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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18700  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/25/2004 2:36:13 AM

Merry Christmas Guardians!!!

#18701  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/25/2004 7:52:03 AM

Merry Christmas indeed. The Guradians have performed magnificantly through out the Galaxy, destroying the Yor and their alliances, befriending those that want to assist us and providing them help and guidance on how to govern their star systems.

I have given my fleet time off for the holiday. They have promised to be back on board at 0500 tomorrow.

For Honor and Justice

#18702  by Citizen Greldon - 12/25/2004 9:22:57 AM

Merry Christmas Guardians!!!
Have a nice holiday!

For Honor and Justice!!

#18703  by Citizen Cetane - 12/25/2004 9:34:37 AM

BOOM. to 28th. While entering port. The crew has decided to give the Yor a small reprieve. Its ime to celebrate the Holidays. Merry Christmas all.

#18704  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/25/2004 1:50:05 PM

BOOM! For 7th, and to the nearest SB for some much needed R&R.

#18705  by Citizen Cetane - 12/25/2004 6:39:24 PM

BOOM. Just Becuse.

#18706  by Citizen Cetane - 12/25/2004 8:00:25 PM

BOOM. Just Becuse.

And Again.

#18707  by Citizen Cetane - 12/25/2004 9:19:11 PM

BOOM. Just Becuse.And Again.

And Again.

#18708  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/25/2004 9:55:43 PM

BOOM! FC, you must watch the conductor, your booms are comming a little early from what is written in the music.

#18709  by Citizen Cetane - 12/25/2004 10:07:21 PM

BOOM. Just Becuse.And Again.And Again.

And Again. Tell the conductor to break that damn wand in half. WE are at DOUBLE TIME!

#18710  by Citizen Cetane - 12/25/2004 10:45:27 PM

BOOM. Just Becuse.And Again.And Again.And Again.

And Again.

#18711  by Citizen Cetane - 12/25/2004 11:24:45 PM

BOOM. Just Becuse.And Again.And Again.And Again. And Again.

And Again.

icked that last Yorian b@$t@rd out of an airlock. Let him float his a$$ back to his homeworld.

#18712  by Citizen Cetane - 12/26/2004 12:08:40 AM

BOOM. Just Becuse.And Again.And Again.And Again. And Again.And Again.

And Again. Hope all had a wondeful Christmas!

#18713  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/26/2004 7:47:14 AM

And Again. Hope all had a wondeful Christmas!

Except the Yor, that is, right?

We had a great time with my kids (I say kids, but they are 30 and 33) and their husbands. Fantatic food, played computer games, exhanged presents, read the Christmas story from Luke 2. A very enjoyable time.

#18714  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/26/2004 9:03:51 AM

BOOM! because the church bells are broken.

#18715  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/26/2004 10:09:43 AM

BOOM! time for church.

#18716  by Citizen littlewotts - 12/26/2004 10:44:00 AM

Good morning, Guardians and visitors!

I hope everyone (excpet the Yor of course) had a wonderful holiday! Things went well here, aside from the fact it was 0 F outside and clear. I wanted to pull out the telescope but just couldn't handle the cold. Darn it.

#18717  by Citizen Cetane - 12/26/2004 12:51:54 PM


Top of the afternoon to ya.

#18718  by Citizen Cetane - 12/26/2004 2:49:58 PM

BOOM. Next stop 27th

#18719  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/26/2004 3:38:50 PM

BOOM! For my fourth Gold Bar!

#18720  by Citizen Cetane - 12/26/2004 3:42:20 PM

BOOM. For 27th

#18721  by Citizen Cetane - 12/26/2004 4:46:10 PM


#18722  by Citizen Cetane - 12/26/2004 7:19:31 PM

Kinda quite in the Claw today. Allow me to interupt the silence with a BOOM.

#18723  by Citizen Cetane - 12/26/2004 8:22:59 PM

And yet another... BOOM.

Sould be on page 1 in under 5 games. 12-15k for first game each day + 3k for each additional.

#18724  by Citizen Cetane - 12/26/2004 10:15:01 PM


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