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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#1900  by Citizen Naqmir - 2/25/2004 11:10:31 PM

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#1901  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/25/2004 11:10:39 PM

We get 1900 and 1901.
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#1902  by Citizen Naqmir - 2/25/2004 11:10:43 PM

And 1902
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#1903  by Veteran Gerakken - 2/25/2004 11:10:47 PM

Theft attempt!

Arrr! The loot sailed away, mateys!
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#1904  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/25/2004 11:11:04 PM

#1905  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/25/2004 11:12:41 PM my last game I joined a Altarian/Torian/Yor alliance. This way I was able to lure the Yor into a sense of false security before I utterly crushed them .

#1906  by Citizen Greldon - 2/25/2004 11:12:51 PM

The Spymaster is in the house!

What's up Gerakken?

#1907  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/25/2004 11:13:53 PM

Hail, Spymaster!!

#1908  by Citizen Naqmir - 2/25/2004 11:14:26 PM

I like doing that too littlewotts. Make an alliance...fill the stars with terror stars...and BOOM, no more Yor collective.

#1909  by Citizen Naqmir - 2/25/2004 11:18:13 PM

Well goodnight all. Got school tomarrow.

#1910  by Veteran Gerakken - 2/25/2004 11:19:50 PM

What's up Gerakken?

Just doing my main job in the Meta: spying on all of you. But soon I will once again hop into my modified corvette the SS Phantom and find alien worlds to conquer. Don't worry, though, the Phantom is a stealth ship. She can't tear a fleet apart and is no match for maso overlords and their giant ships. Most of the armaments have been stripped to make room for jammers, cloaks, and decoys. There is but a small laser cannon mostly for clearing space junk and two micro-missile tubes with variable purpose warheads mostly to distract and confuse enemies. She could knock out a small turret, take out a radar, or some other critical shot to cripple a ship, but she ain't no match in a stand up fight.

#1911  by Citizen Greldon - 2/25/2004 11:20:33 PM

Well goodnight all. Got school tomarrow.

Goodnight work tomorrow....time to hit the sack.

#1912  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/25/2004 11:21:05 PM

Goodnight Naqmir.

#1913  by Citizen Greldon - 2/25/2004 11:22:55 PM

She could knock out a small turret, take out a radar, or some other critical shot to cripple a ship, but she ain't no match in a stand up fight.

You won't find a fight about a drink and a pipe?

#1914  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/25/2004 11:43:10 PM

I believe it is time for me to return to my Yor killing. And try to get this damn song outta my head...
'Safety Dance' by Men Without Hats. Grrrrr....

#1915  by Veteran Gerakken - 2/26/2004 12:00:20 AM

how about a drink and a pipe?

Glad to. Thanks. Good weed you got here. This must be the fabled Crazy Hobbit mix. It just mellows most other races out a bit, but causes hobbits to start acting really strange and unpredictable. Worse yet, the effects are not always the same even on the same hobbit taking the exact same dose as before. Sometimes they act drunk, other times all giggly, fall asleep, or even go manic and stay wired for days on end. Wicked stuff!

And try to get this damn song outta my head...'Safety Dance' by Men Without Hats.

Such is a terrible curse. I feel your pain. Once my sister had to practice for a dance routine based on this song right after it first hit the airwaves way back when. This song would blare through the house for at least an hour a night for two weeks straight.

#1916  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 2/26/2004 12:03:10 AM

And try to get this damn song outta my head

I know it's hard to believe, but there are worse songs that could be stuck in your head.

Just sit right back and hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. That started on this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship...

#1917  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/26/2004 12:36:32 AM Gilligan's Island....

#1918  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/26/2004 2:45:47 AM

So what do you do while you wait after you press 'Turn' on a Gigantic map? On my slow-a$$ machine it takes some time...

#1919  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 2/26/2004 2:59:58 AM

A little CTD told me it's time for bed.

#1920  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 2/26/2004 8:27:01 AM

Good morning everyone! I'm only going to be around for a little while today but thought I'd drop in and say congrats to littlewotts for your new 20 game medal!

Great job, everybody! It appears our activity has brought the Undead to life...those pesky Canadians are quite active now and are keeping just ahead of us.

7 Canadian Star Federation Paguma 116 1141 2411909
8 The Galactic Guardians Theoden of Rohan 12 360 2009505

Oh, and Congrats to the Galactic Guardians for surpassing the 2 million point mark!!!

#1921  by Veteran Disciple777 - 2/26/2004 8:29:23 AM

Check the battle between the 3 most peaceful empires in the Metaverse

11 Aldarian Empire Aldar 10 249 1283309
12 The Diplomats Spellforce 15 452 1210687
13 The Centurions Primipilus Alexus 2 208 1205491

#1922  by Citizen Nastavnik - 2/26/2004 8:41:02 AM

I see the day-team has arrived!

Good morning every one (it is mid afternoon here already!)

I'm only going to be around for a little while today

so no "historical post number dates" today . It was getting very interesting. And there aren't that many years left (considering the speed at which this thread grows, soon this will reach the star trek time line )

Awfull morning here (at work). And it doesn't look like it is getting better any time soon: lots of work today, tomorrow, saturday and even sunday
I don't think I'll be playing at all. Except if there is some sneak attack from the Yor, Korx, Arcean or Altarians. In which case, well, first things first. What's the point of finishing a report if I have to live under Yor rule afterwards ???
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#1923  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 2/26/2004 9:00:31 AM

Hi Nastavnik! Hmmm...I'll try to get in a history lesson for everyone today! The 1900's were quite interesting!

#1924  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 2/26/2004 9:01:36 AM

Hi, Mayito...I'm probably not going to get a Review out today due to RL work. I hope that I can catch up a little tomorrow.

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