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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18575  by Veteran Terl - 12/16/2004 7:03:03 AM

Don't want my kids to touch until I do. Also want to set up there accounts so they cannot download crap. I'm still fighting to get rid of on my other computer.

I know how that is... I had a time getting rid of that $%^#@#$ Bonzi buddy junk a few years back. They just do not understand...

#18576  by Citizen littlewotts - 12/16/2004 7:31:45 AM

Don't have virus or spyware or popup protection yet.

I have the built in XP pop-up blocker and I use AdAware SE Personal to scan for nasties. And it's free.

#18577  by Veteran Terl - 12/16/2004 9:36:45 AM

AdAware SE Personal to scan for nasties. And it's free.

Spybot works well also and is free too. My router catches the nastier stuff....

Just bought Object Desktop. Has anyone else checked these programs out? I have had WindowBlinds for a while (run it at work too) and it is so nice to be able to change the look of windows quickly...and so many choices...

#18578  by Citizen damoose - 12/16/2004 10:22:59 AM

ANyone seen GH? I need to make sure he gets to the next SA. LW... You think you could bring him along?

#18579  by Citizen Wicked One - 12/16/2004 11:14:32 AM

Don't have virus or spyware or popup protection yet. Am getting tired of making sympatico rich. Any suggestions. Between home and work it is getting to be real money.

Yeah I have a suggestion: Take a look at Mozilla Firefox internet browser with built in firewall that works like a dream! They also have Anti-virus programs available, and they work good to. You just have to know how to use them. Hope that helps!

#18580  by Citizen Cetane - 12/16/2004 12:00:49 PM


#18581  by Citizen littlewotts - 12/16/2004 2:37:57 PM

Let's all welcome Jack LEagle to the Galactic Guardians!

#18582  by Citizen Cetane - 12/16/2004 3:01:31 PM


Welcome to the Guardians Jack

#18583  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/16/2004 7:18:47 PM

Welcome Jack, grab a pint and make yourself comfortable.

#18584  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/16/2004 7:21:24 PM


#18585  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/16/2004 8:20:38 PM


Welcome Jack. Make yourself at home. Watch out for damoose. He bites.
[Message Edited]

#18586  by Citizen Cetane - 12/16/2004 8:29:26 PM


3 for today. I guess Jack hasn't made it here yet. I don't see him on the list of Guardians either???

#18587  by Citizen Cetane - 12/16/2004 8:31:12 PM

Never mind I see him now.

#18588  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/17/2004 12:20:49 AM


#18589  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 12/17/2004 9:19:23 AM

ANyone seen GH? I need to make sure he gets to the next SA. LW... You think you could bring him along?

I'm here... and with my shield!

#18590  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 12/17/2004 12:13:36 PM

Anybody else catch that Major Dallas and SlayerMC both posted to the checking in thread in GalCiv2? Guys, hope you stop by and lower your cloaking long enough to say hey to us here and go check out our digs in the diplomats-empire forums!

#18591  by Citizen Cetane - 12/17/2004 12:18:36 PM


#18592  by Citizen Cetane - 12/17/2004 3:38:52 PM


Echos himself

#18593  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/17/2004 6:08:25 PM

Boom! hitting the same target FC just hit earlier. Blasted the Yor planet to pieces.
[Message Edited]

#18594  by Citizen Cetane - 12/17/2004 6:25:05 PM

BOOM Echoing PB. Only 3720 meta pts that time . Maybe the new Meta will have explanitations. When I submitted my 25 on the same day I averaged 6259 Meta Pts. Maybe 1 more after supper.

#18595  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/17/2004 8:37:16 PM

BOOM! Are you firing to port, FC, that is where the Yor are

FC, the higher you get in number of games the less you get for each submission due to the square root of the number of games affect.

#18596  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/17/2004 8:40:31 PM

FC is turning into another Tech!

Look at the AltMeta stats below:

Pos Name Score Ct Empire
1 Technician 2280000 38 The Foundation
2 Fuels Chief 2040000 34 Galactic Guardians
3 PassingBye 1260000 21 Galactic Guardians
4 Chipperoo 960000 16 Galactic Guardians
5 Exalted Druid (Active) 960000 16 Galactic Guardians

#18597  by Citizen Evil Druid - 12/17/2004 9:13:30 PM


I'll have to find my gal civ serial number and load game onto my new computer. See if we can't break my all time speed record to 60K.

I finally got rid of a spyware program that had been driving me nuts for a month. My spyware and norton could not do it. Norton created a removal tool for it I down loaded last night. I guess I can let my youngest back into the house now.
New computer, no download priviledges,

#18598  by Citizen Cetane - 12/17/2004 9:53:50 PM


My goal is to outplay Tech this month. I will never catch his score. Getting to the top 10 would probably end up in divorce. .
See if we can't break my all time speed record to 60K.

What is your record. Mine is a at 52 minutes.

Are you firing to port, FC, that is where the Yor are

"This is not a drill"

"This is the TAO from Strike Operations. Yor have been sighted off the Port Bow."

"I say again, Yor have been sighted off the Port Bow"

Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong

"General Quarters, General Quarters. All Hands man your battle stations. Route to Battle Stations is, Up and Forward on the Port side, Down and Aft on the Starboard. Set condition Zebra throught the ship."

Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong

"General Quarters, General Quarters. All Hands man your battle stations. Route to Battle Stations is, Up and Forward on the Port side, Down and Aft on the Starboard. Set condition Zebra throught the ship."

"All Hands brace for shock. Yor have engaged and fired"

"Hit Alpha".

"Launch the Alert 5 Strike Fighters"

"Class Bravo Fire reported in One Main Machinery Room."

"Now Man CWIS Mount 22 and 24. Now Man RAF Missle Launcher 26."

(Very large explosioins heard through out the USS CLAW DSB 1)

"This is the DCA in central control. Halon activated in #1 MMR. Class Bravo fire is out."

"TAO from Strike Operations. Four Yor Battle Cruisers have been engaged and destroyed. Two from Rolling Air Frame Missle Launchers, One from Close In Weapons Systems, and One from Alert 5 Fighter Zulu 9 Oscar."

"All Hands stand down form Battle Stations."

"I say again. All Hands stand down form Battle Stations."

"This is the TAO from Strike Operations. We came, We saw, We kicked their ASS."

Damn I love the Navy!

#18599  by Citizen Cetane - 12/17/2004 9:55:12 PM

I want

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