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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18300  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/28/2004 8:58:02 PM

La la-la la la!

Genghis Hank Smurf claims 18300 in the name of the Galactic Guardians

Congrats on 3000 games!!!

For Honor and Justice!

#18301  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/28/2004 8:58:19 PM

I did check all that when I posted. Empire count read 3000 and my profile still shows game. Another wierd meta thing I geuss

I know lets go through everyones profile and add them all up. Not
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#18302  by Citizen Cetane - 11/28/2004 9:03:59 PM

Another wierd meta thing I geuss

Must be.

#18303  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/28/2004 9:27:15 PM

I'm taking apart my sound system today. Have to rebuild my entertainment center area for new tv. Mrs decided perfect time to paint and redecorate the whole room. Its going to be a hockey room. I have been collecting picture and hockey stuff for 3 years with the intention of doing it. Got autographed framed pitures of Guy Lafleur and Frank Mavolich. Also have a huge picture with individual shots of all of team Canada 2002 olympic gold metal team. Lots of other stuff, should be good.

#18304  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/28/2004 9:41:52 PM

BOOM! and the Meta stills says 3000 games. I noticed this earlier today when the Meta didn't change at 2996 after I submitted a game. Maybe the Meta doesn't update instantaneously like it should.

#18305  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/28/2004 10:06:04 PM

I did an interesting study today for the five games I submitted. I was curious what political party the AI was using. My results are below. I did not keep track of how many time they chose a particular party, just the parties chosen during the five games.

Marjor AIs
Korx: Scientologist
Drath: Scientologist
Yor: Scientologist, War, Patrol
Torian: Scientologist
Drengin: Scientologist, Patrol
Arcean: Scientologist, Patrol
Altarian: Scientologist, Patrol

Minor AIs
Kwilasians: Patrol, Evil, Universalist
Alexians: Science Corp, Stardockians, Imperial Fleet Command
Carnoids: Scientologist, Ancients
Scottingas: Ancients, Science Corp, Imperial Fleet Command
Jarkians: Populists

[Message Edited]

#18306  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/28/2004 10:16:29 PM

3,000!!! {Insert 2998 more...} Way to go Guardians!!!

#18307  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/28/2004 10:40:30 PM

BOOM! FOr #3003!

#18308  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/28/2004 11:06:00 PM

Congrats all around for 3000 games!

#18309  by Citizen Naqmir - 11/28/2004 11:34:58 PM

Hey everyone.Just dropping in real quick to see how things are going.Looks like we have some new members and several milestones since i last posted in here.Congrats on 3000 games!! And welcome to Passingbye and Fuels Chief.even though by the looks of things you've been here for a while.

#18310  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/28/2004 11:56:30 PM

Hey Naqmir! Good to see you!

#18311  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/28/2004 11:58:32 PM

I see the meta is showing 3003 games now.

#18312  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/29/2004 2:31:19 AM

You know what I thought was wierd about my game earlier. Everyone is set chaotic evil or pure evil and they had a vote to limit evil to two trade routes that passed. Its the only time that has passed. They are suppose smart. Makes no sense to me. Why would they limit themselves like that.

#18313  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/29/2004 5:58:00 AM

And welcome to Passingbye and Fuels Chief.even though by the looks of things you've been here for a while

Welcom back for a visit, Naqmir. FC is indeed a new and honored member of the Guardians, but PB is aka Weyrleader in his previous incarnation. He still posts as Weyrleader in the Embassy forums.

#18314  by Citizen Greldon - 11/29/2004 10:34:51 AM

Congratulations on 3K games Guardians. WTG!!!

#18315  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/29/2004 12:11:10 PM

Good to see you Naqmir and Greldon!!! The New Embassy should be up in a few days, the new digs look great, make sure to catch up with us there too. Happy Holidays to you both.

#18316  by Citizen Cetane - 11/29/2004 2:47:26 PM

BOOM 3007

Two of our greatest have returned for the celebration! Good to see the meta straightened itself out. Perhaps a programing bug by the designers. That will teach them to underestimate the power of a TEAM of GUARDIANS

I was curious what political party the AI was using.

How did you determine this? I have been looking for a way to figure it out, but haven't. Always good to know you enemies stregnths and weaknesses.

#18317  by Citizen Cetane - 11/29/2004 2:57:46 PM

I think we need another award for the Guardian Home page. A Silver "R" for PB for his recruiting attempts.

2 in one day. I know Navy recruiters who can't even get that kind of action.

#18318  by Citizen damoose - 11/29/2004 3:36:32 PM

GGers... Over 3000 games played... WTG!!!!!


For Honour and Justice
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#18319  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/29/2004 3:59:32 PM

GGers... Over 3000 games played... WTG!!!!!Congrats!For Honour and Justice [Message Edited]

See damoose, already a Guardian in training!

#18320  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/29/2004 4:02:46 PM

How did you determine this? I have been looking for a way to figure it out, but haven't. Always good to know you enemies stregnths and weaknesses.

There may be other ways, but the way I did it was to look in the debug.err file in the data directory of AP. Open it in notebook and do a search for "re-election" The line after the re-election line contins the political party name looking to be re-elected. It appears that not all AIs go through this election process. I thought the human player went through it every 4 years, but there is something in the back of my mind that says there is another criteria that has to be met for an election to be called.

#18321  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/29/2004 4:21:36 PM

but there is something in the back of my mind that says there is another criteria that has to be met for an election to be called.

They have to adopt a different form of government besides Imperialism. Only after you get Republic do you start having elections.

#18322  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/29/2004 4:21:49 PM

Evil races would often run the 1st goverment, imperialism so would not have elections. When your running blast furnances on your own citizens it not wise to give then a vote, I'm quite sure.

#18323  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/29/2004 4:56:19 PM

Evil races would often run the 1st goverment, imperialism so would not have elections. When your running blast furnances on your own citizens it not wise to give then a vote, I'm quite sure.

Yes, but I saw the Drengin go through reelections almost all the time. In my games, they are set a pure evil, along with the Yor. Chaotic evil are the Korx and Chaotic good are the Arceans. Neutral is the Drath. Pure good are the Alterians and Torians.

#18324  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 11/29/2004 5:11:26 PM

Evil races would often run the 1st goverment, imperialism so would not have elections. When your running blast furnances on your own citizens it not wise to give then a vote, I'm quite sure.

Not true! It all depends on how you do it. If you use the furnances in a way that has a high entertainment value, it could have a wonderful effect on the vote. Especially if the victims are the supporters of the other guy!

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