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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18350  by Citizen littlewotts - 11/30/2004 2:30:42 PM

Good Morning Guardians! Sorry I haven't been around too much. Quite busy at work again... I have 9 databases to make and about 20 more I maintain. I hope to get some more games in soon. I got the latest updates. Already looking forward to GalCiv II. Looks like a real winner coming up

Knight Terl! Welcome back! I hope your questing went well? (Killed lots of Yor and wrote some stories about it...)

#18351  by Citizen Cetane - 11/30/2004 5:41:30 PM


#18352  by Veteran Terl - 11/30/2004 6:25:24 PM

There had to be some gains in points besides, but he counts for 55 games and 90k+

Once I post a new one... boy will I get hosed.... Oh well, the price you pay I guess.

Knight Terl! Welcome back! I hope your questing went well? (Killed lots of Yor and wrote some stories about it...)

Thanks Littlewotts... I hope to get back into writing more. I'll get the retired off my name while at work (connection is much faster).

I also hope to get a high speed connection early next year. I got promoted and will now be given a nice new laptop so I can also work from home. I'll get to learn some basic networking too for the two pc's I have plus the work one... should be interesting, never done it.
[Message Edited]

#18353  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/30/2004 6:40:42 PM

Good to see you Terl, and welcome back!!!

#18354  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/30/2004 7:11:16 PM

BOOM! in welcome back to Terl, a Guardian par excellance!

#18355  by Citizen Chipperoo - 11/30/2004 7:45:12 PM

BOOM! Who's gonna throw one on top of that!

#18356  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/30/2004 7:55:10 PM

31k to 20M!

I don't think anyone mentioned that we are over 20M!!! WTG Guardians. Another First among Firsts. We are the best. Those Yor lovers have no backbone!

#18357  by Citizen Cetane - 11/30/2004 7:57:40 PM

20 Millllllllllllllion

#18358  by Citizen Cetane - 11/30/2004 8:01:10 PM

Sup Terl. I'm the new guy. Did you happen to take you nick from L Ron Hubbards Battlefield Earth? Way cool Avatar too.

#18359  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/30/2004 8:13:04 PM

BOOM 20 million, I thought that was still a ways off. Who's the best, we the best.

Will have to get cushion before Terl puts his 1st game in boom away gentleman

#18360  by Veteran Terl - 11/30/2004 9:14:47 PM

Sup Terl. I'm the new guy. Did you happen to take you nick from L Ron Hubbards Battlefield Earth? Way cool Avatar too.

Sure did. The book is awesome but the movie did it little justice. I imagine the Psychlos would have had fun wiping out the Yor. I am reading his Mission Earth series. I am on the second book now. It is quite good.

Funny I should say "welcome" as I've just returned from a hiatus from the game, but, anyway, welcome to the Guardians.

I have ideas for stories and other parodies as I've done before so hopefully I shall have some soon...

#18361  by Citizen PassingBye - 11/30/2004 9:26:33 PM

BOOM! for all of us. We're the best. 20M+ and still going strong. Next goal - 50M, what'a ya say?

#18362  by Citizen Cetane - 11/30/2004 9:39:40 PM

BOOM to 56. Right under T3C. 1 step closer to 50 MILLLLLION. Gonna have to be a lot of booming before March for that

John Travolta sucked as Terl. I think I would have picked an evil James Earl Jones. Thousands of pages of good writing crammed into a crappy hour and a half movie. Ker was iffy.

I am reading his Mission Earth series

Deffinetely a good set of books. I read the series in 1998 while crusing the Med and Persian Gulf. Lots of plot twists and turns. A good read for all sci-fi fans.

I should be able to get 2 or so games in tomorrow then Thurs AM we steam to Ft Lauderdale for 2 wks. I should get a lot of games in. If I have a chance I will upload some when we get there. If not I will upload all of the games I play on the 14th or 15th of Dec. If the sattelite stays up I should still be in the forums and trivia game.

#18363  by Citizen Cetane - 11/30/2004 9:45:24 PM

#1415 by Veteran Technician - 11/30/2004 9:06:15 PM Well got only two today

Here is your chance ED

#18364  by Citizen Evil Druid - 11/30/2004 11:05:12 PM

BOOM That's 3 for me. Another 500 and I'll be breathing down Techs neck.

#18365  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/1/2004 3:36:17 AM

I think we may have lost Murgatroid this month. I have not seen a submission from him for over 2 weeks.
It's too bad that people don't realize all the bonuses they get when they join our empire...wish we could grab 'em all and show 'em.

#18366  by Citizen Evil Druid - 12/1/2004 4:18:57 AM

He's been like our silent wingman for a long time now. He has served the empire as well as any. A toast to Murgatroid then. May he join us again in GalCiv2.

Then again he just might be on a hot spot vacation.

Oh, and Boom

Good night and good morning PB.

#18367  by Citizen littlewotts - 12/1/2004 6:29:54 AM

Congrats Guardians!!

I'll include a new meald at the new website. Once I figure out photoshop.

#18368  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/1/2004 7:11:51 AM

Good night and good morning PB

Good morning, ED. Slept in a little this morning. Raining here in Northern VA today. Seems like a Seattle day.

I'll include a new meald at the new website. Once I figure out photoshop.

I can hardly wait............still waiting........

#18369  by Citizen littlewotts - 12/1/2004 7:13:40 AM

Raining here in Northern VA today

Snowed about 4-5 inches last night here. Heavy wet snow too. There are about 17,000 people wihout power and on my walk home, there was a tree down across my street. I dislike winter.

#18370  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/1/2004 7:15:12 AM

I dislike winter.

me too. Northern VA seems like a good compromise.

#18371  by Citizen littlewotts - 12/1/2004 7:17:19 AM

I'm looking to move to AZ. Clear skies, and it's HOT.

#18372  by Veteran Terl - 12/1/2004 7:26:40 AM

I dislike winter.

Me too (upstate NY)! Hmm, I wonder how the Yor would fare in the snow...

John Travolta sucked as Terl. I think I would have picked an evil James Earl Jones. Thousands of pages of good writing crammed into a crappy hour and a half movie. Ker was iffy.

Quite true. Cramming everything into so short a time frame destroyed the story. Terl was such a conniving, back-stabbing and manipulating character in the book and was actually quite intelligent (or so he thought) but the movie showed little of his real plans. They completely ruined Johnnie's character. I was so disappointed with the movie. I keep hoping maybe the sci-fi network will do a proper miniseries on it.

I read the series in 1998 while crusing the Med and Persian Gulf.

Hmm, I was retired by then... US Army... Infantry

#18373  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 12/1/2004 8:58:51 AM

I'm looking to move to AZ. Clear skies, and it's HOT.

You can have AZ. I'd rather be cold than too hot. You can always get warm, and if the snow's too bad, you can just stay home. When you're hot, there's nothing you can really do except hide in AC.

Snow + Fireplace + Book + Hot Chocolate = Happiness

#18374  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/1/2004 11:11:48 AM

Snow + Fireplace + Book + Hot Chocolate = Happiness

Snow + Fireplace + Book + Hot Chocolate + cuddley wife= Happiness

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