Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18750  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/28/2004 4:29:30 PM

For Honor and Justice!

#18751  by Citizen Cetane - 12/28/2004 5:14:50 PM


We should do something fun.
Figure out a way to reprogram Tech

#18752  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/28/2004 6:30:23 PM

Figure out a way to reprogram Tech

#18753  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 12/29/2004 9:51:36 AM

16 hours without a post in the Claw...

Well, GCII should fix that.

#18754  by Citizen PassingBye - 12/29/2004 5:54:14 PM

BOOM! wake up Guardians, its late afternoon, not the middle of the nights.

#18755  by Citizen Cetane - 12/29/2004 10:32:27 PM


Will have to submit them tomorrow.

#18756  by Citizen Cetane - 12/30/2004 11:26:22 AM

BOOM. for 22nd

#18757  by Citizen Cetane - 12/30/2004 1:10:39 PM


#18758  by Citizen Cetane - 12/30/2004 2:57:15 PM


#18759  by Citizen Cetane - 12/30/2004 4:30:49 PM

ditto the ditto

#18760  by Citizen Cetane - 12/30/2004 8:44:11 PM

ditto the ditto I dittoed eariler. Wow 6 consecutive post by the same person in a 24 hr period.

#18761  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/30/2004 10:42:12 PM

Streak broken by a BOOM!

Keep on slaggin' the Yor Guardians!!!

For Honor and Justice!

#18762  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 12/31/2004 1:16:03 AM

Oooo...21 points before you pass me!!

Congrats in advance!

#18763  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/31/2004 1:19:55 AM

Thanks Moser, I hope you'll consider joining us in MVII!

#18764  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/31/2004 3:23:26 AM

BOOM! (To sixth place) Thank you Moser for graciously giving up this spot!

Crew assemble on the starboard beam's portholes and open decks in full dress whites...

Full military honors rendered.

In other news...

Personal log, Admiral Chipperoo:

I've noticed a slight tingling in my Yor-armor plated butt protector the last couple of sectors, I'm not sure if this is due to the proximity of a Yor world, or an infiltration of a Yor appliance in disguise. I have supplied the ships Marines with liquid-Yor and asked them to clean every machine in each compartment. If the scourge of the Yor is detected, I expect it to be eliminated immediately and have instructed the Marines to do just that.

Regardless, as we near the home systems of the Yor, we grow more vigilant to sabotage as we clearly have military superiority in these sectors.

#18765  by Citizen littlewotts - 12/31/2004 7:46:49 AM


#18766  by Citizen Cetane - 12/31/2004 6:00:37 PM

BOOM. Honors for the Major.

#18767  by Citizen Chipperoo - 12/31/2004 8:41:41 PM

BOOM! That was fun!

#18768  by Citizen littlewotts - 1/1/2005 3:28:41 AM

I would be remiss to not post a Happy New Year's greeting!!!

So have a brew on my y'all!!

#18769  by Citizen damoose - 1/1/2005 7:16:46 AM

Happy New Year GG!

#18770  by Citizen Cetane - 1/1/2005 12:34:26 PM


Happy New Year!

#18771  by Citizen Wild Wombat - 1/1/2005 6:28:33 PM


#18772  by Citizen Wild Wombat - 1/1/2005 6:29:23 PM

Grumble...grumble...damn noisy young whippersnappers...

#18773  by Citizen Wild Wombat - 1/1/2005 6:29:44 PM

Getting so an old wombat can't hear himself think...

#18774  by Citizen Wild Wombat - 1/1/2005 6:31:02 PM

Ah well...Happy New Year

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