Be sure and bang that moose head on the wall. it will bring tears to your eyes (or at least the mooses eyes)
Hey I resemble that remark...
Oh and who's the new snack... Ast... something... Ya I got it now... Astorax... Hey Astorax... Welcome and grats on the new tin. Drop by the crypt some time as a sna... er for a snack... PB or LW can show you the way. [Message Edited]
by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/10/2005 8:38:15 PM
Trolling the claw for fresh butt of Guardian. Da Moose have you no shame. Is good old LW butt leaving you with to big a hangover.
by Citizen PassingBye - 2/10/2005 9:03:31 PM
BOOM! and a wack-a wack-a wack-a on the moose head above the fireplace.
by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/10/2005 11:02:59 PM
Whack-a-Whack-aBOOM! for 2K after a 1 day hiatus. WTG Astorax on your new shiny!!!
I just realized that now that Newfy is here, we also have the old R&D lab is back... HMMmmmm, perhaps we could outfit old Sump Pump Suzie with a Zimmer of her own, then she could occupy all of Evil Roy's time by chasing him around. Just a suggestion, though I'm sure that PB/Weyr and the GSD boys are already working on something, maybe you guys could team up with Newfy?!?
The Fuels Chief persona has been retired. However if JT accepts my challange in the thread "Lets breath life into the Metaverse" I may be gamming hardcore again real soon.
Hi guys! I can't believe the Claw is up to page 768!!!!
Just wanted to see if everything was still moving along here. It's good to see a few new faces around! You new guys have probably never even talked to me before. Welcome to the Guardians (I'm probably pretty late on that, huh?)
Just to let everyone know, For Honor and Justice means something. That's why the Guardians have continued to exist and dominate the Metaverse. Never lose sight of the ultimate vision of the Guardians.
Actually all my computer time is now being taken up writing maintenance packages for the ship. I am working on one now on my other computer. Our Quality Asurance program is great but it is very time consuming typing up all things that need to be done. Since we are a new ship no one has done them before. My only interest in challanging JT was the fact that he thought we had grown feathers and started laying eggs.
Since I misspoke in an eariler thread...
Ship = above water
Boat = below water
I will join your empire with this player if JT accepts my challange. Since it is believed that the Guardians have grown feathers and started laying eggs I have created another player. Most games in 30 days wins. If JT wins I will leave this player in Star Fleet and you can have all of the points. If I win this player will quit Star Fleet and become and Guardian thus increasing the Guardian Empire. Should not be to difficult to figure out who I really am. The question is will the challange be accepted? Or will Star Fleet gain the feathers and loose the respect.
Head to Head. If you want to do different things in the Meta heres your chance.
The Magician is awaiting response...
by Citizen PassingBye - 2/12/2005 10:16:38 AM
Hey, MBC, Starfleet is all talk. That is what powers their ship. It is an ancient form of propulsion. But, if it is harnessed properly, it can do wonders. It is fuled by an powerful engergy converter that runs on renewable biomass. The energy converter has two outlets, one on either side of the converter. One of the hot air outlets makes more noise than the other, but then the otherone emits noxious gas along with the hot air.