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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#19100  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/1/2005 9:12:13 PM

BOOM! for 3,795 points. I am exploring a reverse surgical procedure that instead of separating the co-joined twins, it reunites them into one person.

#19101  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/1/2005 9:28:15 PM


#19102  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/2/2005 12:09:01 AM


No matter what happens with the PB vs. Weyr thing it will be both a win and a lose for the empire and for Dennis.

#19103  by Citizen Astorax - 2/2/2005 4:19:09 AM

Hey guys, I have a question about Alliances.

I finally got my GalCiv DE and started a Small/Rare/Tight game where all the AI were "Normal". Well, at about 2190 or so I noticed 3 of them were close, 2 were friendly and 1 was neutral ..well and 1 was dead. I tried for the Alliance win all 3 of the Close ones, but nothing I do will get me Close on the Friendly's ...the 1 Neutral guy I got to Friendly but he won't move past that either. I'm giving them massive amounts of stuff (I'm the Tech leader and have the best Economy and Influence ..hell every sector but one is my color!) I just lack any kinda decent military ..I think I have some BattleAxes hovering around some planets and one corvette someone GAVE me, heh.

But anyways, why won't they get to Close?? I tried Bribing them. I tried Bribing with Tech. I tried bribing with BC's and Tech ..then with BC's, Tech and TG's! ..nothing (Thank you for the generous Gift).

#19104  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/2/2005 4:33:12 AM

They only move, at most, up two levels at a time. You can never get a neutral to close in one turn. You move him to friendly then wait 3 turns then bribe again to close.

Go for the yellow diplomacy techs as well, the higher your diplomacy rating is compared to their's the more likely your bribes will move them.

Some times you need to give multipul bribes. 1000 cr for 50 turns or whatever. Just keep repeating the bribes until they move to close or you get the "aw more presents please." Once they say that they won't move for all the tea in China. Wait 3 turns and try again.

Am idea is once they are all friendly or better and you got 3 turns after your last bribe is to save game then go for Alliance. You throw everything at them because if you succeed the games over any way so it does not matter what you give them. If you get the dreaded, Aw more presents please. Just reload and wait another 3 turns and try again.

#19105  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/2/2005 6:18:30 AM

Am idea is once they are all friendly or better and you got 3 turns after your last bribe is to save game then go for Alliance. You throw everything at them because if you succeed the games over any way so it does not matter what you give them. If you get the dreaded, Aw more presents please. Just reload and wait another 3 turns and try again.

ED has the rigth strategy at the end. The importnat thing to remember is to save the game first, since your bribes may include multiyear money gifts that you cannot affort if you don't form the alliance - which will force you to reload either your saved game or the last autosave.

#19106  by Citizen littlewotts - 2/2/2005 6:21:57 AM

I am exploring a reverse surgical procedure that instead of separating the co-joined twins, it reunites them into one person.

Actually, it can be done, but I think your score would REALLY suffer.

#19107  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/2/2005 1:14:13 PM

No risk is to great LW in the rejoining PB in Weyr.

#19108  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/2/2005 9:30:26 PM

BOOM! for 5,190 points. The Goddess has not responsed to my request for reverse surgery.

#19109  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/2/2005 11:36:27 PM

BOOM! Good advice given above Astorax.

HINT: Get any AI to friendly as quickly as you can after you meet them. Then all you have to do is check the diplomatic screen every few turns and if anyone slips to "warm" give 'em a tech or two and move on.

#19110  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/2/2005 11:45:23 PM

BOOM Just shining the precious for you PaBweyr

#19111  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/3/2005 1:08:40 PM

Kinda quiet here today...any lurkers?

#19112  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/3/2005 1:08:44 PM

Embassy down. How do I get to trivia

#19113  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/3/2005 1:09:24 PM

Hey Chip I'm a lurking

#19114  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/3/2005 1:09:28 PM

I guess so!!!

#19115  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/3/2005 1:10:30 PM

I have the link...wait one Link

#19116  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/3/2005 1:11:19 PM

Lookie who's on top right now!!!

#19117  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/3/2005 1:19:17 PM

It's the old Chipperoo Some of those questions are repeats. Not that that help me any. Got them wrong the 1st time and the 2nd. 3/10 No bananas for my blind squrirrel monkey

#19118  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/3/2005 1:21:46 PM

I guess you could call it your squonkey!!
Maybe he likes frozen bananas, you know...the ones with nuts on them.

#19119  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/3/2005 1:23:25 PM

BTW, my last check of statbot showed the Guardians at 3499 battles. Who's gonna get #3500?!?

#19120  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/3/2005 1:24:52 PM

Embassy is up now, but quiet.

#19121  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/3/2005 5:58:36 PM

BOOM! for 6,992 points.

#19122  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/3/2005 11:23:11 PM

BOOM! For a touch under 5K.

#19123  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/4/2005 12:51:28 AM


#19124  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/4/2005 12:25:10 PM

Wow, almost 12 hours of sleep, surley someone beside me is up and working!

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