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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#18800  by Citizen PassingBye - 1/3/2005 6:29:36 PM

Saved for me and the GG

#18801  by Citizen PassingBye - 1/3/2005 6:33:58 PM

In the Meta, the Galactic Guardians are more than 2 time ahead of the Yor loving Foundation and 4 times ahead of the next gagle of empires.

#18802  by Citizen Cetane - 1/3/2005 6:36:38 PM

BOOM. to 19th. Next stop is 1 million.

Seems easiest to me with 4-6 planets. Less makes reseach take an extra 1-2 mos. More and I spend to long building colony ships and get left behind in reasearch. I hate scrambling to keep up.

#18803  by Citizen Evil Druid - 1/3/2005 6:53:35 PM

I always start with 4 planets but If I have any 14 PQ or habital seconday planets in a system I make a couple extra colony ships in my initial colonly faze and wait tell I'm in the black at 100% spending then I take them. They help the the economy boom later game.

#18804  by Veteran the 3rd child - 1/3/2005 7:29:12 PM

i always try to colonize around 23-24 planets before sitting on my butt.

#18805  by Citizen Evil Druid - 1/3/2005 8:00:22 PM

i always try to colonize around 23-24 planets before sitting on my butt.

How long does that take, and how many do the aliens get on average. I play, huge, rare so the aliens don't get many more then I do.

My game is done at 2190 and 30 minutes.

#18806  by Citizen Cetane - 1/3/2005 8:14:37 PM


I don't even think there are 20 total habbitable planets in my games. I play huge rare, over at 2190 in about 45 min

#18807  by Citizen Chipperoo - 1/3/2005 8:48:02 PM

I play Gigantic rare, and it takes about 1 hour. And your right about the "Magic" number of starting worlds. I find between 3 and 6 is great.

#18808  by Citizen PassingBye - 1/3/2005 9:57:05 PM

BOOM! to lucky number 13. Big gap to retired Guardian an beyond.

I try to take all the haibital systems within the 6x6 grid. sometimes it one or two, sometimes its 6 or 7 and sometimes I get lucky. I don't take PQ 14 planets unless I have only two 15 or above, so that I end up with about 4 on average.

#18809  by Citizen Chipperoo - 1/4/2005 1:50:59 AM

BOOM! For verse 2, as ED requestied in the Foundies thread! Hope ya'all like it .

Me too PB, I take what I can get in the grid, and occasionally one or two sectors beyond (when conditions are right).

#18810  by Citizen PassingBye - 1/4/2005 5:45:14 PM

BOOM! Do you have a third verse? The first and second were great.

#18811  by Veteran the 3rd child - 1/4/2005 6:33:39 PM

How long does that take, and how many do the aliens get on average. I play, huge, rare so the aliens don't get many more then I do.

My game is done at 2190 and 30 minutes.

i used to play gigantic abundant maso, without ap, i used to get about 56000 points a game and my fastest i clocked i think was 21 minutes, while on average 30-40 minutes a game.
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#18812  by Citizen Chipperoo - 1/4/2005 8:33:17 PM

Do you have a third verse? The first and second were great.

Nope, but I'll get around to another classic re-make of a song or movie dialouge when the time is right.

#18813  by Citizen Cetane - 1/4/2005 9:59:54 PM

BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. will have to submit tomorrow. Stuck on the ship tonight.

My score went up 15k w/out submitting today. Could someone explain that again?

#18814  by Citizen Cetane - 1/4/2005 10:04:06 PM

BOOM! to lucky number 13. Big gap to retired Guardian an beyond.

Wonder if I can catch you before you catch him???

#18815  by Citizen Evil Druid - 1/4/2005 10:57:41 PM


#18816  by Citizen Chipperoo - 1/5/2005 12:22:52 AM

BOOM! For 1.6 Million! I'll never even see a former 3rd place medal... At the rate you two (PB and FC) are going, one of you will pass me before I can get to third. Oh well, I'm still having fun so I'm still going to play.
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#18817  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 1/5/2005 3:24:08 AM

i used to play gigantic abundant maso, without ap, i used to get about 56000 points a game and my fastest i clocked i think was 21 minutes, while on average 30-40 minutes a game.

Well, you record says near 53K per game. I don't think you can get 56K on gignatic abundant maso with vanilla GalCiv and alliance win since you will need the points given by buiding TG (250 per TG when ending after january 2190). And AI will overhelm you for the TG in a maso abundant settings: the more colonies you have, the faster you can research techs.

I can get a little more then 55K in my latest games, but I was able to build all TGs that were available and I play a gigantic occasionnal map.

[Message Edited]

#18818  by Citizen Cetane - 1/5/2005 1:22:11 PM

Well looky here. Those thres BOOMs from yesterday put me over 1 millllllllllllllllion!

#18819  by Citizen Evil Druid - 1/5/2005 1:56:20 PM


#18820  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 1/5/2005 2:43:09 PM

Those thres BOOMs from yesterday put me over 1 millllllllllllllllion!

#18821  by Citizen Cetane - 1/5/2005 4:39:22 PM


#18822  by Citizen PassingBye - 1/5/2005 5:57:53 PM

BOOM! Is there an echo in here?

#18823  by Citizen PassingBye - 1/5/2005 10:14:33 PM

BOOM! I think I stood still with that one.

#18824  by Citizen Evil Druid - 1/6/2005 12:12:08 AM


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