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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#19250  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/15/2005 4:22:40 AM

But they are

#19251  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 2/15/2005 9:55:18 AM

Since a massive empire wide recalc has appeared, it look like some retired players may want to start submitting: they won't take big losses on submission

#19252  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 2/15/2005 10:06:00 AM

Since a massive empire wide recalc has appeared, it look like some retired players may want to start submitting: they won't take big losses on submission

How do you know they won't take losses? Guess or other information?

#19253  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 2/15/2005 10:13:39 AM

How do you know they won't take losses? Guess or other information?

Educated guess about metaverse behavior. I am not too bad at this thing
More, I have precised "big losses"

[Message Edited]

#19254  by Citizen Cetane - 2/15/2005 1:19:18 PM

BOOM from Pier 10 Norfolk, VA.

#19255  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/15/2005 6:03:02 PM

BOOM! to keep from sliding down the ladder.

#19256  by Citizen Cetane - 2/15/2005 6:48:59 PM


#19257  by Citizen Cetane - 2/15/2005 7:04:40 PM


#19258  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/15/2005 7:22:07 PM


#19259  by Citizen Cetane - 2/15/2005 7:52:15 PM

BOOM. Got a fellow Chief to let me play on the "BIG" computer in the Combat Information Center aboard ship. Can't submit but man is it fassssssssssst

#19260  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/15/2005 7:56:20 PM

Got a fellow Chief to let me play on the "BIG" computer in the Combat Information Center aboard ship. Can't submit but man is it fassssssssssst

Well at least the US military will be ready now if the Yor attack They'l be able to find Chief's battle plan's on the computer.

#19261  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/15/2005 7:56:54 PM

Oh, and boom

#19262  by Citizen Chipperoo - 2/16/2005 12:09:24 AM

BOOM!, back to you!

#19263  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/16/2005 6:29:55 AM

I see the Guardians had a Booming good time this past evening. No other Empire can show this kind of comraderie.

#19264  by Citizen littlewotts - 2/16/2005 6:41:38 AM

Even if there are some of who no longer BOOM regularly.

#19265  by Citizen damoose - 2/16/2005 7:05:40 AM

No other Empire can show this kind of comraderie

I don't know about that PB... I mean I find the snacking thing pretty friendly after all.


Just as an aside I BOOMed the other day... Just to prove that even the UnDead understand that the survival of the human race is in their best intrest.

[Message Edited]

#19266  by Citizen Greldon - 2/16/2005 7:42:45 AM

Good morning Guardians! Major recalc... I'll be back in a couple weeks to see if I can get to two million again....for the fifth time... I only plan on playing a game or two a week so we'll see how it goes.

For Honor and Justice!!

#19267  by Citizen damoose - 2/16/2005 7:43:59 AM

Hey Greldon... Good to see ya drop in. Hurry back!

#19268  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 2/16/2005 9:54:13 AM

I'll be back in a couple weeks to see if I can get to two million again....for the fifth time... I only plan on playing a game or two a week so we'll see how it goes.

Well, if starting submitting today a game every 3 day, you will reach 1 900 K MPts on 10/20/05.
You will reach 2 Millions points on the 12/20/05.

BTW this thread has some interesting facts about submission rate to get a specific amount. Link

In your case, if all your games are in the last block, you get 715K. So you can use the data given in the mentionned thread and consider that you start with 715K instead of 0.

#19269  by Citizen Magician of Black Chaos - 2/16/2005 2:58:11 PM

5 BOOMS submitted and I got none?

#19270  by Citizen Cetane - 2/16/2005 3:00:22 PM

Because I took them all... MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
10th place!!!

#19271  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/16/2005 5:16:47 PM

BOOM!I think FC is experience what I went through before I realized I need to check who was playing before submitting!

#19272  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/16/2005 5:18:35 PM

Just as an aside I BOOMed the other day... Just to prove that even the UnDead understand that the survival of the human race is in their best intrest.

Yes, damoose, we understand your point of view, or was that "teeth"?

#19273  by Citizen PassingBye - 2/16/2005 5:19:49 PM

I only plan on playing a game or two a week so we'll see how it goes.

Suggest you play a game a day, like some of us are, just to keep the score going up at a steady clip. By October you probably won't be playing GC1, but GC2

#19274  by Citizen Evil Druid - 2/16/2005 5:21:34 PM

Good morning Guardians! Major recalc... I'll be back in a couple weeks to see if I can get to two million again....for the fifth time... I only plan on playing a game or two a week so we'll see how it goes.

Very good news

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