BOOM. to blow off the cobwebs on my mouse. Next game is 200.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 1/14/2005 7:43:22 PM
BOOM. to blow off the cobwebs on my mouse. Next game is 200.
In anticipation of 200
by Citizen PassingBye - 1/14/2005 7:50:05 PM
BOOM! That %$#@ Weyr stole my last boom and lost enough points to drop out of the top 3 (no former 3rd place medal, though) this boom gets me 1359 points
by Citizen PassingBye - 1/14/2005 7:51:24 PM
BOOM breaks the 2.5 million
WTG, ED. Do I still have set your goals for you? Yor a grown boy, now. Set yor own goals.
by Citizen Evil Druid - 1/14/2005 8:07:03 PM
BOOM! That %$#@ Weyr stole my last boom and lost enough points to drop out of the top 3 (no former 3rd place medal, though) this boom gets me 1359 points
What did Weyr ever do to you PB You keep throwing him anchors and dropping him faster then Bill Clinton's pants in the oval office.
On the other hand, congrats to the Greldon on your new 3rd place medal
by Citizen PassingBye - 1/14/2005 9:09:50 PM
You keep throwing him anchors and dropping him faster then Bill Clinton's pants in the oval office.
by Citizen PassingBye - 1/14/2005 10:08:44 PM
BOOM! for 4602 points
by Citizen Evil Druid - 1/14/2005 11:22:03 PM
by Citizen Chipperoo - 1/15/2005 12:23:06 AM
BOOM! That %$#@ Weyr stole my last boom and lost enough points to drop out of the top 3 (no former 3rd place medal, though) this boom gets me 1359 points
Don't try to gift me the third place medal now...
I plan on pulling a "Smith Barney" and EEEAAARning it!!!
by Citizen PassingBye - 1/15/2005 8:17:13 AM
BOOM! for 4263 - the first time in a long time that I got more than 2K+ for the first game of the day. Must have moved into a new block.
My eariler Boom = 16261 I think I am going to drop back to one game a day now. Gotta lota inspections coming up on the ship. Since I can't submit from the ship and its a 92 mile commute from the ship to my house. At least my 1 game > PB 3 games
by Citizen PassingBye - 1/16/2005 8:41:06 AM