BOOOM. Nah, I'm kidding. Had a some beer, and that means piss-poor strategy.
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Hmmm...looks like I'm here all by myself...hee hee hee...
littlewotts + Guardians beer stash = fun!!
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Actually boomed earlier this morning but didn't want to wake LW since he was up so late. |
Thank you!
Final leaf clean up day, clean the gutters yet again, and misc yard work before winter. |
I snowed herewednesday, about 4 inches, but it's melted nostly now, so I should be doing that too.
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Don't you think my nieghbour should come over and clean up his leaves |
Yeah, since all my leaves are from everyone elses trees. I have pine trees.
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stupid double post.
[Message Edited]
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Its just about always beerthirty. |
As far as I'm concered, it's generally past beerthirty.
You know what I learned about wide screen TV. They make DVD's that still give you letter box. I thought when you had a wide screen tv and bought a wide screen the letter box would be gone. But know "WIDSCREEN VERSION presented in a "letterbox" widscreen format preserving the scope aspect ratio of its original theatrical exihibition enhanced for widesreen tv's" Like an idiot, I have been playing with my DVD setting and tv aspect settings thinking I had something set up wrong Well at least I have read the manuals cover to cover two or 3 times now. |
Some of those $1000 - $2000 Universal disc players out there have built in video processing to get that aspect ratio right. You could also buy a stand alone video processing unit to take care of that as well and it's pricey.
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I feel you pain. Whe I got the new HTIB, I got a box set of an anime series. I started to watch the first disc and it was all pixelated and the audio was skipping. I skipped to the next disc and it did the same thing. I though for sure the laser wasn't picking up right. I popped the discs out and they had some strange markings on them, the other 3 didn't, so after fuming at the thought of the new dvd player being broke, I felt really dumb about the DVD being bad.
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