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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18250  by Citizen Cetane - 11/26/2004 11:14:42 PM


Now I am really off to sleep. Before I have the home row keys inplanted in my forhead. See ya in the morning, so to speak.
[Message Edited]

#18251  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/26/2004 11:58:19 PM

BOOM Shhh. Chief trying to sleep. What the heck he's in the military, a few more booms won't bother him.

#18252  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/27/2004 2:19:52 AM

BOOOM. Nah, I'm kidding. Had a some beer, and that means piss-poor strategy.

#18253  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/27/2004 4:37:49 AM

Hmmm...looks like I'm here all by myself...hee hee hee...

littlewotts + Guardians beer stash = fun!!

#18254  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/27/2004 12:21:22 PM

BOOM! Wake up call. Actually boomed earlier this morning but didn't want to wake LW since he was up so late.

Final leaf clean up day, clean the gutters yet again, and misc yard work before winter.

#18255  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/27/2004 1:08:01 PM

Actually boomed earlier this morning but didn't want to wake LW since he was up so late.

Thank you!

Final leaf clean up day, clean the gutters yet again, and misc yard work before winter.

I snowed herewednesday, about 4 inches, but it's melted nostly now, so I should be doing that too.

#18256  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 1:26:36 PM

My trees lost there leaves weeks ago which I cleaned up. The new leaves our from my next door neighbours trees. Don't you think my nieghbour should come over and clean up his leaves.

#18257  by Citizen Cetane - 11/27/2004 1:39:01 PM

Afternoon all. Had to put up wreathes and lights thid morning. Finally convinced the Mrs. that she needed some new clothes. She is headed to the mall. I should have hours of play time

#18258  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/27/2004 1:39:19 PM

Don't you think my nieghbour should come over and clean up his leaves

Yeah, since all my leaves are from everyone elses trees. I have pine trees.

#18259  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/27/2004 1:39:30 PM

stupid double post.
[Message Edited]

#18260  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 2:24:27 PM

Its the fan on my power supply that starts makng alot of noise. It looks like its all 1 thing so Id need a new power supply Its an hp 11 months old so it might still be under warranty.

#18261  by Citizen Cetane - 11/27/2004 2:58:52 PM

BOOM to 64

Guardians have 2978 games completed

#18262  by Citizen Cetane - 11/27/2004 4:16:55 PM

BOOM still at 64


#18263  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 4:31:01 PM

Family minus the father headed to Disney on ice. Time to play.

#18264  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 5:09:11 PM

BOOM The perfect game. Got everything I tried for. Kept everyone friendly almost from the 1st turn and took my 60K right at 2190.

#18265  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 5:11:15 PM

Hey its 5:00 O-clock meta time. Guess its okay to crack a beer. I'm sure LW would agree.

#18266  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 5:56:43 PM

BOOM You know what I learned about wide screen TV. They make DVD's that still give you letter box. I thought when you had a wide screen tv and bought a wide screen the letter box would be gone. But know

"WIDSCREEN VERSION presented in a "letterbox" widscreen format preserving the scope aspect ratio of its original theatrical exihibition enhanced for widesreen tv's"

Like an idiot, I have been playing with my DVD setting and tv aspect settings thinking I had something set up wrong Well at least I have read the manuals cover to cover two or 3 times now.
[Message Edited]

#18267  by Citizen Cetane - 11/27/2004 6:22:35 PM

BOOM to 63.

Its just about always beerthirty.

#18268  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/27/2004 6:30:51 PM

I'm sure LW would agree.


Its just about always beerthirty.

As far as I'm concered, it's generally past beerthirty.

You know what I learned about wide screen TV. They make DVD's that still give you letter box. I thought when you had a wide screen tv and bought a wide screen the letter box would be gone. But know "WIDSCREEN VERSION presented in a "letterbox" widscreen format preserving the scope aspect ratio of its original theatrical exihibition enhanced for widesreen tv's" Like an idiot, I have been playing with my DVD setting and tv aspect settings thinking I had something set up wrong Well at least I have read the manuals cover to cover two or 3 times now.

Some of those $1000 - $2000 Universal disc players out there have built in video processing to get that aspect ratio right. You could also buy a stand alone video processing unit to take care of that as well and it's pricey.

#18269  by Citizen Cetane - 11/27/2004 6:36:51 PM

As far as I'm concered, it's generally past beerthirty.

#18270  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 6:37:54 PM

The tv has aspect settings that take care of it, but its just I thought I had something wrong and have been racking my brains out.

#18271  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/27/2004 6:43:41 PM

I feel you pain. Whe I got the new HTIB, I got a box set of an anime series. I started to watch the first disc and it was all pixelated and the audio was skipping. I skipped to the next disc and it did the same thing. I though for sure the laser wasn't picking up right. I popped the discs out and they had some strange markings on them, the other 3 didn't, so after fuming at the thought of the new dvd player being broke, I felt really dumb about the DVD being bad.

#18272  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 7:21:07 PM

When you have two or 3 pieces of tech running together and more then 1 new, its hard to figure out where any problems are coming from.

#18273  by Citizen Cetane - 11/27/2004 8:01:07 PM

BOOM to 62


#18274  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/27/2004 8:18:34 PM

BOOM 2986

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