stablize and I'd start climbing again...
Could you be more precise?

What I meant was, eventually, all my earlier games would eventually degrade into the final block, so posting a game every 4 weeks or so shouldn't make my score go down like this one did.

If you like, you could project my score at a decreased activity rate. Assume a average game of 42500 (my tiny games are around 40k, and my small ones are around 45k). For sake of arguement, let's say I submit a game exactly every 30 days starting with the one I just submitted. Given that, how long until submitting a game actally makes my score go up again, and what will my score be at that point?

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#18226  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 2:41:02 PM

BOOM 75/pg 3.

Yesterday we were at 2954. Today we are at 2966 (for the moment)

#18227  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/26/2004 2:57:42 PM

Thanks chief I think I read it as 2994 yesterday. I guess thats why they put you in charge of how many gallons to put in. You don't think, you know.

#18228  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 3:00:11 PM

My math stinks but I am good with statistical data.

#18229  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/26/2004 3:04:14 PM

My daughter had me lost with grade 9 algerbra yesterday. I use to love math in school but I must of forgot something in the past 25 years.

I did manage to help her. She said explaining it to me helped her understand it.

#18230  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 11/26/2004 3:16:09 PM

What I meant was, eventually, all my earlier games would eventually degrade into the final block, so posting a game every 4 weeks or so shouldn't make my score go down like this one did.

Well you have 2 months without submission. Not great for score.

Let's look at what we have:
submission on 09/26/04: 789 299
submission on 11/26/04: 669 032
submission on 12/26/04: 632 233
submission on 01/25/05: 613 699
submission on 02/24/05: 594 492
submission on 03/26/05: 607 562
submission on 04/25/05: 601 080
submission on 05/25/05: 576 333
submission on 06/24/05: 551 496
submission on 07/24/05: 522 477
submission on 08/23/05: 535 094
submission on 08/23/05: 537 249

#18231  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/26/2004 3:33:43 PM

Thanks Peace

So I would turn the corner in July '05? That's not so bad. I presume that if I increased my pace my score would still go down until then, just not as far?

Even at this rate, I would not fall out of the top 50, unless a whole lot of people started making a run for the top.

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#18232  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/26/2004 4:01:20 PM

Anyone elso having submission problems? Last night I couldn't submit one that DID submit today. Now I have another that won't submit !

#18233  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 4:11:55 PM

BOOM to 74.

62 min game. not to shabby.

Chip. I had problems yesterday morning. But then so did every one else. I put 4 up yesterday afternoon and night. 2 so far today. No submission problems for anything after yesterday morning.

#18234  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 4:17:08 PM

Even at this rate, I would not fall out of the top 50, unless a whole lot of people started making a run for the top.

After browsing the altmeta and checking some individual player profiles. I think I am the only one that is making a drastic move upward. Every one else is on a slower pace. I am not sure how my scores from the non-maso games will effect my climb upward but a meta wide recalc or a couple more previous players droping in a game would help!

#18235  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/26/2004 4:54:23 PM

Greldon just hit the 1 year anniversity date from his 1st submission. We have to see if the 1 year theory works and he suffers a recalc sometime over the next 30 days.

#18236  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 11/26/2004 5:42:12 PM

So I would turn the corner in July '05? That's not so bad. I presume that if I increased my pace my score would still go down until then, just not as far?

Yes, July is when the last game from september enter the last block.

#18237  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 6:10:13 PM

BOOM to 73

#18238  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/26/2004 7:46:27 PM

BOOM! 4th time's a charm!

#18239  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/26/2004 7:49:41 PM

BOOM! for 3 for the day.

#18240  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 7:56:04 PM

BOOM to 71. That makes 5 and the night is still young!

#18241  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/26/2004 8:11:13 PM


I submitted that one to the wrong account.

#18242  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 9:15:43 PM

BOOM to 69 52 minutes

#18243  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/26/2004 10:03:21 PM


#18244  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 10:25:32 PM

BOOM to 67 51 minutes.

I got a better shield too...

#18245  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 10:33:34 PM

7 is enough for 1 night. Don't want the computer to over heat like the Druid's did eariler. Think I'll play some AoE Conqueors Expansion for some retro fun.

#18246  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/26/2004 11:02:43 PM

Think I'll play some AoE Conqueors Expansion for some retro fun.

Don't think I'd remember the hot keys now.

#18247  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 11:07:46 PM

They are listed on the back of the box. Beat the first 3 rounds of the spanish campaign, again. 'Nuff oldies but goodies for 1 night. Off to bed now...
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#18248  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/26/2004 11:09:34 PM

I got a better shield too...

AoE Conqueors Expansion

I think we should do an internet game.

#18249  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 11:12:32 PM

...Okay up again. I am afraid I don't do to much online playing. It's wonderful to live in the middle of nowhere, but I am stuck with dial-up. Incredibly s l o w.

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