I had a couple of games where this happened - if you can't get the game to register a day or two later, zip the endgamesave and send it to the elf-goddess.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 12/9/2004 2:27:35 AM
BOOM All 3 games now show in my profile Strange but the 1st went through some kind time warp anomaly.
[Message Edited]
Be careful not to snack and drive if you start going for Beer Gnomes...
by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/9/2004 4:45:04 PM
it would take a lot of Beer Gnomes to replace an ED or PB or LW
It's too bad we don't have a "J" to go with your PB!!
by Citizen Evil Druid - 12/9/2004 5:05:34 PM
Well at least we know Da Moose does not have any peanut allergies because he has had lots PB. Guess that means Aww Nutts may be safely snacked. I know we all like the idea of Da Moose expanding his menu choices.
by Citizen PassingBye - 12/9/2004 6:56:58 PM
BOOM! to get closer to LW.
by Citizen PassingBye - 12/9/2004 9:06:29 PM
BOOM! to create my own echo
by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/10/2004 2:23:17 AM
BOOM! for FC's Raven's Loft post, and...
BOOM! for one of my own.
by Citizen littlewotts - 12/10/2004 9:27:34 AM
Maybe he's been snacking on Beer Gnomes
Poor bastard. Not much meat.
Only problem is of course is it would take a lot of Beer Gnomes to replace an ED or PB or LW.
Sh-t. He caught on.
Hey Tim, its your turn in the succession game
I DLed it and will get to it as soon as my fookin' real life allows.
Be careful not to snack and drive if you start going for Beer Gnomes...
Especially if they are the ones from my house.
by Citizen Genghis Hank - 12/10/2004 9:51:52 AM